The cause of the fire hydrants police? - Several witnesses also speak of an electric shock that would have struck several people, and that, according to the journalist, could have been caused by water hitting the fire hydrants festoons lights that cover the span of the bridge. With the wave of panic, those who fell into the river, drowning, was crushed, stritolato, soffocato dalla folla in preda al panico improvviso. Un medico, citato dalla Cnn, dice che molti corpi hanno segni di scariche elettriche e che fra i morti vi sono anche dei poliziotti. Il portavoce del governo ha detto che "le vittime sono morte per lo più per soffocamento o per lesioni interne".
"E' la più grande tragedia dai tempi di Pol Pot" - Così ha dichiarato in tv il primo ministro cambogiano, Hun sen, riferendosi al dittatore sanguinario a capo del regime dei Khmer Rossi accusato di aver sterminato 1,7 milioni di cambogiani. Ad aggiornare i bilanci in tempo reale in diretta televisiva a notte fonda è stato lo stesso primo ministro cambogiano, alternandosi con un portavoce. Le cifre overlapped in frantic growth: 17, then 84, only 105 of Calmette Hospital, and then again 180, 278 (of which 240 are women), 313, 339, then 345. Figures always preceded dall'avverbio "at least" the budget - has made it clear the prime minister when the numbers of the dead were already three-digit "is set to worsen again." Hun Sen has apologized to his people for the massacre, he made his condolences to the families of the victims and held a day of national mourning for Thursday.
Images - The TV has aired on desperate people crying heaps of corpses, while dozens of ambulances crowded, late at night, the scene of the tragedy. "We were crossing the bridge to Diamond Island, when some people began to push the opposite side. There were terrible cries of panic. People started running, falling over each other. I too fell. I'm still alive because someone else put me in the foot, "said Kruon Hay, 23 years. The bridge where is the massacre took place is what connects the city to Diamond Island (Koh Pitch), the heart of the festivities, which rises Tonle Sap River, which in turn connects the great Mekong River to Lake Bled. on the island had just played a concert after the traditional races.
The largest rump of Cambodia - Every year millions come to Phnom Penh Cambodians to attend the Water Festival (Bom Om in Khmer language), one of Cambodia's most important holiday, which lasts three days and takes place in late autumn. For the occasion, people watering each other with water as the sign of good wishes for the new year. During the Water Festival are also held races between boats. The annual festival falls in October or November at the full moon, when the current of the Tonle Sap river, which normally flows into the Mekong River, reverses its flow for the full season and fills the Mekong upstream, the great lake, Tonle Sap , flooding the surrounding plains, ensuring good harvests and fish in abundance. For this it is a sort of thanksgiving to the river Mekong
November 22, 2010 Source: http://notizie.tiscali.it/articoli/esteri/10/11/22/calca_cambogia.html
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