Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

554 Sorry, Message Looks Like Spam Or Phish

Zeru ministers

Che il governo Berlusconi fosse perennemente assente si sapeva, ma ieri il termine poteva tranquillamente essere preso alla lettera. Ma andiamo con ordine. Tutto inizia durante l’intervento di Giorgio La Malfa, che si rivolge a Fini: “Mi scusi presidente se mi interrompo: manca il governo. Io non posso proseguire senza il governo e non posso non osservare davanti agli italiani che questo è il governo dell’Italia, che chiede l’approvazione di un provvedimento e si assenta dal Parlamento”. Fini scruta i posti al dì sotto di lui e annuisce, mentre la telecamera di Rai Parlamento mostra lo spettacolo desolante dei posti di premier, ministri e sottosegretari, tutti rigorosamente vuoti. Non essendo possibile, ai sensi di regolamento, l’assenza al completo del governo, to go sit Renato Brunetta (up to one second before "absentee") and an undersecretary of health. But, although the two are not very taken by the debate (Brunetta, as usual, is framed in his scarf wrapped devoted to the use of mobile phones), patience is short and, just before the Di Pietro (coincidence?) places the government appear empty again. Fini suspend the sitting, while Di Pietro trembling arms out to speak during a quick exchange of words with tobacco. The meeting resumed with the arrival of Laura pidiellina Ravetto (aka Miss Blackberry), but, like unruly children in school, does not seem very willing to sit down and is called Fini: "Mr Ravetto, please refrain from phone calls and sitting down. Mr Ravetto, you represent the government. The session can not start if the government representative is not seated. And please report to the Minister for Relations with Parliament, which is unprecedented what's happening today. " The Ravetto, with doing very uncaring, chuckling, while Di Pietro began his speech: "I understand that when one speaks of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bthe government did not want to hear, but at least one, to pretend that we listen, we must feel. " One yes, but not the Ravetto, which explodes and goes, becoming replaced by a colleague Under Secretary. Although the accaduto ieri sia guinness dei primati, la maggioranza e il governo in fatto di presenze certo non brillano: molti parlamentari, ministri, sottosegretari (per non parlare del premier, un certo B.) hanno la cattiva abitudine di arrivare pochi minuti prima della votazione dei provvedimenti all’ordine del giorno, risparmiandosi la fatica di seguire un’oretta di dibattito. Ma per quale ragione chi viene pagato profumatamente per il proprio compito, può permettersi di arrivare quando diamine ne ha voglia, mentre se un operaio o un impiegato timbra in ritardo il cartellino rischia delle decurtazioni di stipendio o, peggio, il licenziamento? Perché non applicare lo stesso sistema anche al Parlamento? Chi, senza alcuna ragione valida, arriva later than the beginning of work, suffered a cut of payroll in relation to the delay. It 'really so utopian?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Materiały Do Kart Qsl

Contrary to what many think, Thailand remains conservative in terms of sex. Among many contradictions and hypocrisies
One of the most erroneous stereotypes about Thailand is that it is a kind of brothel in heaven or to garden Additional in which to practice free love. If you goes beyond the red-light districts, it turns out in reality a country very soon conse rvatore in terms of sex and full of contradictions and hypocrisies that a recent wave moralizing applied to the cinema - with a movie trailer innocent censored and even banned - has brought to the surface.

course: the Walking Street in Pattaya, Patpong and Nana in Bangkok, Patong in Phuket are dens of iniquity, where throngs of foreigners pay to have sex with girls (and boys) often from the countryside. Less visible but more widespread is prostitution in Thailand for the benefit of mankind - the "karaoke bar," the " en tertainment complex" and the massage rooms where everyone knows what's on offer.

The first contradiction is that prostitution is prohibited by law, which prohibits even the sex shops, in fact, many of the most popular structures are controlled by the army and police top brass, who also derive huge profits through kickbacks. (The current Minister of Commerce - among others - is the daughter of the owner of the largest "entertainment complex" of Bangkok). The other is that, although entire villages live in substance with the money that they send home to their daughters' work in the city, the prostitutes are viewed badly by the rest of society, particularly from middle and upper classes in Bangkok ( then maybe you leave their arms in the evening).

With the world of the forbidden hypocritically confined in his compound, the Thai company remains conservative in relationships. Kissing in public is taboo, and also see couples walking hand in hand is rare. Virginity before marriage is - at least in theory - a respected value, even if it is common practice among young people also have different stories to a contemporary relationship. Recently, a statistical put Thailand in second place worldwide for single mothers between 15 and 19 years, including the total absence of sex education and parental reluctance to touch the topic.

Le autorità thailandesi sembrano però vivere in un loro mondo a parte, in cui i giovani vanno protetti dalle malvagie influenze della libidine e qualsiasi manifestazione di affetto va censurata. Nelle ultime settimane, dal trailer nei cinema del film “Love Julinsee”, una delle tante commediole adolescenziali che tanto vanno di moda qui, è stata tagliata le dolci scene in cui i giovani lui e lei – nell'obbligatoria divisa scolastica – si avvicinano per baciarsi; le immagini del bacio vero e proprio erano già state omesse dal regista per evitare polemiche, ma per i censori non è bastato.

Figuratevi la sorte toccata allora a “ Insects in the backyard (Insects in the backyard), an independent film which contained explicit scenes of sex between men, child prostitutes and meditate to kill the father transsexual. The director - who wanted to highlight the hypocrisies of homosexuality in Thailand and to reflect their prejudices - pointed to limited output, with a ban for children under 20 years, the National Film Board has instead put on the Index, by banning the dissemination in Thailand tout court, as "contrary to morality".

In television, the contradictions are even more absurd. In the Thai soap opera there may be bloody images violence, but a love scene between two characters is only hinted: music and soft lighting, languid eyes, he and she might rest on the bed and then ... stop. Two seconds later you might have already covered. Do not be troubled public decency, it is understood, the problem is that it arrives on time then the scene where the man beats the woman on the bed against his will, subduing it to suit its desires. Usually ends up, to repair the rape, the woman becomes the partner of the rapist or is forced to make us business. Amazing Thailand.

Link: =

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Discoloration Lips Dog

The people of delirium

There is now no longer need to print so-called Bolshevik red or ghostly robes: the most damage to Berlusconi do the same members of the PDL, with statements and behavior at the edge of the surreal. On Feb. 9, hosted by Lilly Gruber Otto e Mezzo, Fabrizio Cicchitto , enrollment P2 card No. 2232, wondering about Ruby (& friends) gate, said: "I do not think this is a case of prostitution but varied friendships. "
 Un abbozzo di supercazzola veramente curioso, un neologismo davvero raffinato per qualificare chi fa “il mestiere più antico del mondo”. Da questo momento cambia tutto, signori: non vi è nessuna prostituta, nessuna escort, solo amiche variegate. Come il gelato insomma. Nello stesso studio, il giorno dopo, Michaela Biancofiore , fedelissima berlusconiana, tenta di difendere Berlusconi dal paragone con il deputato repubblicano americano Chris Lee, costretto alle dimissioni per aver inviato sul web ad una ragazza una sua foto a torso nudo, pur essendo sposato e con figli. “Lì c’è una legislazione totalmente diversa – dice la Biancofiore – c’è stato l’impeachment di un presidente, stiamo parlando di altre cose. L’Italia non è né moralista, né bacchettona; stiamo parlando di un uomo single, maturo e maggiorenne”. A parte che il problema sta proprio nel fatto che sono le sue ospiti a non essere sempre maggiorenni, vi ricordate cosa disse Berlusconi nel videomessaggio del 16 Gennaio? “Da quando mi sono separato, ma non avrei mai voluto dirlo per non esporla mediaticamente, ho avuto uno stabile rapporto di affetto con una persona che ovviamente era assai spesso con me anche in quelle serate e certo non avrebbe consentito che accadessero a cena o nei dopo cena quegli assurdi fatti che certi giornali hanno ipotizzato”. Cos’è quindi quel "Letters" used by Biancifiore? An oversight or a Freudian slip? But the show most unworthy of all the offered Ignazio La Russa at the Teatro dal Verme, who has seen fit to respond to requests for Corrado Formigli Annozero journalist, rather than with words, with the kicks. Not satisfied, he then turned around and said the truth, as children do in grade school who accuse the companions to avoid the punishment, which he had kicking Formigli was then made to identify the police. In short, when faced with legitimate questions, the waiter Ignatius responds with the beatings. Moreover, as Miguel de Unamuno said, what Fascism hates above all else, is intelligence. "

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Are Gallbladder Polyps

Love is taboo in Thailand Thailand and Cambodia are on the brink of war for a Hindu place of worship 900 years old. The ancient temple of Preah Vihear

not shoot more than a few days or , but do not delude ourselves that it's over here. Between Thailand and Cambodia, said yesterday the Prime Minister Hun Sen cambodian, "now it's war." All because of a Hindu temple over 900 years old and fought for decades. Almost three years of military skirmishes have caused at least 20 dead - but the suspicion is widespread that even five times. Those last weekend (3 and 5 Thai Cambodian deaths) are, however, were the most violent clashes, and space for diplomacy seems to be reduced even more.

Sono tornato a Bangkok ieri sera, dopo alcuni giorni dalla parte thailandese della frontiera. Sono ripartito con un senso di assurdità per questa situazione, e di amarezza nel constatare come i rispettivi nazionalismi e i giochi a fini di politica interna alla fine causino sofferenza – in totale si contano oltre 20 mila evacuati, che ora stanno rientrando nelle loro case - a contadini innocenti da entrambi i lati del confine, che hanno vissuto intorno a quelle terre contese da decenni.

Il Preah Vihear (Khao Phra Wiharn per i thailandesi) è stato assegnato alla Cambogia dall'Onu nel 1962. E allora perché è conteso ancora oggi, direte voi? Innanzitutto per il pasticcio di non aver mai attribuito con certainty surrounding area 4.6 km square, with an entrance much easier than that from the Thai Cambodian. And why can appeal to the nationalists in Thailand joke that combined the French in the early twentieth century, tracing the border between the kingdom of Siam and French Indochina: the line coincided with the watershed on the hills, except for widening to encompass the Preah Vihear from the French side. The problem for the Thais is that they did not say anything for over forty years.

Since 2008, when UNESCO declared the temple a World Heritage Site, Thai nationalists are obsessed on this issue. They talk about "loss of territory National, pull out maps of one hundred years ago. Now, after the latest fighting, openly inciting to invade Cambodia, take the temples of Angkor Wat Phnom Penh and then forced to surrender in exchange for the Preah Vihear. E 'political fiction, and the nationalists in the square for two weeks before the government headquarters in Bangkok are never more than two thousand. But make no noise, and given that many see in their protests of 2008, the "dirty work" that contributed to the fall of two governments disliked the military establishment-monarchy should not be underestimated. Even if now the government is theoretically Abhisit Vejjajiva closer to their positions, attack him mercilessly on charges of being weak question.

analysis of "why now?" Would require another piece on the Thai domestic politics. Behind this attitude there is still a sense of superiority and nationalism, rooted in decades, the result of a propaganda based on a reinterpretation of history in favor of the establishment, and by Cambodia, the resentment of being treated like poor peasants, and private glory of the Khmer Empire.

Thais - especially the elite Sino-Thai in Bangkok - they feel better than the Cambodians, who have darker skin, strange animist beliefs mixed with their Buddhism, and are far behind economically: "They must have ran out of bullets, "he said laughing a driver to the Thai border commenting on the calm after the riots, referring to the Cambodian soldiers. Above all, see Cambodia as a former province the kingdom of Siam (which ended around on Laos and Cambodia of today) and even before the legendary "Suvarnabhumi" ("golden land") - a kind of Tropical Eden never existed in terms of how they describe it here. Thus, a typical architecture of ancient Hindu Khmer Empire - when the Thais for how we understand them today were not yet fallen on the region from China - becomes "Thai heritage" in the eyes of the nationalists. E anche se non vanno in piazza, in molti condividono questa mentalità.

Questa arrogante ignoranza infastidisce i cambogiani e i laotiani; e sul tempio, è come se i thailandesi raccontassero a se stessi un'altra verità, senza badare alle decisioni degli organi internazionali. Mentre Phnom Penh protesta all'Onu, il governo di Bangkok sostiene che la crisi si può risolvere bilateralmente: l'atteggiamento – in questa e in altre situazioni dove la posizione ufficiale è ampiamente attaccabile - è sempre della serie “non avete le corrette informazioni, noi thailandesi sì”. Oggi la Thailandia si è anche opposta a una visita al tempio da parte dell'Unesco: “Complicherebbe the situation, "they said - and it may be true, but for them.

So, hope that the two sides get down to the negotiating table at the moment is very low. The Preah Vihear there are two truths, two boundaries drawn on maps in different ways available to the two contenders. Even if the crisis falls and the weapons are silent, the issue will simply be brushed aside, not resolved. An attitude - that of putting the dust under the mattress, instead of cleaning - common in these parts, the problem is that so, the dust accumulates. Sooner or later it comes out, and it is even worse.

Link: =

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Did Myammee Got Breast Implants

the center of contention between Cambodia & Thailand.

Il Primo Ministro Hun Sen

Da venerdì scorso, truppe cambogiane e thailandesi si stanno affrontando lungo la frontiera tra i due paesi, e nonostante il “cessate il fuoco” delle ultime ore la situazione non migliora. Finora ufficialmente si parla di cinque morti, anche se le fonti stampa parlano di un numero molto maggiore su entrambi i fronti. Molti, inoltre, gli sfollati, costretti a lasciare in fretta e furia la propria terra.

La frontiera tra i due stati in alcuni punti non è mai stata delineata precisamente, a causa delle differenti interpretazioni delle mappe francesi of the colonial era. Subject of a dispute the area (about 4.6 km ²) where there is the 'ancient temple Preah Vihear . This dates from the eleventh century, the empire Jemer, and in 2008 was declared "World Heritage" by UNESCO.

Despite the ruling of the International Court of Justice , based in The Hague, dates back to 1962 and state and territory once part of the territory cambodian, now Thailand refuses to acknowledge this situation.

cambodian prime minister, Hun Sen , in a televised statement addressed the Security Council United Nations, to take the necessary measures to put an end to the aggression in Thailand. Obviously of a different mold statements homolog in Bangkok, which charges the responsibility entirely to the Cambodian troops and the belief that purely bilateral, judges do not require the interference of the UN.

of the day today is the announcement of the Marty Natalegawa, Indonesia's foreign minister and currently president of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which will be the first visit to Phnom Penh Bangkon and then, with the intention of seeking a diplomatic solution tra i due paesi.

In Thailandia , intanto, la situazione interna si sta facendo sempre più delicata, viste le richieste e le continue manifestazioni delle nazionaliste “camicie gialle”, che vogliono il recupero del sito da parte del proprio paese, esercitando pressioni sul primo ministro Abhisit Vejjajiva , il quale si trova tra l’incudine ed il martello, politicamente parlando, viste le future elezioni.


Monday, February 7, 2011

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Grinall Scorpiongebraucht

The "yellow shirts" have vowed to intensify protests ... Yellow

THAILANDIA - Le ‘camicie yellow 'Thai have vowed to intensify protests if the government does not react Bangkok sentenced to eight years' imprisonment imposed by a Cambodian court to two leaders of the movement arrested in a disputed border zone between the two countries. "The government has three days to respond to our requests, including the return of two convicts," said the spokesman of the movement, Parnthep Pourpongpan. one week, hundreds of yellow shirts are camped around the government buildings, accused of being too soft in its territorial dispute with Phnom Penh , and prepare a big demonstration for Saturday. Last week, the movement had led to over 30 thousand street, with a promise to show to the bitter end if their demands were not met by the prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva once their ally.

Tuesday nationalist activist, Veera Somkwamkid and his secretary, Ratree Pipattanapaib were convicted of illegal entry into Cambodia . Together with five other companions, including a parliamentarian, were arrested in December during an inspection near the site on which stands the temple of Preah Vihear . Dating from the eleventh century AD, temple, dedicated to the god Shiva , is considered one of the masterpieces of Khmer. In 1962, a ruling by the International Court of Justice gave the place of worship to Cambodia. A choice never fully accepted by Bangkok that given the time one of the treasures of their cultural tradition and agitated the subject of sovereignty on the area to fuel nationalist sentiment. By decision of UNESCO in July 2008 to declare Preah Vihear World Heritage Site, the dispute between the two countries deepened, and came close several times in the last armed confrontation three years

Conservatives and loyal to the monarchy yellow, meeting the people in the Alliance for Democracy (PAD), were the leaders of the demonstrations that created the conditions for the coup against former premier Thaksin Shinawatra, ousted in 2006 and now in exile to escape a corruption trial. In the fall two years ago the decision of the cambodian prime minister, Hun Sen, to name Thaksin's economic adviser led to a diplomatic crisis between Bangkok and Phnom Penh, returning when the former Thai prime minister resigned from office, ostensibly to personal reasons.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lorraine Historical Events

Ruby, the neo-moralist

It has been a colossal flop, the appearance of Karima El Mahroug, aka Heartbreaker Ruby, the nightclub Paradiso Rimini Saturday, January 29, 2011. Except a handful of curious accounting on the fingers of one hand, the Moroccan at the center of the scandal involving Berlusconi was greeted with indifference and insults, both inside and outside the room. After arriving an hour late and a half and have remained for about an hour to get bored sitting on a bench Ruby has gone ignored by journalists and a scene on the other hand: the 20,000 € asked, seems to be able to obtain less than 5,000. Sharing in the fool even the disco, which, after protests from students, and citizenship, has sold fewer than 200 tickets, seeing more than half the usual collections. But the real news is in the frames captured in a service "on air" on La7, where Ruby, on the sidelines watching all the girls began to dance on the cube, opens her eyes and said, "Poor Italy". I mean, after all what he did, the girl discovers a moralist. Strange, usually turns out that's all.