editorial, Belpietro back to the question and said: "Days ago there was a paparazzo who live with me this summer caught him in embarrassing attitude . Nothing serious, of course, only a series of snapshots without pants, that would be boon to some gossip weekly, always looking for images itching of famous people. The photojournalist, given the survey to be released, he thought we were concerned and turned to me. I confess that at first I cheated my hands and I was tempted to publish the service: the dozens of shots into the sea after a descent into the abyss with the wetsuit, they have their unintentional comedy I wanted to share with readers. Then I imagined the comments Fini, who would speak of vulgarity, claiming persecution by the press. " In other words, has obscured the photos only to avoid accusations by Fini and for fear of being accused of "vulgarity". Evidently, Belpietro believes doing so, to pass through a gentleman, as if the publication with the addition of a fig leaf was not as vulgar. Director continues: "So, I prefer to give him the portraits in full, avoiding the embarrassment to the President of the Chamber of being published without veils. I will just play a single instant, due for censored show those I read that I did not invent anything. "And by golly, Fini should thank its free for the embarrassment that has avoided! But apart from the meanness and the absurdity of this editorial, we're sure that behind this initiative, there is no attempt at a sort of "blackmail"? It 's a bit like saying' we have your foto compromettenti e potremmo pubblicare se non te ne stai buono’. Per carità, è solo un’ipotesi, ma sarà poi così remota?
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