Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Swet Dreams Noten Pdf

Happy Birthday, Mr. B. Waiting for

We all agree that today was yet another black day for Italy, but it could well provide that Berlusconi would have had the confidence. Despite this, however, now the real anti-Berlusconi have enjoyed for about 9 minutes when Di Pietro, he spoke in the House. Action from 10 to praise, who gave voice to the thoughts of millions of people. A frank and clear speech, no ifs, ands or buts, no "but." Toni gave his best, addressing Berlusconi in every way imaginable, "unconventional, indeed affected Illusionist," "head of the clique," "teacher, but masonry diverted", "head octopus of politics, "" criminal "," corruptor "," Head of 64 offshore companies ", until you get a" rapist of democracy. " Various Members pidiellini, champions of democracy, hearing the words of Peter got up and went out, but the funniest thing was seeing Berlusconi stand up, turn around and ask to shut Fini Di Pietro, only to turn around pissed. Very nice also the scene of a Fini who knew which side to take: "Di Pietro the call to order .." "Please leave the right wing talk of stone ..." (as he spoke casually of Berlusconi in dell'attegiamento on each of the home in Monaco), "Please, Mr Berlusconi .... In short, Berlusconi and friends the truth hurts just say things as they are to be sent out in confusion. Thanks Toni, was the best gift you could do with Silvio in his feast day. By the way: Happy Birthday, Silvio, with the hope that is the last on the loose.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Na Cb Radio Z Calego Swiata


Well, then. Let me get a moment. Up to date versions Fini has always sketchy and not very precise on the house of Monte Carlo. Justification: there is an investigation underway and the judiciary, as we must have confidence in the judiciary, it is better to wait gli esiti dell’inchiesta. Per carità, non si discute la fiducia nella magistratura, ma perchè questo dovrebbe impedire nel frattempo di spiegare come sono andate le cose? Avete mai visto Il Giornale o Libero martellare Di Pietro su 50 edizioni per un determinato motivo? No, perché il giorno stesso Di Pietro ha sempre pubblicato sul suo blog spiegazioni, atti giudiziari e documenti vari scaricabili da chiunque fosse interessato e ha così prontamente smentito i berluscones. Ieri, con un colpo di scena, Fini ha annunciato che oggi dirà la sua verità in un video da diffondere in rete. Scusi, Presidente, una piccola domanda: ma perché non l’ha fatto quasi due mesi fa? Oltre a fugare ogni dubbio, avrebbe avuto la soddisfazione proven wrong in the beginning of the newspapers and even Berlusconi would also have to remember that a B. that is clamoring for his resignation has not properly a judicial curriculum so clear that they can afford to make a moral to others. Do not misunderstand, there is still time to do it, but maybe he had a bit more credibility. Amen. It is in any case will be eagerly waiting for the video for the smash the next few days. Still to arrive.
18:59 PM - Mentone La7 announced that Fini was released few moments ago from the place of Making the Future, the video was recorded and we will see shortly.
19:13 PM - The site of Generation Italy crashed, but the video should be online in minutes.
19:16 PM - Announcement of Philip Smith (See the Future) to TG La7: The video lasts about 9 minutes, will be online in about 5 minutes.
19:21 PM - Here's the video:

What about ... As often happens Fini creates so much suspense at all. Do not add little that is new to what he had said in precedenza e dà addirittura un'immagine di sè di un tizio che si fa prendere per il naso da suo cognato. E' un Fini che chiede la tregua e, tranne qualche frecciatina qua e là, non riserva più grandi critiche a B. Abbastanza deludente.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Anterior Compartment Le

But are we really come to this?

Io non so se le ultime rivelazioni in merito alla casa di Montecarlo, le strane lettere pubblicate su alcuni altrettanto strani siti esterni e riprese prontamente dai berluscones, le voci che affermano che la società off-shore a cui An vendette l’appartamento e che ora l’affitta a Tulliani sia di Tulliani stesso siano vere o false. So, però, che a tutto c’è un limite. Sappiamo tutti che se Fini fosse rimasto well attached to Berlusconi, these investigations by Il Giornale Libero and would never have started, but they have the right to do so. They can talk all they want of homes in Monaco and Scavolini, to sign petitions and demand the resignation of Fini. They have the right, as he has the right not to give her. Available today but really hit rock bottom: the daily run by Maurizio Belpietro the headline: "The president has no clothes." In name and fact. On the front page, in fact, has been whipped a picture of Fini nude, covered only by a fig leaf. But the funniest part is the subtitle: "The document states that we found the house in Monaco is the brother in law. Fini said the victim of a conspiracy. To show that haunt him, not publishing his photos without veils. " Aaah, you got that benefactors? Since you do not get him, make him the courtesy to add a fig leaf for those shots.
editorial, Belpietro back to the question and said: "Days ago there was a paparazzo who live with me this summer caught him in embarrassing attitude . Nothing serious, of course, only a series of snapshots without pants, that would be boon to some gossip weekly, always looking for images itching of famous people. The photojournalist, given the survey to be released, he thought we were concerned and turned to me. I confess that at first I cheated my hands and I was tempted to publish the service: the dozens of shots into the sea after a descent into the abyss with the wetsuit, they have their unintentional comedy I wanted to share with readers. Then I imagined the comments Fini, who would speak of vulgarity, claiming persecution by the press. " In other words, has obscured the photos only to avoid accusations by Fini and for fear of being accused of "vulgarity". Evidently, Belpietro believes doing so, to pass through a gentleman, as if the publication with the addition of a fig leaf was not as vulgar. Director continues: "So, I prefer to give him the portraits in full, avoiding the embarrassment to the President of the Chamber of being published without veils. I will just play a single instant, due for censored show those I read that I did not invent anything. "And by golly, Fini should thank its free for the embarrassment that has avoided! But apart from the meanness and the absurdity of this editorial, we're sure that behind this initiative, there is no attempt at a sort of "blackmail"? It 's a bit like saying' we have your foto compromettenti e potremmo pubblicare se non te ne stai buono’. Per carità, è solo un’ipotesi, ma sarà poi così remota?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jagged Alliance Stealth Mod

Poll: Who has saved Cosentino?

Oggi la Camera ha negato l'autorizzazione all'uso delle intercettazioni a carico dell'ex sottosegretario Nicola Cosentino (Pdl), ovvero, come dice perfino Italia Futura, la fondazione di Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, “un signore su cui pende un mandato di arresto per camorra e che continua orgogliosamente ad essere il coordinatore del PdL in Campania”. Ma a parte l’ennesima vergogna a cui ci tocca assistere, resta un mistero da risolvere. Mancavano una quindicina di voti a favore dell’utilizzo delle interceptions than statements of votes, considering the tabulated: Pd (201), IDV (24), fli (34 since Fini not vote), UDC (31) and Api (7) plus a few other members of the group. Each party now plays the down-barrel: Franceschini said that the Democratic Party were all in favor, Bocchino accuses the center-left. A group that they belong, in your view the snipers who have saved Cosentino using the secret ballot? Answer the poll! (you can express more possibilities)
In your opinion, what / group / i belong to the sniper who saved Cosentino?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Viagra Blood In Stool

Tantissimi Grazie!!!

Dear friends, dear friends! Really

many THANKS! After the service on the Libero portal in fact we have received your many letters. Thanks to you all for your interest and for the many beautiful things you wrote.
answer, for now, with this unique letter / post because not until November riavremo internet and respond individually would be too complicated (but we will do it, be patient ...).
Villavillacolle is fully booked for several months because it is tiny ... The season ends soon, during the winter months it is not the whole house can be heated (no methane in Bosa ...).
For next season we do not take reservations because we do not know if we are to Bosa for work, then we will have to upgrade to new year (come and check on the blog ...).
If there will still be a third season Villavillacolle be assured that we will hear your proposals for meeting and sharing are really wonderful!

And speaking of proposals and barter, it is worth remembering that VillaVilaColle is a form of hospitality totally free and that the exchange is for us synonymous with giving, sharing. So whatever you feel to share because it is precious, we will be welcome, whether tangible or intangible, regardless of any consideration of economic value.

In the meantime we advise you to visit the website or the facebook page of the B & B Blue, also in Bosa. There are a couple of friends who owned a beautiful B & B, that have embraced with enthusiasm and passion the idea of \u200b\u200bbarter (see post below). So even if you can not come to meet us anyway ... we Villavillacolle

So, thanks again to all
Good Life!
Alfredo, Ilaria and Elijah