Friday, March 11, 2011

Kidney Stones More Condition_symptoms/women

NO Phuket tsunami risk after a major earthquake in Jappan.

I wanted to reassure all our friends who Phuket TSUNAMI IS NOT LIKELY!
Here we are in the Indian Ocean in the Pacific, we are on the other side!
So much for solidarity with the people Jap. in Thailand we know well what the nature can be tremendous at times.
The part of the Gulf of Thailand, Samui island to name the best known so far no problem, and I do not think any will be considered that the Gulf is sheltered from the Pacific Ocean.
Of course if there are problems I will let you know ...

Greetings from Phuket.

Martino M.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Angela Pitts Birthday

Important info for residents

Nell’ottica di fornire un servizio sempre più efficiente, l’Ufficio consolare sta avviando un sistema di ricevimento del pubblico per appuntamento.
Ciò consentirà di programmare in maniera ordinata l’erogazione dei servizi di sportello e di venire incontro alle esigenze degli utenti, particolarmente coloro che risiedono fuori Bangkok.
A partire dal 14 marzo, l’Ufficio Consolare riceverà pertanto solo per appuntamento, salvo comprovate emergenze.
Si potrà procedere alla prenotazione dell’appuntamento tramite il sito web dell’Ambasciata

cliccando sul link “Prenota l’appuntamento on-line” e registrandosi al service. The

compatriots will have the opportunity to choose the day to go and be received at the Embassy at the appointed time without long waits.
is recommended, however, appear a little earlier (5-10 minutes) and provided the special booking code.

Italian Embassy - Bangkok
e-mail: @ emergenza.bangkok

Information About Klozopin

Doppisensi (real or alleged)

VF: "A man should be judged for his actions"
MB: "But to find out their intentions, even for his writings"
VF: 'Again Free will discuss "
With this depressing curtain opens the spot of Libero, introduced by Maurizio Belpietro in a suit and tie and a tanned Vittorio Felt like a schoolboy, to promote the diaries of Mussolini, a present from 1 March with the newspaper owned by the Angelucci family. But this time the ad conveys the idea of \u200b\u200bsomething more than nostalgia of "real or supposed" style Dell'Utri. In the last scene of the spot, in fact, appear as Traditionally, the product being advertised (in this case the diaries) and a copy of the rolled-up newspaper. On the first page framed, hangs the title: "Go away all - if not enough of this policy." Random? Maybe, but the fact is that exhortation populist alongside the writings of Mussolini is quite disturbing. Already in the writings of Futurism (which is largely inspired fascism) is easy to find attacks fuzzy thinking liberal, democratic and socialist. In 1904, for example, an analysis was catastrophic Papini in Italy, blamed the political class, accused of not being unable to pull the country towards Most advanced and affirm a vision of aristocratic and elitist. View of parliamentary democracy shared by D'Annunzio, and especially by Mussolini himself, who as early as 1915, in an article entitled "Down the Parliament", attacked the deputies neutralist, calling them "cowards", "charlatans", to be delivered "Courts of war." And again: "As for me, - Mussolini writes - I'm more firmly convinced that the health of Italy should be shot, I shot in the back, a few dozen members to life imprisonment and send at least a couple of former ministers. Not only that, but I believe, with faith sempre più profonda, che il Parlamento in Italia sia il bubbone pestifero che avvelena il sangue della Nazione. Occorre estirparlo”. Le citazioni a tal proposito si sprecano. A questo punto, la domanda è: Belpietro e Feltri – sì, proprio il Feltri che conserva gelosamente nel suo ufficio un busto del duce – con queste campagne e abbinamenti forse non casuali, dove volete arrivare?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Scoliosis Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Embassy in Bangkok The Thai license

5 hours to die, cost € 4, a rejection of the middle: a morning at Bangkok's Motors reveals a small mirror in Thailand

For six months I drive a scooter in Bangkok, and do so with the simple Italian driving license I had never caused problems, even in the frequent checks (or raids - one day I'll write this too) of the police. When I heard about the ability to easily switch to the license in Thailand, behind a simple eye exam and a few quick practice, I thought it was worth it. In fact, since my license was not international, in the end I had to make the whole rigmarole of visual examination of theoretical and practical. Better: it's been a learning experience and, in his small, very "thai".

The fact that practically the only foreigner in the bustling building of Motor Vehicles, and Thai chewing enough to make me understand, I was probably facilitated the task. In five hours I was holding the coveted license, despite the unexpected "incident" path to flunk the quiz theoretical, with only 20 correct answers out of 30. Like every trumpet, I apologize: I was excited, some questions were illogical, images on the computer of the station were scanned from a book of terrible quality. In fact, 21 years after my first time on a motorbike and a career with two and four wheels without major incident, I was very embarrassed to make the figure of the ass and having to resubmit a month.

Per fortuna mi è venuta in soccorso la mentalità thailandese del “ mai bpen rai ” (“non fa niente”). Prima ancora che iniziassi a supplicare di avere un'altra possibilità, le esaminatrici me l'hanno concessa: mi hanno dato il libro con tutti i segnali e, dopo neanche 10 minuti, già mi richiamavano nella stanza per rifare la prova. Stavolta, con risicato successo. Capita così anche ai bocciati thailandesi, vi chiederete voi? Quasi quasi preferisco non saperlo. Un amico straniero mi ha detto che al suo esame, tempo fa, gli esaminatori gli avevano in pratica già cerchiato le risposte giuste.

In precedenza, le prove di riconoscimento dei colori e di reazione in braking phase were somewhat similar to those used by us - if you count the special emphasis, almost militaristic, with which the aspiring licensed (and, too, fit for use) to say aloud the name of the color shown examiner with the wand. The practical exam was finally a no brainer, on a circuit closed to traffic: a small path curves to them, a crossing on a narrow, elevated low of around one minute in the circuit of the examination, giving due regard to signals and the due precedence. In all, they witnessed two stray dogs that roamed along the way - who knows if they have added on purpose to simulate the typical environment of the street of Bangkok.

Anche senza il regalino dell'esame fatto due volte, l'impressione è stata comunque quella di essere passato attraverso una fabbrica di patentati, senza una vera selezione. Non stupirà chi tra voi conosce gli standard di guida da queste parti. Ma a pensarci bene, l'esperienza riassume anche molti dei motivi per cui decine di migliaia di occidentali – pur lamentandosi in continuazione di cosa non funziona in Thailandia – alla fine rimangono in questo Paese.

Non è solo il fatto che la patente mi è costata 155 baht (meno di 4 euro). Gli impiegati del Dipartimento dei trasporti erano gentili e operosi, come spesso accade nella burocrazia thailandese: ha le sue assurdità, le montagne di carta inutile e tanto altro, ma alla fine fa perdere meno tempo di quella italiana. Provate a immaginarvi la situazione opposta: un thailandese che parla solo un po' la nostra lingua, mentre cerca di prendere la patente alla Motorizzazione di Roma. Troverebbe quiz in inglese, funzionari allo sportello cortesi, e un piacevole senso di “precedenza” data allo straniero per facilitarlo nella lunga trafila?

Quanto a me, anche da patentato, alla fine sono tornato a casa facendo i soliti slalom tra le colonne di bus fumanti, compresa qualche deviazione sul marciapiede e l'abituale imbocco in senso vietato della via dove abito. Cose che – nonostante la mia ignoranza delle regole, smascherata dal test teorico – qui non mi rendono a public danger, but just how many scooter riders. "It 's time to forget everything I learned this morning, and return to ride like a Thai, I wrote about Twitter fresh license. An Englishman who has been following me sarcastically replied: "Or as an Italian ... 've never been to Naples? ". Touché: The next time a friend gives me a madman at the helm to venture into the jungle of Bangkok, I'll have an argument anymore.

Link: =

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Footleg Pain More Condition_symptoms

The girl Lupo

Supatra Sasuphan: the child became famous wolf


Her name is Supatra Sasuphan , aged 11, lives in Thailand, and the child is more hairy in the world.

On the web we are seeing as the girl-wolf, but to see the gentleness and kindness that is in his eyes, as they have been immortalized in the photos are making it known, say that the wolf has only hair but not vice!

thick hair on the face, leading to the Guinness World Record 2011, "a title that many have sweat to earn it and I just had to introduce me on stage, "Supatra has tried all sorts to try to remove his thick hair, treatments, surgeries, without coming to anything concrete.

And now like so: different, unique, and holds a record. Its called Ambras syndrome from the Middle Ages to the present have been documented only 50 cases, unique setting, then, for a girl who already pay tv and flashing cameras like a film star. At one time, made fun today and ask for an autograph: When they say, fame helps, and not just beautiful!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chap Stick Wedding Favor

Brigades Borghezio

“Roma ladrona non fa un c***o”. “Pensate se ai nostri nonni avessero raccontato che noi ci facciamo togliere i canti natalizi da una banda di cornuti islamici di m***a. Detto con il massimo rispetto per tutte queste palandrane of f *** ing. " "The league had indicated to time, Viale Yemen, a hotbed of Islamic bastards bastards who had to throw out a kick up the c ** o!. "We'll give us the vote to non-EU ... so we give him the vote! (It's the gesture of the umbrella, ed) and we want the 8x1000 generous. We give you the 1000x1000 of illegals kicked out in c ** o!. "The other day we were stopped: we had no clubs, no sticks, only a few fiaccoletta innocent! Of course, if some rows of frock coat caught on fire, there was nothing wrong. " "These imams who confuse our country with a land of conquest, if we put well head or provide the state with the new law or we go to take him by the beard and go kicked out in c ** o, from the Po Valley and Italy! Words cautious and moderate. " "We are all here and everyone in the fighting position against that of supercazzola Prodi, Europe's m *** to!". "(For the French neo-fascists, ed) I am not afraid to put on the cover in our magazine the Celtic cross, because it is the symbol of our tradition. Some say it is a symbol of Nazi, fascist ... I do not care, it is not true. " Those who have just read are just some of the many quotes of that which is very moderate MEP Mario Borghezio. Lo stesso Borghezio che, dopo aver infiammato folle padane con discorsi secessionisti, intrisi di odio e razzismo e aver tenuto lezione fuori porta ai neofascisti su come infiltrarsi nelle istituzioni in Francia, si permette di attaccare  Andrea Camilleri (reo di aver aderito a questo appello), accusandolo di aver fatto un discorso da “simpatizzante delle Brigate Rosse, eversivo, un discorso parabrigatista”. Ma la vergogna?