were right? Did it hurt? He has done very badly. Just do not understand what need was there, with a speech that will be trumpeted for years as evidence of the persecution of judges against Craxi ("if Napolitano says must be true"), to give importance to a charade that despite the participation of some names Moratti is the type known so far been contained after all. Okay, the usual speech: the President of the Republic can not stand. Oh well. But it was not so automatic that act. It is not a matter of state. Pilate was a position, for once, the most advisable. But no. Send a letter as if made to reinforce the notion that in politics the word "equidistance" is synonymous with "cerchiobottismo": no clear position, but a firm conviction of the general immorality in politics along with a precise sitgmatizzazione of "hardness" of the sentence Craxi. We say that Napolitano did not say lies. But in return he has said so many half-truths, ambiguously, that are well suited for use as so many arrows to the bow of craxiani / Berlusconi (though, it is well understood, Berlusconi, Moratti, etc., Craxi's absolutely nothing no matter: his sanctification is only a means to get to pass the usual message Judiciary = coup).
For example, a sentence like this:
"A period in which they created a political vacuum that resulted in an abrupt shift of balance in the relationship between politics and justice"
is true? Yes, it is true in the sense that the scandals of that period led to the end of the First Republic, so corrupt as to no longer being able to stand on its foundations. Too bad that the very same sentence, word for word, is also a perfect slogan for those who bring forward the theorem that the Italian political class has been replaced by a band of treacherously courts that replaced it with another in their favor.
And sorry also detect the bad behavior of Bersani, which to date the usual silence (at other times as heavy as a boulder on too many pies internal PD, including the tragic fire of d'Alema) did not defect, and that instead moved quickly after the letter to Napolitano, lending support to the "words net" (what?) and to emphasize the "errors" that Craxi has paid (a sentence containing two fake, because the first Craxi was cowardly taken away from its responsibilities judicial fleeing from Italy, and therefore has not paid anything, and second, but because everyone has to speak at the tip of a range of errors and never to blame? Craxi was not a victim but an accomplice of the system of corruption that was and is the rule in Italy). How I would have preferred Rosy Bindi as secretary of the PD.
In the name of something, anything? Reforms of the shares (which amount to accept to play cards with a player cheating)? In the name of overcoming the ruling? In the name dell'ammore? How nice would it be to finally historicize and Tangentopoli Craxi, to see them with critical thinking as something that belongs to the past, examine and analyze calmly. The trouble is that in reality Tangentopoli is never finished. The actors - especially bad - of those years are the same as today. We are, so to speak, still in the running. And we can stand up to, but not the time to analyze in a very detached. And now
balance all these bad things with a little 'd'ammore is the site of lolcat.
For example, a sentence like this:
"A period in which they created a political vacuum that resulted in an abrupt shift of balance in the relationship between politics and justice"
is true? Yes, it is true in the sense that the scandals of that period led to the end of the First Republic, so corrupt as to no longer being able to stand on its foundations. Too bad that the very same sentence, word for word, is also a perfect slogan for those who bring forward the theorem that the Italian political class has been replaced by a band of treacherously courts that replaced it with another in their favor.
And sorry also detect the bad behavior of Bersani, which to date the usual silence (at other times as heavy as a boulder on too many pies internal PD, including the tragic fire of d'Alema) did not defect, and that instead moved quickly after the letter to Napolitano, lending support to the "words net" (what?) and to emphasize the "errors" that Craxi has paid (a sentence containing two fake, because the first Craxi was cowardly taken away from its responsibilities judicial fleeing from Italy, and therefore has not paid anything, and second, but because everyone has to speak at the tip of a range of errors and never to blame? Craxi was not a victim but an accomplice of the system of corruption that was and is the rule in Italy). How I would have preferred Rosy Bindi as secretary of the PD.
In the name of something, anything? Reforms of the shares (which amount to accept to play cards with a player cheating)? In the name of overcoming the ruling? In the name dell'ammore? How nice would it be to finally historicize and Tangentopoli Craxi, to see them with critical thinking as something that belongs to the past, examine and analyze calmly. The trouble is that in reality Tangentopoli is never finished. The actors - especially bad - of those years are the same as today. We are, so to speak, still in the running. And we can stand up to, but not the time to analyze in a very detached. And now
balance all these bad things with a little 'd'ammore is the site of lolcat.
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