Siamo tutti dei poveri Omer spaventati! Immersi in una falsa democrazia che ci ha trasformato in sudditi docili, dipendenti ed incapaci, viviamo nel timore di restare intrappolati in una delle mille leggi, norme e divieti della nostra società "libera".
E' normale che quindi anche un'idea come VillaVillaColle let us come to some brividino, B & B & Brrrrr! We often receive requests from people who want to start a hospitality style B & B & B but who are afraid of taxes, the local health authorities, the police, neighbors and gattagnuda!
As we have reduced!
So to clear up at least by these fears, we can confirm that, in your house can accommodate all the friends you want. Point.
The B & B & B (which is a name we invented ...) of Villavillacolle as we have written on other occasions, is part of the free stream of welcome, hospitality, leisure and meeting and sharing of the gift as a thousand women and men who have made possible the Couch Surfing, Hospitality Club, Servas, the so Wwofer.
Experiences of an attitude as old as modern man.
Barter is synonymous with a gift for us. In the case of a material gift, if you go to sleep at friends' will bring a cake or a bottle of wine or a good book, and any diligent employee of the tax authorities will ask a guest to your account. But the barter
nsotri are often even intangible, because Barter is an opportunity for us to encourage every human being to rediscover the value propio precisely independent of any economic value.
Guests barter, but you understand that it would be better to say they share with us their talents, passions and dreams.
And, at least Up to now, the dreams are tax free.
So sisters and brothers, let the poor to worry about and Omer Throw open heart in this new experience (of course, and of course legal) of a tourism-sized human being, the B & B & B.
waiting to see when you start!
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