as they did on Comicus, we examine why this episode in the world list of things wrong, is wrong in so many aspects that will surely exceed the top ten of the other things wrong to become the wrong thing most wrong of all things wrong . A future memory.
1 - first and most important point. Some people assume that talk of the unemployed at the Sanremo Festival may have some use of some type. False. To the people who was present at Sanremo, and what followed from home, workers did not give a shit. Not in theory, not because I say so, but right in practice. Because these programs are specifically designed to have a certain type of audience and generate some kind of expectations. is completely wrong - if you want to tackle it with a minimum of seriousness - the type of program, time, opportunity, everything. Any program with a semblance of relevance (even door to door) is more suitable. The attention that the people subject to these topics in this type of opportunity is the same that is given a minute's silence for the victims of an earthquake during the matches: one thing that is made out of pure sense of familiarity, because everyone else is, and live as a momentary small sacrifice. Today, people who witnessed the incident can not remember totally unemployed. Please note that Bersani has made a bad impression and that Scajola made a good impression for a few important general theme.
2 - If you play games away from home that you can control or in situations where you can work around the unexpected with a bit 'of confidence. NEVER, repeat NEVER, take the word as a spectator in the audience. Puts you in a situation of complete inferiority, especially if you play in hostile environments and do not have the ease of being able to concentrate the attention on you. Scajola also spoke from the midst of the public, ma A-Aveva accanto a sè alcuni segretari e sgherri che hanno tenuto a bada i (pochi) fischi mentre lui poteva continuare a parlare, e che in più danno un senso di autorità. Bersani stava con sua figlia. B-Giocava in un ambiente in cui è conosciuto e ben accetto, da cui gli applausi (anche Gentilini si sente a suo agio ad un raduno di alpini). Risultato: Bersani è apparso impacciato ed anonimo, tipo Castellitto in "Caterina va in città", Scajola autorevole.
3- Qualcuno dice che Scajola avrebbe fatto figura più bella se Bersani non fosse andato. Falsissimo. Se Bersani non fosse andato, Scajola avrebbe fatto bella figura, ma nessuno avrebbe potuto riprendere la brutta figura di Bersani. Salvo incidenti clamorosi, would be just another beautiful picture of a minister in Berlusconi's many (and therefore anonymous). So it was not the beautiful picture in an absolute sense of Scajola, but the beautiful figure of the fool REPORT Scajola in the Bersani. Message: "Scajola is better than Bersani," not "Scajola is good." Bersani was the fact that this makes all the difference in the world. It is no coincidence that most experienced politicians or communicators are constantly on alert to intervene where he (Berlusconi is not a case comes into play, and when Prodi spoke directly phoned Crozza, not Emilio Fede).
4 - Bersani is a terrible communicator. Disaster. One thing I have said at the time of the primaries. We eat nails, chew, it's all hunchback, embarrassed, muttering. Watching him is a pain in the media. If you are not able to keep composure, get an image consultant (and think twice before you apply as a face of a party at a time when image is everything).
5 - In the time at which you're already giving you accept the idea that this type of program to be authoritative, impart dignity. Vespa has become important not just to the salons, but because at her salon was attended by many ladies of the left and right, in fact stable in terms of image as a living authority. The moment Bersani participating in a living room as the Sanremo (or D'Alema speaks of rice on TV, or go to Fassino You've Got Mail), accepts the rules of the game, so he accepts the whistles, Costanzo agree that giving a priority to talk about making Scajola per second (nine times out of ten people who reply gives' stronger and lasting impression), and so on. In these cases the argument that goes into the background: Brunetta Elkann may be talking about jobs like pasta and beans, and so on. In this case, Costanzo has used the presence of the workers in the same way it was presented three lepers or three Mongoloid: so sensationalistic and superficial at the same time. If you pay to be present and accept the rules of the game with your support Give your authority to the situation. In short, instead to focus on Bersani has helped to devalue.
6 - Do not put an appearance on television that plan to collect signatures for an important cause. Bersani is a secretary, he must notify the dignity and safety, do not give the impression of going to pick up the votes. A Sanremo instead gave the impression of someone who wanted to speak to ask for some 'consensus and sympathies (which maybe was true, but you must not let it shine).
7 - All the above considerations apply in normal circumstances, that is absolutely normal conditions in any area of \u200b\u200bmedia. If even then there is the impression of a trap, that we heck are you going to commit suicide? On this has on the ragionissima Telese Done today.
8 - Del sad Dopofestival youdem not speak, useless rage.
PS What the hell has happened to the voice of Constance? As time passes more resembles a Gremlin. With the old retired increasingly neck in the chest, perhaps no longer has a trachea worthy of the name.
1 - first and most important point. Some people assume that talk of the unemployed at the Sanremo Festival may have some use of some type. False. To the people who was present at Sanremo, and what followed from home, workers did not give a shit. Not in theory, not because I say so, but right in practice. Because these programs are specifically designed to have a certain type of audience and generate some kind of expectations. is completely wrong - if you want to tackle it with a minimum of seriousness - the type of program, time, opportunity, everything. Any program with a semblance of relevance (even door to door) is more suitable. The attention that the people subject to these topics in this type of opportunity is the same that is given a minute's silence for the victims of an earthquake during the matches: one thing that is made out of pure sense of familiarity, because everyone else is, and live as a momentary small sacrifice. Today, people who witnessed the incident can not remember totally unemployed. Please note that Bersani has made a bad impression and that Scajola made a good impression for a few important general theme.
2 - If you play games away from home that you can control or in situations where you can work around the unexpected with a bit 'of confidence. NEVER, repeat NEVER, take the word as a spectator in the audience. Puts you in a situation of complete inferiority, especially if you play in hostile environments and do not have the ease of being able to concentrate the attention on you. Scajola also spoke from the midst of the public, ma A-Aveva accanto a sè alcuni segretari e sgherri che hanno tenuto a bada i (pochi) fischi mentre lui poteva continuare a parlare, e che in più danno un senso di autorità. Bersani stava con sua figlia. B-Giocava in un ambiente in cui è conosciuto e ben accetto, da cui gli applausi (anche Gentilini si sente a suo agio ad un raduno di alpini). Risultato: Bersani è apparso impacciato ed anonimo, tipo Castellitto in "Caterina va in città", Scajola autorevole.
3- Qualcuno dice che Scajola avrebbe fatto figura più bella se Bersani non fosse andato. Falsissimo. Se Bersani non fosse andato, Scajola avrebbe fatto bella figura, ma nessuno avrebbe potuto riprendere la brutta figura di Bersani. Salvo incidenti clamorosi, would be just another beautiful picture of a minister in Berlusconi's many (and therefore anonymous). So it was not the beautiful picture in an absolute sense of Scajola, but the beautiful figure of the fool REPORT Scajola in the Bersani. Message: "Scajola is better than Bersani," not "Scajola is good." Bersani was the fact that this makes all the difference in the world. It is no coincidence that most experienced politicians or communicators are constantly on alert to intervene where he (Berlusconi is not a case comes into play, and when Prodi spoke directly phoned Crozza, not Emilio Fede).
4 - Bersani is a terrible communicator. Disaster. One thing I have said at the time of the primaries. We eat nails, chew, it's all hunchback, embarrassed, muttering. Watching him is a pain in the media. If you are not able to keep composure, get an image consultant (and think twice before you apply as a face of a party at a time when image is everything).
5 - In the time at which you're already giving you accept the idea that this type of program to be authoritative, impart dignity. Vespa has become important not just to the salons, but because at her salon was attended by many ladies of the left and right, in fact stable in terms of image as a living authority. The moment Bersani participating in a living room as the Sanremo (or D'Alema speaks of rice on TV, or go to Fassino You've Got Mail), accepts the rules of the game, so he accepts the whistles, Costanzo agree that giving a priority to talk about making Scajola per second (nine times out of ten people who reply gives' stronger and lasting impression), and so on. In these cases the argument that goes into the background: Brunetta Elkann may be talking about jobs like pasta and beans, and so on. In this case, Costanzo has used the presence of the workers in the same way it was presented three lepers or three Mongoloid: so sensationalistic and superficial at the same time. If you pay to be present and accept the rules of the game with your support Give your authority to the situation. In short, instead to focus on Bersani has helped to devalue.
6 - Do not put an appearance on television that plan to collect signatures for an important cause. Bersani is a secretary, he must notify the dignity and safety, do not give the impression of going to pick up the votes. A Sanremo instead gave the impression of someone who wanted to speak to ask for some 'consensus and sympathies (which maybe was true, but you must not let it shine).
7 - All the above considerations apply in normal circumstances, that is absolutely normal conditions in any area of \u200b\u200bmedia. If even then there is the impression of a trap, that we heck are you going to commit suicide? On this has on the ragionissima Telese Done today.
8 - Del sad Dopofestival youdem not speak, useless rage.
PS What the hell has happened to the voice of Constance? As time passes more resembles a Gremlin. With the old retired increasingly neck in the chest, perhaps no longer has a trachea worthy of the name.