Buone Feste!!
Here we are finally re-establish contact ... we lacked a bit 'in fact ... The exhibition
Leghorn of our sculptures have proved a great success, we are happy because today is the last day and ends another wonderful experience.
is concluded to start again this month because the emergence of new contacts ... that beautiful ... probably bring our fish to other exhibitions around Europe ... yes we are happy.
This year was really a great year with good things and bad things, but full of special meetings, nice surprises, inspiration, messages and discovered that we do consider important and significant one year ... Let
joyfully old situations that have been completed ... and we bring with us the fruits of the seeds have sprouted positive in recent months ...
We want to thank everyone for the great support you gave us, our mood has grown thanks to all of you ... the people we met in many different ways, always pleasant ...
wish you all a wonderful end of 2009 and a 2010 full of love, fantasy and joy but also full of dreams to realize ... always ... always ... always!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Consumer Report Steam Mop
Pensieri sparsi: Ciao,ciao, ciaooo!
Villavillacolle Dear and dear friends, hello! They had never been so tanti giorni fra un post e un altro... Abbiamo fatto la spola fra Bosa e il "continente", montato impianti elettrici, ristrutturato, dipinto e stuccato, realizzato mensole e vetrine... Insomma abbiamo davvero lavorato molto per allestire la mostra dei nostri pesci , per stabilire contatti, per sondare nuove piste... E continueremo a farlo nelle prossime settimane.
Come state?
Qui sono venuti a trovarci Enrico, Francesca e Tommaso (Buona giornata!) pochissimi giorni ma luminosi nonostante il maltempo. E' stato veramente un chiudere in bellezza questa lunghissima stagione villavillacolliana.
E di VillaVillaColle si continua a parlare...
Vi consigliamo infatti un libro bello e utile: "I love swapping" Marina Martorana.
Inside, in addition to a short chapter dedicated appreciated the idea of \u200b\u200bB & B & B (thanks Marina!) You will find a wealth of information and useful addresses to take full advantage of what has become an established 360 degrees: the Barter!
Happy reading and then, fish, fish and allowing Pescioni ... See you soon!

Villavillacolle Dear and dear friends, hello! They had never been so tanti giorni fra un post e un altro... Abbiamo fatto la spola fra Bosa e il "continente", montato impianti elettrici, ristrutturato, dipinto e stuccato, realizzato mensole e vetrine... Insomma abbiamo davvero lavorato molto per allestire la mostra dei nostri pesci , per stabilire contatti, per sondare nuove piste... E continueremo a farlo nelle prossime settimane.
Come state?
Qui sono venuti a trovarci Enrico, Francesca e Tommaso (Buona giornata!) pochissimi giorni ma luminosi nonostante il maltempo. E' stato veramente un chiudere in bellezza questa lunghissima stagione villavillacolliana.
E di VillaVillaColle si continua a parlare...
Vi consigliamo infatti un libro bello e utile: "I love swapping" Marina Martorana.
Inside, in addition to a short chapter dedicated appreciated the idea of \u200b\u200bB & B & B (thanks Marina!) You will find a wealth of information and useful addresses to take full advantage of what has become an established 360 degrees: the Barter!
Happy reading and then, fish, fish and allowing Pescioni ... See you soon!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Gays Masterbate Games
Craxi A proposal to save the Italian cinema
Trans Prostitutes, drugs, the palaces of power flooded with mozzarella and catering casatiello, but how do you say that the Italian comedy is dead? Needless to discuss it. A photograph and a movie worth a thousand words (note the type with a mustache and a chef's hat):
Frozen Shoulder Symptoms More Condition_symptoms
Pensieri sparsi: Per Alfredo...
I woke up this ...
with a smile, thinking of all the dreams that we have grown and developed together, we faced the storms, shipwrecks lost on desert islands, where then are so many beautiful flowers in bloom ... and to realize all the dreams you still .. . this song is for you ...
Wouldn't it be nice
Wouldn't it be nice if we were older
Then we wouldn't have to wait so long
And wouldn't it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong
You know it's gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and stay together
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through
Happy times together we've been spending
I wish that every kiss was
neverending Would not it be nice Maybe if
we think and wish and hope and pray It Might as
true Baby then there Would not be a single thing we do
Could We Could Be
married And then we ' d be happy Wouldnt it be nice
It Seems You know the more we talk about it
It Only Makes it worse to live without it
But let's talk about it
Would not it be nice ...
... also dedicated all the dreamers ... and all your dreams ...
I woke up this ...
with a smile, thinking of all the dreams that we have grown and developed together, we faced the storms, shipwrecks lost on desert islands, where then are so many beautiful flowers in bloom ... and to realize all the dreams you still .. . this song is for you ...
Wouldn't it be nice
Wouldn't it be nice if we were older
Then we wouldn't have to wait so long
And wouldn't it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong
You know it's gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and stay together
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through
Happy times together we've been spending
I wish that every kiss was
neverending Would not it be nice Maybe if
we think and wish and hope and pray It Might as
true Baby then there Would not be a single thing we do
Could We Could Be
married And then we ' d be happy Wouldnt it be nice
It Seems You know the more we talk about it
It Only Makes it worse to live without it
But let's talk about it
Would not it be nice ...
... also dedicated all the dreamers ... and all your dreams ...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Baby Congradulations Wording
The fifth was
yesterday. I'm going to vote in the primaries of the Democratic Party. Decent crowd, despite Treviso is one of the capitals of the Italian Lega Nord (according to the latest results, Marino - the choice ever - took 15% more than Emilia Romagna - 12% - and Tuscany - 13%. Fortunately, not in Veneto there is only Ombralonga). But one thing strikes me: the voters are almost all on the 50, 60. Few thirties (including myself) and even a twenty.
The thing that I had already been reported by my (same situation at other times of the day) I was confirmed on Comicus in respect of other parts of Italy.
We were so focused on building the Democratic Party that we have completely forgotten the young. A very serious error which could also be fatal to the political party in a very short time (ten or fifteen years), when the current nomenklatura is now antiquated, and probably also the voters. Today as the Democratic Party today seems totally incapable of a party enchant the very young, I say to seduce them, but even just talk about things they can understand and present. The appeal of people like Bersani, D'Alema, Franceschini in this field is absolutely zero (perhaps Marino, in the name of his interest in civil rights, can glean something). Who can vote
the PD today? According to all indications, I would say the old militants of the PCI, just the same, who have patiently followed all the metamorphoses of the party, in DS, in Olive, in PD, in the meantime leaving the fringes ideologicizzate. I am convinced that if you were to do a comparison today, we would see that the basin - and the percentage of votes - the PD current is substantially the same as the old PCI Berlinguer (in contrast, the "communists" were declared completely disappeared, the SEE embarrassing results as Left parties and Freedom). But no real generational change, nor among the politicians nor among the voters. I have never met in my life an eighteen year old supporter of the PD (or the old olive tree, for that matter). On the other hand I know many supporters Teens di Forza Italia, di AN o (soprattutto) della Lega. Direi che al PdL è riuscito quello che non è riuscito al PD: creare una nuova generazione di elettori, o se non altro rendere il credo berlusconiano (o leghista, o finiano) familiare ai giovanissimi.
Per anni si è pensato (ho pensato) che il PdL (o comunque fosse chiamato lo schieramento di Berlusconi), venuto meno il capo (per motivi naturali o per troppe compromissioni dovute, per esempio, ai processi) si sarebbe sciolto come neve al sole, lasciando i litiganti (Lega, ecc) a disputarsi i resti. Non la penso più così. Probabilmente lo stesso Berlusconi non lo aveva del tutto pianificato, ma oggi che la Lega si sta sedimentando come nuovo partito dei lavoratori throughout Italy (even in Umbria! stuff that if I had been called five years ago would not have believed) that Fini is now putting up more moderate and progressive position of the left itself, now that in fact more or less projecting dopoBerlusconi on, the real possibility that the PDL will survive to the Knight becomes more concrete.
Of course we must see what role this played in Berlusconi the media, the true strength of the party, but in the PDL are beginning to highlight different anime (Joined enviable discipline, certainly in the name of power, while in PD there are as ravening so many hungry dogs) that could, in a not too distant future, offer some choice to the voters of tomorrow ... And leaving the PD in the rear. A future voter progressive and reactionary may choose a future not the first to the second PD and the PDL, but the first the moderate wing of the PDL (the one opened today by Fini) and the second one extreme (from a post-Fascist League, the choice is not missing). Not to mention the Catholics. Leaving the Democratic Party as an entity already old or totally unrelated.
The thing that I had already been reported by my (same situation at other times of the day) I was confirmed on Comicus in respect of other parts of Italy.
We were so focused on building the Democratic Party that we have completely forgotten the young. A very serious error which could also be fatal to the political party in a very short time (ten or fifteen years), when the current nomenklatura is now antiquated, and probably also the voters. Today as the Democratic Party today seems totally incapable of a party enchant the very young, I say to seduce them, but even just talk about things they can understand and present. The appeal of people like Bersani, D'Alema, Franceschini in this field is absolutely zero (perhaps Marino, in the name of his interest in civil rights, can glean something). Who can vote
the PD today? According to all indications, I would say the old militants of the PCI, just the same, who have patiently followed all the metamorphoses of the party, in DS, in Olive, in PD, in the meantime leaving the fringes ideologicizzate. I am convinced that if you were to do a comparison today, we would see that the basin - and the percentage of votes - the PD current is substantially the same as the old PCI Berlinguer (in contrast, the "communists" were declared completely disappeared, the SEE embarrassing results as Left parties and Freedom). But no real generational change, nor among the politicians nor among the voters. I have never met in my life an eighteen year old supporter of the PD (or the old olive tree, for that matter). On the other hand I know many supporters Teens di Forza Italia, di AN o (soprattutto) della Lega. Direi che al PdL è riuscito quello che non è riuscito al PD: creare una nuova generazione di elettori, o se non altro rendere il credo berlusconiano (o leghista, o finiano) familiare ai giovanissimi.
Per anni si è pensato (ho pensato) che il PdL (o comunque fosse chiamato lo schieramento di Berlusconi), venuto meno il capo (per motivi naturali o per troppe compromissioni dovute, per esempio, ai processi) si sarebbe sciolto come neve al sole, lasciando i litiganti (Lega, ecc) a disputarsi i resti. Non la penso più così. Probabilmente lo stesso Berlusconi non lo aveva del tutto pianificato, ma oggi che la Lega si sta sedimentando come nuovo partito dei lavoratori throughout Italy (even in Umbria! stuff that if I had been called five years ago would not have believed) that Fini is now putting up more moderate and progressive position of the left itself, now that in fact more or less projecting dopoBerlusconi on, the real possibility that the PDL will survive to the Knight becomes more concrete.
Of course we must see what role this played in Berlusconi the media, the true strength of the party, but in the PDL are beginning to highlight different anime (Joined enviable discipline, certainly in the name of power, while in PD there are as ravening so many hungry dogs) that could, in a not too distant future, offer some choice to the voters of tomorrow ... And leaving the PD in the rear. A future voter progressive and reactionary may choose a future not the first to the second PD and the PDL, but the first the moderate wing of the PDL (the one opened today by Fini) and the second one extreme (from a post-Fascist League, the choice is not missing). Not to mention the Catholics. Leaving the Democratic Party as an entity already old or totally unrelated.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
How Lesbians Contract Trichonomis
That pleasure, which dilèt, surf the Internet
That is, the links to the best sites the Internet.
Amanita design, or when the animations (and games) in Flash become.
Nordinho , or "a creative mind is never bored."
By Nordinho: the puzzle of Zest, the most lethal left-and long-lived site online puzzles I've ever met (do not forget to turn the speakers and possibly play in a dark room) ...
... And The Walls, a , 2 and 3 , the more dreamlike. The blog
gypsy The Hermitage, but have just discovered - apparently - beautiful. To be explored thoroughly. Even the link.
(continued. ..)
Amanita design, or when the animations (and games) in Flash become.
Nordinho , or "a creative mind is never bored."
By Nordinho: the puzzle of Zest, the most lethal left-and long-lived site online puzzles I've ever met (do not forget to turn the speakers and possibly play in a dark room) ...
... And The Walls, a , 2 and 3 , the more dreamlike. The blog
gypsy The Hermitage, but have just discovered - apparently - beautiful. To be explored thoroughly. Even the link.
(continued. ..)
Descarga De Nero Vision Express 2
Debbora, senz'acca
You want some more 'of depression, just to accept? Read the interview with Beatrice Borromeo Debora Serracchiani knowing Daily yesterday October 24, on to a shocking foul deed occurred at Montalto di Castro, where a girl raped in 2007 (15 years) by a bunch of rapists is to be ostracized and then held them up to public ridicule from all over the country, and the mayor elected by the Savior Carai PD - uncle of one of the rapists - allocates € 20,000 for the legal defense of offenders.
Interview abominable where Serracchiani apparently replaced by his evil clone, a mixture of that and said, evasive answers and no clear stance, nor ethics, just the sort of thing - it seems a thousand years ago - the Serracchiani stigmatized .
How sad these young politicians rampant, so put on the field issues also quite obvious is enough to spark enthusiasm (and I'll put myself in the middle, I appreciated the time) and the apparent freshness which is then reabsorbed in a magma made instant book and return to the ranks.
Interview abominable where Serracchiani apparently replaced by his evil clone, a mixture of that and said, evasive answers and no clear stance, nor ethics, just the sort of thing - it seems a thousand years ago - the Serracchiani stigmatized .
How sad these young politicians rampant, so put on the field issues also quite obvious is enough to spark enthusiasm (and I'll put myself in the middle, I appreciated the time) and the apparent freshness which is then reabsorbed in a magma made instant book and return to the ranks.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Shingles More Condition_symptoms Why
To refresh the spirit ... Kill that
... from one scandal to another.
Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2009.
Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2009.
Ocular Migraine Symptoms More Condition_symptoms
Meanwhile, details emerged of the management of power worthy of the Soviet Union.
should resign? It should not resign? In my opinion, that to resign is absolutely imperative. And not because one with a passion for viados can not also be a good president. But why, if the Berlusconi affair / D'Addario was criticized for inclusion in electoral rolls and escort to the intertwining sex / politics, the stone of the scandal was also the fact that because of his frequent visits to the Knights had blackmailed . So compromise. And therefore unable to fulfill its functions without constraints. Just like today
However, it is enough punishment for all word games that will be on his last name from here to eternity.
Meanwhile, details emerged of the management of power worthy of the Soviet Union.
should resign? It should not resign? In my opinion, that to resign is absolutely imperative. And not because one with a passion for viados can not also be a good president. But why, if the Berlusconi affair / D'Addario was criticized for inclusion in electoral rolls and escort to the intertwining sex / politics, the stone of the scandal was also the fact that because of his frequent visits to the Knights had blackmailed . So compromise. And therefore unable to fulfill its functions without constraints. Just like today
Had he reported the extortion at the time, assuming its responsibilities, perhaps today could still have a political survival. But why the hell these people take us at all costs to assume positions of representation? Stay seemed to be a journalist ugly?
With all that, after Laziogate might well have known of these risks running (and all the more reason to keep him in his underwear). But could not even stay until the end of the mandate.
With all that, after Laziogate might well have known of these risks running (and all the more reason to keep him in his underwear). But could not even stay until the end of the mandate.
However, it is enough punishment for all word games that will be on his last name from here to eternity.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Gay Cruisingnew Jersey
The black man
Franceschini presented as to his possible vice secretary of the Democratic Party, Jean-Leonard Touadi first parliamentary color of Italian history.
understanding that the curriculum vitae of Touadi is respectable and probably is more qualified for this role 90% of the political class, Franceschini's move - along with the proposal to take a woman as deputy secretary - I did not like. Why all the excellent qualities of Touadi, in this particular context, are completely obscured by the fact that it's black, the only characteristic that is repeated and has an echo in the national press; Franceschini thing I knew, and indirectly admits . In short, I have the uneasy feeling that a move is purely advertising, that if Parliament instead Touadi there was another deputy even less prepared than he was nominated, however, in the name of his being of color, which exhibit short Franceschini superficially his deputy black to show their tolerance and modernity, as well as his proposal for a woman deputy, in a sense, it can be translated as: "No matter who he is, as long as a woman."
As I had occasion to state elsewhere, there are at least two different types of racism. One is racism as usual if one imagines, sbracato, vulgar, intolerant, the skinheads, the League, the green shirts and black, the raids against immigrants, and so on. Most of the official representatives of the League are malvissuti peasants, barely able to maintain a proper conversation in Italian. Usually that is how one imagines them in central and southern Italy: degli ubriachi da osteria che occupano scandalosamente posti di responsabilità e che appena possono, nel proprio feudo, rivelano la loro vera natura .
è senz'altro vero, ma non bisogna lasciarsi ingannare. c'è un altro tipo di razzismo - e non mi riferisco a quello che di solito viene definito razzismo all'incontrario, dei neri nei confronti dei bianchi - un razzismo, cioè, che in qualche modo coinvolge tutti, e si potrebbe anche definire come "tolleranza contenuta".
Provo a spiegarmi. Personalmente sono convinto che, contrariamente a quanto si pensa, a nessuno piaccia veramente essere accusato di razzismo. In realtà le persone come Borghezio, che rivendicano apertamente ed orgogliosamente la loro total intolerance, there are relatively few. We live in a society in which - superficially, at least - to be racist is considered a bad thing. A little 'how to be thieves, a thief matriculated difficult to accept with pride the title of thief, will search for moral justification, even claiming that he stole out of necessity or because there are still other types of theft, even legalized. In addition, the average Italian hardly take place even on an issue such as racism. I believe that in fact the main characteristic of the Italians is a kind of apathetic weakness, which leads them to worry about major problems when it really is too late (as someone said, * in Italy a questione, quale che sia, diventa importante solo quando ci scappa il morto; cosicchè tutti i provvedimenti successivi sono presi sull'onda dell'emotività e non del ragionamento), una specie di pecoraggine che può spingerlo ad un conformismo fascistoide ma che paradossalmente può avere persino lati positivi (la convinzione nell'adesione alle cause è sempre scarsa, anche alle cause negative). Altan , che di questo paese ha capito assolutamente tutto, l'ha ben sintetizzato in una vignetta in cui un signore in poltrona dice: "Il guaio di questo paese è che si mangia troppo bene: non appena uno è lì lì per prendere posizione, già è pronto in tavola".
Insomma, se per racism we mean the inability (or unwillingness) to overcome prejudices - even positive - and get just an ease in dealing with ethnic, sexual orientation or skin color different, the average Italian is quietly racist. But since it is still unpleasant to be aware of, what it does? You create small tolerances, introduces a small amount of black people or gay in his life enough to give oneself a good conscience and be able to continue with business as usual. A little 'have the same attitude that those who claim - and maybe they are genuinely believe - to know all of Latin America after spending a week in Cuba
to charity probably the first step in the approach to other cultures was born. I guess it's inevitable, and perhaps even criticism: wanting to feel more tolerant if not require psychological need not to be racist, which in itself I think, however, a positive spring. The trouble is when you can not go beyond, that is when you treat these "controlled amounts of tolerance 'as a vaccine, that is a controlled amount of virus being introduced into the body with the hope of becoming immune. What is true for a vaccine does not apply to a mindset: the most likely thing is that once soothed the conscience to do not pass you, do not try to overcome this first superficial approccio per conoscere ulteriormente quello che Kapuscinski chiamerebbe "l'altro". Una signora che fa una donazione per i poveri negretti nell'Africa, come talvolta paternalisticamente vengono chiamati, difficilmente farà ulteriori sforzi per comprendere la loro cultura, difficilmente cercherà di capire come pensano questi negretti o perchè sono poveri. Avrà la coscienza tranquilla e tanto basterà.
Un tempo ammiravo Vladimir Luxuria, apprezzavo le sue battaglie e lo sostenevo pure. Ma mi è caduto in disgrazia quando ha partecipato - vincendo - all'Isola dei Famosi. Al di là delle tragicomiche dichiarazioni di Ferrero che è arrivato a paragonare Luxuria ad Obama e ad auspicare che la vittoria nel programma was a springboard to the European (crazy things, we wonder that the Left in Italy is dead), what irritated me most was the attitude of some who saw this victory as a sign of maturity of the Italians occurred in of sexual tolerance.
Absurd. Absurd and suicidal. In fact, not only this victory means nothing, but I also damaged the cause of Luxuria. A boy looking at the island's famous Luxuria is nice, want to feel modern and vote for him (in the program, not the election), from that moment will have the intimate conviction (at least in part) to be tolerant of gay and so it will be even less receptive to criticism. It will not make further efforts to approach the gay world, because we feel strongly that it contributed intimately - this surface and its a bit 'exhibitionistic position - to a cause of tolerance, the conscience will feel "clean." And so it will be even less inclined to be ashamed the next time storcerà the nose with regard to PACS, indeed feels entitled to criticize too openly.
A little 'as in those southern countries where the "femminiello" is not abused, but tolerated and accepted as one of the elements of the country, as the city hall, the Church, the village idiot and the "professor"; provided, of course, does not go beyond the role and importance that are sewn on.
And the speech about homosexuals is true for people of color, the Chinese, Muslims, and ostracized by all those minorities which it is presented a portrait sweetened (in the sense that it tends to present only the positive side, giving an image, glossy but people are made of positive and negative), to silence a bit 'our bad conscience. In fiction A doctor with a family and Lino Banfi presents an Indian family, which summarizes all possible and imaginable stereotypes about Indians (elephants, Vishnu, turbans, and charm of exotic dancers, there is also Sandokan). One of the characters not in love with the scion of Indian immigrants to these Salgari and large television audiences applaud. Sign of tolerance? To me, it's just a way to perpetuate ideas a bit 'immature about immigrants and perhaps delay a real cultural amalgam. As soon as the same person who so appreciated you will find a family doctor, let's say, the neighbors well in India, will also be less prepared - and maybe even disappointed - to learn that they are not clones or Kabir Bedi Aishwarya Rai . And what this closeness implies, as is inevitably the case, also has problems.
I feel that a society in which certain cultural barriers to be overcome is finally represented by Brazil, where the mixing between races are so widely spread no longer pose a somewhat abnormal, in which all words, are mestizos, but at the same time, where the ethnic peculiarities have not been removed or leveled, but exalted, as a mark of distinction but not separation. But after Brazil I met him only from the books of Jorge Amado, and I could be wrong.
* came to my mind: if you do not accidentally Teodoro Ndjock Ngan, poet and cultural mediator in the documentary The color of the words of Marco Puccioni. Another African in Italy.
understanding that the curriculum vitae of Touadi is respectable and probably is more qualified for this role 90% of the political class, Franceschini's move - along with the proposal to take a woman as deputy secretary - I did not like. Why all the excellent qualities of Touadi, in this particular context, are completely obscured by the fact that it's black, the only characteristic that is repeated and has an echo in the national press; Franceschini thing I knew, and indirectly admits . In short, I have the uneasy feeling that a move is purely advertising, that if Parliament instead Touadi there was another deputy even less prepared than he was nominated, however, in the name of his being of color, which exhibit short Franceschini superficially his deputy black to show their tolerance and modernity, as well as his proposal for a woman deputy, in a sense, it can be translated as: "No matter who he is, as long as a woman."
As I had occasion to state elsewhere, there are at least two different types of racism. One is racism as usual if one imagines, sbracato, vulgar, intolerant, the skinheads, the League, the green shirts and black, the raids against immigrants, and so on. Most of the official representatives of the League are malvissuti peasants, barely able to maintain a proper conversation in Italian. Usually that is how one imagines them in central and southern Italy: degli ubriachi da osteria che occupano scandalosamente posti di responsabilità e che appena possono, nel proprio feudo, rivelano la loro vera natura .
è senz'altro vero, ma non bisogna lasciarsi ingannare. c'è un altro tipo di razzismo - e non mi riferisco a quello che di solito viene definito razzismo all'incontrario, dei neri nei confronti dei bianchi - un razzismo, cioè, che in qualche modo coinvolge tutti, e si potrebbe anche definire come "tolleranza contenuta".
Provo a spiegarmi. Personalmente sono convinto che, contrariamente a quanto si pensa, a nessuno piaccia veramente essere accusato di razzismo. In realtà le persone come Borghezio, che rivendicano apertamente ed orgogliosamente la loro total intolerance, there are relatively few. We live in a society in which - superficially, at least - to be racist is considered a bad thing. A little 'how to be thieves, a thief matriculated difficult to accept with pride the title of thief, will search for moral justification, even claiming that he stole out of necessity or because there are still other types of theft, even legalized. In addition, the average Italian hardly take place even on an issue such as racism. I believe that in fact the main characteristic of the Italians is a kind of apathetic weakness, which leads them to worry about major problems when it really is too late (as someone said, * in Italy a questione, quale che sia, diventa importante solo quando ci scappa il morto; cosicchè tutti i provvedimenti successivi sono presi sull'onda dell'emotività e non del ragionamento), una specie di pecoraggine che può spingerlo ad un conformismo fascistoide ma che paradossalmente può avere persino lati positivi (la convinzione nell'adesione alle cause è sempre scarsa, anche alle cause negative). Altan , che di questo paese ha capito assolutamente tutto, l'ha ben sintetizzato in una vignetta in cui un signore in poltrona dice: "Il guaio di questo paese è che si mangia troppo bene: non appena uno è lì lì per prendere posizione, già è pronto in tavola".
Insomma, se per racism we mean the inability (or unwillingness) to overcome prejudices - even positive - and get just an ease in dealing with ethnic, sexual orientation or skin color different, the average Italian is quietly racist. But since it is still unpleasant to be aware of, what it does? You create small tolerances, introduces a small amount of black people or gay in his life enough to give oneself a good conscience and be able to continue with business as usual. A little 'have the same attitude that those who claim - and maybe they are genuinely believe - to know all of Latin America after spending a week in Cuba
to charity probably the first step in the approach to other cultures was born. I guess it's inevitable, and perhaps even criticism: wanting to feel more tolerant if not require psychological need not to be racist, which in itself I think, however, a positive spring. The trouble is when you can not go beyond, that is when you treat these "controlled amounts of tolerance 'as a vaccine, that is a controlled amount of virus being introduced into the body with the hope of becoming immune. What is true for a vaccine does not apply to a mindset: the most likely thing is that once soothed the conscience to do not pass you, do not try to overcome this first superficial approccio per conoscere ulteriormente quello che Kapuscinski chiamerebbe "l'altro". Una signora che fa una donazione per i poveri negretti nell'Africa, come talvolta paternalisticamente vengono chiamati, difficilmente farà ulteriori sforzi per comprendere la loro cultura, difficilmente cercherà di capire come pensano questi negretti o perchè sono poveri. Avrà la coscienza tranquilla e tanto basterà.
Un tempo ammiravo Vladimir Luxuria, apprezzavo le sue battaglie e lo sostenevo pure. Ma mi è caduto in disgrazia quando ha partecipato - vincendo - all'Isola dei Famosi. Al di là delle tragicomiche dichiarazioni di Ferrero che è arrivato a paragonare Luxuria ad Obama e ad auspicare che la vittoria nel programma was a springboard to the European (crazy things, we wonder that the Left in Italy is dead), what irritated me most was the attitude of some who saw this victory as a sign of maturity of the Italians occurred in of sexual tolerance.
Absurd. Absurd and suicidal. In fact, not only this victory means nothing, but I also damaged the cause of Luxuria. A boy looking at the island's famous Luxuria is nice, want to feel modern and vote for him (in the program, not the election), from that moment will have the intimate conviction (at least in part) to be tolerant of gay and so it will be even less receptive to criticism. It will not make further efforts to approach the gay world, because we feel strongly that it contributed intimately - this surface and its a bit 'exhibitionistic position - to a cause of tolerance, the conscience will feel "clean." And so it will be even less inclined to be ashamed the next time storcerà the nose with regard to PACS, indeed feels entitled to criticize too openly.
A little 'as in those southern countries where the "femminiello" is not abused, but tolerated and accepted as one of the elements of the country, as the city hall, the Church, the village idiot and the "professor"; provided, of course, does not go beyond the role and importance that are sewn on.
And the speech about homosexuals is true for people of color, the Chinese, Muslims, and ostracized by all those minorities which it is presented a portrait sweetened (in the sense that it tends to present only the positive side, giving an image, glossy but people are made of positive and negative), to silence a bit 'our bad conscience. In fiction A doctor with a family and Lino Banfi presents an Indian family, which summarizes all possible and imaginable stereotypes about Indians (elephants, Vishnu, turbans, and charm of exotic dancers, there is also Sandokan). One of the characters not in love with the scion of Indian immigrants to these Salgari and large television audiences applaud. Sign of tolerance? To me, it's just a way to perpetuate ideas a bit 'immature about immigrants and perhaps delay a real cultural amalgam. As soon as the same person who so appreciated you will find a family doctor, let's say, the neighbors well in India, will also be less prepared - and maybe even disappointed - to learn that they are not clones or Kabir Bedi Aishwarya Rai . And what this closeness implies, as is inevitably the case, also has problems.
I feel that a society in which certain cultural barriers to be overcome is finally represented by Brazil, where the mixing between races are so widely spread no longer pose a somewhat abnormal, in which all words, are mestizos, but at the same time, where the ethnic peculiarities have not been removed or leveled, but exalted, as a mark of distinction but not separation. But after Brazil I met him only from the books of Jorge Amado, and I could be wrong.
* came to my mind: if you do not accidentally Teodoro Ndjock Ngan, poet and cultural mediator in the documentary The color of the words of Marco Puccioni. Another African in Italy.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Musekinin Kanchou Tylor Telecharger
Bibliovideoterapia: Smile...
Here's another song that can inspire, move, cheer, to dream for years ... I found it a bit too mushy, but listening again I think that often we just afraid of being too good we dive into something that might surprise, surprise, and when we may want to excess ... but why do not overdo it, as long as we choose freedom with joy and pleasure ...
When will we tire of love, friendship, joy, laughter rispondiamoci ... honestly ...
front with "great energy" as the squirrels do acorns, so when we fill our hole will not catch us unprepared for the cold!
Smile, without a reason why
Love, As If You Were A Child,
Smile, No Matter What They Do not Tell You
listen to a word they say
Cause life is beautiful that way.
Tears, a tidal wave of tears
Light, that slowly disappears
Wait, before you close the curtain
There is still another game to play
And life is beautiful that way
Here with his eyes forevermore
I will always be as close as you
remember from before
Now that you're out there on your own
Remember what is real and
what we dream is love alone
Keep the laughter in your eyes
Soon your long awaited prize
We'll forget about our sorrows
And think about a brighter day
Cause life is beautiful that way.
We'll forget about our sorrows
And think about a brighter day, Cause life is beautiful
That Way There's Still Another game to play And life is beautiful
That Way.
Here's another song that can inspire, move, cheer, to dream for years ... I found it a bit too mushy, but listening again I think that often we just afraid of being too good we dive into something that might surprise, surprise, and when we may want to excess ... but why do not overdo it, as long as we choose freedom with joy and pleasure ...
When will we tire of love, friendship, joy, laughter rispondiamoci ... honestly ...
front with "great energy" as the squirrels do acorns, so when we fill our hole will not catch us unprepared for the cold!
Smile, without a reason why
Love, As If You Were A Child,
Smile, No Matter What They Do not Tell You
listen to a word they say
Cause life is beautiful that way.
Tears, a tidal wave of tears
Light, that slowly disappears
Wait, before you close the curtain
There is still another game to play
And life is beautiful that way
Here with his eyes forevermore
I will always be as close as you
remember from before
Now that you're out there on your own
Remember what is real and
what we dream is love alone
Keep the laughter in your eyes
Soon your long awaited prize
We'll forget about our sorrows
And think about a brighter day
Cause life is beautiful that way.
We'll forget about our sorrows
And think about a brighter day, Cause life is beautiful
That Way There's Still Another game to play And life is beautiful
That Way.
How To Take Doxxycyclinefertility
I love the 80s. I love the look of certain films, the first console Nintendo con grafica cubettosa (io possessore all'epoca di un Amiga invidiavo - quasi sicuramente a torto - chi poteva giocare con Super Mario); quell'atmosfera di insensato edonismo, di culto patinato dell'estetica e spesso anche della forza. Non sempre ero consapevole di queste caratteristiche, di cui devo aver subito un'influenza indiretta attraverso - ad esempio - canzoni che mi entravano nell'orecchio e non ne uscivano più, tipo Jump dei Van Halen. Si tratta, come per molte nostalgie, di un sentimento abbastanza infondato, gli anni '80 hanno prodotto fior di mostruosità (negli Stati Uniti ma non solo, basti pensare all'ascesa dei Socialisti craxiani in Italia) e dunque non dovrebbero essere particolarmente rimpianti.
Tuttavia, striving to be as objective as possible, I must say that artistically I find them much more interesting than the next 90 years let alone the new millennium. Both musically and, especially, film. It must have been the last time - with very few exceptions, like the first Matrix - in which American science fiction has been able to produce truly original and disturbing work: in a handful of films (Terminator, 1984, Robocop, 1987, Predator, 1987 , Blade Runner, 1982 and some others that now escapes me) is concentrated around the great U.S. of the following years. Commingling human-machine, a kind of wildness technological, industrial (in almost all these films there is at least a scene in a steel mill), yet spontaneous and natural; slums (the city where he plays the Terminator are full of white trash and urban squalor, a detail that have managed to keep even in the good TV series The Sarah Connor Chronicles ). Because these films are still so compelling, we are struck with such force? Obviously we feel in some way linked to those images, they are films that have failed to grasp - perhaps not even consciously - a change in place, an invisible quality that makes them feel close to us. Hit us because they speak to us of what we were getting, how the world was influenced our perception of things. A speech that certainly is not confined to science fiction (I assume that the same reasoning could be applied to the great myths of the '80s horror, like Freddy Krueger, and not limited only to the cinema).
why the remake, and followed that filled the cinemas in recent years, from the Terminator to the new remake of Halloween, are destined to fail if they do not like movies (which is still seen in most cases: they tend to be film anonymous or inconsistent), at least as epochal works, able to grasp the mood of a generation: because society has changed, and those that are proposed in these films - in addition, in the case of the remake, as a certified copy of something already shot, and then insincere - moods are already somatization, already lived, already entered in our genes and our children. Beyond the criticism of commercial exploitation, the directors less attentive, beyond short of artistic success - it just works that present myths out of time. Probably the new fixed points of the American science fiction film Avatar will be Cameron and Neil Blomkamp's District 9, is no coincidence that both works speak of misunderstandings between cultures, people obamianamente "mestizos" and multiculturalism, which is what apparently made these years at the end decade.
PS What was, now that I think the last horror comparable impact at that time had films like Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th? Perhaps the series of Saw, which, though rather mediocre artistically created and influenced many imitators, with its metallic appearance and filthy, many other films. It is certainly not good news to know that today we feel so familiar with the concept of torture (which is behind the whole saga).
Tuttavia, striving to be as objective as possible, I must say that artistically I find them much more interesting than the next 90 years let alone the new millennium. Both musically and, especially, film. It must have been the last time - with very few exceptions, like the first Matrix - in which American science fiction has been able to produce truly original and disturbing work: in a handful of films (Terminator, 1984, Robocop, 1987, Predator, 1987 , Blade Runner, 1982 and some others that now escapes me) is concentrated around the great U.S. of the following years. Commingling human-machine, a kind of wildness technological, industrial (in almost all these films there is at least a scene in a steel mill), yet spontaneous and natural; slums (the city where he plays the Terminator are full of white trash and urban squalor, a detail that have managed to keep even in the good TV series The Sarah Connor Chronicles ). Because these films are still so compelling, we are struck with such force? Obviously we feel in some way linked to those images, they are films that have failed to grasp - perhaps not even consciously - a change in place, an invisible quality that makes them feel close to us. Hit us because they speak to us of what we were getting, how the world was influenced our perception of things. A speech that certainly is not confined to science fiction (I assume that the same reasoning could be applied to the great myths of the '80s horror, like Freddy Krueger, and not limited only to the cinema).
why the remake, and followed that filled the cinemas in recent years, from the Terminator to the new remake of Halloween, are destined to fail if they do not like movies (which is still seen in most cases: they tend to be film anonymous or inconsistent), at least as epochal works, able to grasp the mood of a generation: because society has changed, and those that are proposed in these films - in addition, in the case of the remake, as a certified copy of something already shot, and then insincere - moods are already somatization, already lived, already entered in our genes and our children. Beyond the criticism of commercial exploitation, the directors less attentive, beyond short of artistic success - it just works that present myths out of time. Probably the new fixed points of the American science fiction film Avatar will be Cameron and Neil Blomkamp's District 9, is no coincidence that both works speak of misunderstandings between cultures, people obamianamente "mestizos" and multiculturalism, which is what apparently made these years at the end decade.
PS What was, now that I think the last horror comparable impact at that time had films like Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th? Perhaps the series of Saw, which, though rather mediocre artistically created and influenced many imitators, with its metallic appearance and filthy, many other films. It is certainly not good news to know that today we feel so familiar with the concept of torture (which is behind the whole saga).
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Denise Milani - Wikipedia
The three litigants
I finally saw the televised debate (so to say, on Youdem, apparently because the candidates have failed to agree on a common ground TV) from the three aspiring secretaries of PD. Understanding that none of the three made a figure with nails, rather than have come out with dignity (but who knows who would be able to maintain composure in front of snarling and Belpietro Ghedini, whose specialty is to interrupt the opponent to blunder with the only order to get him to nerves), here's my assessment.
1-Marino. By far the most convincing on all matters of civil order. But above all, the more pronounced, he says bread bread and wine to wine, without beating around the bush nor giving evasive answers. He has no political career behind him, and it shows: in the positive sense, however, because in addition to afford an ease that the other two do not have, also has the undoubted merit of not being a professional politician who does, just as Bersani, Franceschini, or - a name at random ... - D'Alema. Maybe not quite telegenic - hair resemble those of Big Jim, or Mr. Zed - but it was a healthy breath of fresh air.
2-Franceschini. Not a disaster, but the least convincing of the bunch. He looked like a first class who was trying to be nice. In addition, the transport by which the cause is embracing antiberlusconiana is suspect: it seems a pose taken to differentiate as much as possible, che un atteggiamento da sostenersi sulla lunga distanza. Sicuramente ai miei occhi sconta il fatto di provenire dalla disastrosa gestione "buonista" di Veltroni. Le colpe di Walter non sono le sue, certo, ma non è un buon motivo per cui debba avere le mie simpatie: era pur sempre molto vicino al pacato e sereno presidente del PD.
3-Bersani. Mah. Non è nemmeno lontanamente disinvolto come ha detto qualcuno (anzi, ha tenuto proprio un atteggiamento televisivamente sbagliato, masticando nervosamente o incurvandosi, come d'altronde ad Anno Zero: sembra perennemente a disagio e forse lo è davvero). Come Franceschini ha dato risposte in politichese, evasive ed indirette. In termini di chiarezza perde nettamente il confronto con Marino. Ma has an advantage: it seems natural, genuine. A sort of warden of the past, solid and enjoyable. From this point of view of its lack of ease may turn into an advantage. But it has another serious handicap is too tied to D'Alema.
not want to deal with the subject: suffice it to say that I consider D'Alema guilty of grave errors - if not actual crimes - that have severely damaged all the "incarnations" of the PD (Olive, etc.) not to mention center-left governments. is the embodiment of everything wrong with Italian politics, including the fact that although it continues to fully and finally burned. I am aware
that whoever becomes secretary Alema Slogger not, as I am aware that Bersani is likely to be the winner of the fight. For once, however, I will vote according to conscience, choosing the candidate that the more I reflect, and not taking into account the logic of realpolitik or simply profit.
Mark Marino.
1-Marino. By far the most convincing on all matters of civil order. But above all, the more pronounced, he says bread bread and wine to wine, without beating around the bush nor giving evasive answers. He has no political career behind him, and it shows: in the positive sense, however, because in addition to afford an ease that the other two do not have, also has the undoubted merit of not being a professional politician who does, just as Bersani, Franceschini, or - a name at random ... - D'Alema. Maybe not quite telegenic - hair resemble those of Big Jim, or Mr. Zed - but it was a healthy breath of fresh air.
2-Franceschini. Not a disaster, but the least convincing of the bunch. He looked like a first class who was trying to be nice. In addition, the transport by which the cause is embracing antiberlusconiana is suspect: it seems a pose taken to differentiate as much as possible, che un atteggiamento da sostenersi sulla lunga distanza. Sicuramente ai miei occhi sconta il fatto di provenire dalla disastrosa gestione "buonista" di Veltroni. Le colpe di Walter non sono le sue, certo, ma non è un buon motivo per cui debba avere le mie simpatie: era pur sempre molto vicino al pacato e sereno presidente del PD.
3-Bersani. Mah. Non è nemmeno lontanamente disinvolto come ha detto qualcuno (anzi, ha tenuto proprio un atteggiamento televisivamente sbagliato, masticando nervosamente o incurvandosi, come d'altronde ad Anno Zero: sembra perennemente a disagio e forse lo è davvero). Come Franceschini ha dato risposte in politichese, evasive ed indirette. In termini di chiarezza perde nettamente il confronto con Marino. Ma has an advantage: it seems natural, genuine. A sort of warden of the past, solid and enjoyable. From this point of view of its lack of ease may turn into an advantage. But it has another serious handicap is too tied to D'Alema.
not want to deal with the subject: suffice it to say that I consider D'Alema guilty of grave errors - if not actual crimes - that have severely damaged all the "incarnations" of the PD (Olive, etc.) not to mention center-left governments. is the embodiment of everything wrong with Italian politics, including the fact that although it continues to fully and finally burned. I am aware
that whoever becomes secretary Alema Slogger not, as I am aware that Bersani is likely to be the winner of the fight. For once, however, I will vote according to conscience, choosing the candidate that the more I reflect, and not taking into account the logic of realpolitik or simply profit.
Mark Marino.
Pokemon Online Silber
Pensieri sparsi: Vi piace?
As you can see we are a bit 'quieter these days ... The season "summer" of Villavillacolle (which began in March and ended yesterday!) Is finished and we are committed body and soul with our sculptures.
We want to share with you today made an installation on the beach of Turas.
It 's a huge Pescioni, tuna fish, iron and rope, do you like?
A lot of us, it was really good and realize the fact that tourists have caught it this way, it seems un segnale che la strada è quella giusta! Vedremo e naturalmente,vi terremo aggiornati...
As you can see we are a bit 'quieter these days ... The season "summer" of Villavillacolle (which began in March and ended yesterday!) Is finished and we are committed body and soul with our sculptures.
We want to share with you today made an installation on the beach of Turas.
It 's a huge Pescioni, tuna fish, iron and rope, do you like?
A lot of us, it was really good and realize the fact that tourists have caught it this way, it seems un segnale che la strada è quella giusta! Vedremo e naturalmente,vi terremo aggiornati...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thyroid Problems And Impotence
Society of Berlusconi, the company's post-election youth
Occasionally people, myself included, we ask: but how do they actually completely incompatible as those of the League (Federalist, at least in words ) and AN (centralized) to live within the same grid? I do not say much for the politicians in this case that has obvious attractions for himself to this forced cohabitation, but common for voters (voters among other things, such as the League, which will attach themselves to a kind of ideology - mythology , so the God Po and then more so should see how the wool over the eyes to a neighbor or simply centralist Southerner). In short, what kind of mental mechanism snaps the head of a voter who supports the League because they somehow believe it, hate Berlusconi, but gives his vote to the League even though this vote is CLEARLY a vote of support for Berlusconi?
left - maybe wrong, but I do not think - I think the mechanism was different, and because of its inability proverbial cohesion. If I Left vote and Freedom clearly I do just to mark my grip away from the PD, and this distancing is transformed into an actual result: My votes went to the Left and freedom and not have supported the Democratic Party. Sure, there's Peter, but his situation is a bit 'abnormal. I always felt that in reality the voters of Di Pietro are simply disaffected voters PD. Di Pietro vote because it takes the position that took the PD. But it is not just a wall away. If those positions had the PD, the PD would vote. In a sense, is a rod encouragement. As if to say: "I know that Peter will never win a majority in politics, but the vote to send a signal to the PD, why must understand the direction in which the preferences of citizens who favor the left."
short, because the voters vote for parties like the League and AN PDL and feel no contradiction, no qualms indirectly support positions antithetical to those that often are - should be - their own, personal ones? I have a feeling that there is a strange sort of mechanism, almost invisible, never openly expressed an understanding between the politicians of these parties and their supporters. Calderoli Montecitorio to look at whether to give itself an attitude, then returns to his feud e subito riesplode in un rutto liberatorio la sua vera natura, torna a parlare di musulmani fetidi e di terroni e la gente applaude. Ma appunto, c'è una sorta di intesa invisibile, quasi mafiosa, fra il politico e i suoi elettori. Come se dicesse: non preoccupatevi, anche se sono a Roma, anche se mi comporto in modo diverso dal Calderoli che conoscete, resto sempre io; sapete che sto con Berlusconi solo per portare avanti i miei interessi; lui non è che un mezzo per arrivare al mio - al nostro - fine personale. Quando e se non dovesse servire più, lo scarico.
Che fra politici ci sia un machiavellismo egoistico che porta ad alleanze anche improbabili è un'ovvietà. Ma forse non è del tutto un'ovvietà that the fact that the particular policies pursued ulterior motives is one thing absolutely known to all his constituents although he does not ever speak openly. Perhaps it is that Italians are fools, maybe I'm just cynical. When Berlusconi and Bossi go hand in hand, to clearly demonstrate an understanding that they are actually ready to break if it proves to be counterproductive, because they do it? Those who seek to deceive? Why do I doubt that, for example, a Northern League really say that kind Berlusconi is not so bad after all. Probably say that yes, Bossi does so for pro on the project of federalism, Padania and so on, but in reality Berlusconi is a shady type, you know he knows Bossi and they know the voters, and you can leave when you will be well exploited the situation. With all due respect to those who fill their mouths with the importance of stability in the country. A sort of comedy made for the use and consumption do not really know who and where the actors are not only politicians but also voters. In this sense, some attempts to bring the voters the right to reason, and advise them that, for example, the positions of a boss have nothing to do with those of Berlusconi, and then logic would dictate that gave a vote of fact also supports Berlusconi, are destined to fail miserably. The voters know very well : vote however Bossi directly (and indirectly Berlusconi) because it will also continue their projects (and is understood to take your support for Berlusconi if \u200b\u200bthey see that there is more to gain from them personally.
On the one hand this is almost admirable self-denial of the case probably is also the basis of strict discipline (although the facade, but there is not one on the left) that allows the strength of the PDL. devastating cynicism that is the other show I'm not saying politicians, but its individual citizens, including the fact that all this does not reveal virtually nothing in words. A little 'the same mechanism that underlies a curious phenomenon that I believe to be all Italian: There has never happened, for example regional roads along certain to receive the signals (flashes or something similar) from the machines that pass in the opposite direction, only to find a couple of hundred yards ahead, the inevitable police patrol? Because of total strangers feel the need to report the matter to police presence? Why not surprise us that they do and indeed we are approaching a vague sense of camaraderie and friendship, for this report? Why, once past the patrol of the police, we almost feel compelled to return the favor by making in turn reported to the cars going in reverse? We are a country genetically mafia.
Occasionally people, myself included, we ask: but how do they actually completely incompatible as those of the League (Federalist, at least in words ) and AN (centralized) to live within the same grid? I do not say much for the politicians in this case that has obvious attractions for himself to this forced cohabitation, but common for voters (voters among other things, such as the League, which will attach themselves to a kind of ideology - mythology , so the God Po and then more so should see how the wool over the eyes to a neighbor or simply centralist Southerner). In short, what kind of mental mechanism snaps the head of a voter who supports the League because they somehow believe it, hate Berlusconi, but gives his vote to the League even though this vote is CLEARLY a vote of support for Berlusconi?
left - maybe wrong, but I do not think - I think the mechanism was different, and because of its inability proverbial cohesion. If I Left vote and Freedom clearly I do just to mark my grip away from the PD, and this distancing is transformed into an actual result: My votes went to the Left and freedom and not have supported the Democratic Party. Sure, there's Peter, but his situation is a bit 'abnormal. I always felt that in reality the voters of Di Pietro are simply disaffected voters PD. Di Pietro vote because it takes the position that took the PD. But it is not just a wall away. If those positions had the PD, the PD would vote. In a sense, is a rod encouragement. As if to say: "I know that Peter will never win a majority in politics, but the vote to send a signal to the PD, why must understand the direction in which the preferences of citizens who favor the left."
short, because the voters vote for parties like the League and AN PDL and feel no contradiction, no qualms indirectly support positions antithetical to those that often are - should be - their own, personal ones? I have a feeling that there is a strange sort of mechanism, almost invisible, never openly expressed an understanding between the politicians of these parties and their supporters. Calderoli Montecitorio to look at whether to give itself an attitude, then returns to his feud e subito riesplode in un rutto liberatorio la sua vera natura, torna a parlare di musulmani fetidi e di terroni e la gente applaude. Ma appunto, c'è una sorta di intesa invisibile, quasi mafiosa, fra il politico e i suoi elettori. Come se dicesse: non preoccupatevi, anche se sono a Roma, anche se mi comporto in modo diverso dal Calderoli che conoscete, resto sempre io; sapete che sto con Berlusconi solo per portare avanti i miei interessi; lui non è che un mezzo per arrivare al mio - al nostro - fine personale. Quando e se non dovesse servire più, lo scarico.
Che fra politici ci sia un machiavellismo egoistico che porta ad alleanze anche improbabili è un'ovvietà. Ma forse non è del tutto un'ovvietà that the fact that the particular policies pursued ulterior motives is one thing absolutely known to all his constituents although he does not ever speak openly. Perhaps it is that Italians are fools, maybe I'm just cynical. When Berlusconi and Bossi go hand in hand, to clearly demonstrate an understanding that they are actually ready to break if it proves to be counterproductive, because they do it? Those who seek to deceive? Why do I doubt that, for example, a Northern League really say that kind Berlusconi is not so bad after all. Probably say that yes, Bossi does so for pro on the project of federalism, Padania and so on, but in reality Berlusconi is a shady type, you know he knows Bossi and they know the voters, and you can leave when you will be well exploited the situation. With all due respect to those who fill their mouths with the importance of stability in the country. A sort of comedy made for the use and consumption do not really know who and where the actors are not only politicians but also voters. In this sense, some attempts to bring the voters the right to reason, and advise them that, for example, the positions of a boss have nothing to do with those of Berlusconi, and then logic would dictate that gave a vote of fact also supports Berlusconi, are destined to fail miserably. The voters know very well : vote however Bossi directly (and indirectly Berlusconi) because it will also continue their projects (and is understood to take your support for Berlusconi if \u200b\u200bthey see that there is more to gain from them personally.
On the one hand this is almost admirable self-denial of the case probably is also the basis of strict discipline (although the facade, but there is not one on the left) that allows the strength of the PDL. devastating cynicism that is the other show I'm not saying politicians, but its individual citizens, including the fact that all this does not reveal virtually nothing in words. A little 'the same mechanism that underlies a curious phenomenon that I believe to be all Italian: There has never happened, for example regional roads along certain to receive the signals (flashes or something similar) from the machines that pass in the opposite direction, only to find a couple of hundred yards ahead, the inevitable police patrol? Because of total strangers feel the need to report the matter to police presence? Why not surprise us that they do and indeed we are approaching a vague sense of camaraderie and friendship, for this report? Why, once past the patrol of the police, we almost feel compelled to return the favor by making in turn reported to the cars going in reverse? We are a country genetically mafia.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Cole Slaw Dressing Marzetti's Coupon
Biblioviedoterapia: La meraviglia delle meraviglie...
Non è che ci siamo fissati con youtube ... Ma giusto ieri abbiamo guardato tutti insieme un intero dvd della serie BBC Planet Earth e ci è venuta voglia di suggerirlo anche a voi.
La magia che questa serie di documentari riesce a trasmettere è incredibile. Semplicemente, non possono lasciarvi indifferenti.
E se siete poi nella giusta disposizione d'animo, potreste ritrovarvi d'un tratto a cercare passaporto e sacco a pelo, o binocolo e scarponcelli!!
Si può acquistare il cofanetto, volendo anche abbinato all'altra fantastica serie "The Blue Planet" , su una delle tante librerie on line...è un investimento che si ripaga subito...
Non è che ci siamo fissati con youtube ... Ma giusto ieri abbiamo guardato tutti insieme un intero dvd della serie BBC Planet Earth e ci è venuta voglia di suggerirlo anche a voi.
La magia che questa serie di documentari riesce a trasmettere è incredibile. Semplicemente, non possono lasciarvi indifferenti.
E se siete poi nella giusta disposizione d'animo, potreste ritrovarvi d'un tratto a cercare passaporto e sacco a pelo, o binocolo e scarponcelli!!
Si può acquistare il cofanetto, volendo anche abbinato all'altra fantastica serie "The Blue Planet" , su una delle tante librerie on line...è un investimento che si ripaga subito...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hypothyroidism Offers
Pensieri sparsi: Oh mio Dio!
Questa pubblicità del leggendario Borg (si, il tennista) probabilmente non arriverà mai sulla TV in Italia, perchè farebbe più morti dell'influenza A. Ci piace presentarvi questo brevissimo video, oltre per le belle energie che trasmette, perchè lo vediamo come un simbolo. Il simbolo di mondi che agli occhi della maggioranza dei nostri concittadini sembrano appartenere alla fantascienza. Ma basta affacciarsi oltre il primo confine nazionale per rendersi conto che ci sono migliaia di stili di vita diversi dal nostro che sono often, and unfortunately for our pride Italiot plus-sized human being.
Questa pubblicità del leggendario Borg (si, il tennista) probabilmente non arriverà mai sulla TV in Italia, perchè farebbe più morti dell'influenza A. Ci piace presentarvi questo brevissimo video, oltre per le belle energie che trasmette, perchè lo vediamo come un simbolo. Il simbolo di mondi che agli occhi della maggioranza dei nostri concittadini sembrano appartenere alla fantascienza. Ma basta affacciarsi oltre il primo confine nazionale per rendersi conto che ci sono migliaia di stili di vita diversi dal nostro che sono often, and unfortunately for our pride Italiot plus-sized human being.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Wedding Card Messages About Food
Bibliovideoterapia: ancora musica!
Of course everyone has their own taste in music, but sometimes go beyond certain songs ... I'm still a breath of good humor, confidence, encouragement even to exaggerate in wanting to enjoy every moment ... always ready to be surprised ... carpe diem!
Well a new week lies ahead, bring the energy of this song, maybe you can or want to hear it when you need to recharge ... remind you of things important to you, or just because you like it ... why not?
What does it matter if it's over
And what if my throat burned, or not
is important is that there has been a wonderful day
As A wonderful day
debauchery, stravissuta, relentlessly
Always A wonderful day with bated breath until the evening
Until the morning will not come
But who cares if it's over
What does it matter if it was my life, or not
is important is that there has been
A fantastic day, soft
Oh, What a wonderful day always begins with a dawn
Oh, a wonderful day
How many feelings or what emotions you want
Then eventually overwhelm
But who cares if it's over
And what if my throat is burning or not
What does it matter if it lasted
What matters is that it was a wonderful day
Stravissuta, debauchery , distraught
A wonderful day with the sun in my face Always until evening
Until the night again will be ...
Of course everyone has their own taste in music, but sometimes go beyond certain songs ... I'm still a breath of good humor, confidence, encouragement even to exaggerate in wanting to enjoy every moment ... always ready to be surprised ... carpe diem!
Well a new week lies ahead, bring the energy of this song, maybe you can or want to hear it when you need to recharge ... remind you of things important to you, or just because you like it ... why not?
What does it matter if it's over
And what if my throat burned, or not
is important is that there has been a wonderful day
As A wonderful day
debauchery, stravissuta, relentlessly
Always A wonderful day with bated breath until the evening
Until the morning will not come
But who cares if it's over
What does it matter if it was my life, or not
is important is that there has been
A fantastic day, soft
Oh, What a wonderful day always begins with a dawn
Oh, a wonderful day
How many feelings or what emotions you want
Then eventually overwhelm
But who cares if it's over
And what if my throat is burning or not
What does it matter if it lasted
What matters is that it was a wonderful day
Stravissuta, debauchery , distraught
A wonderful day with the sun in my face Always until evening
Until the night again will be ...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Athletes Foot Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Le nostre ricette preferite: un impasto milleusi!
Here is a healthy mix, and easy to do good, good!
Doses of basic
3 scoops (I use a glass) of white flour or low
a measuring cup with water calda
1 misurino di olio di oliva o di semi di girasole
1 cucchiaio di semi di sesamo (facoltativo)
1 cucchiaino di sale
Versione dolce:
aggiungete all'impasto un cucchiaio di malto o miele o zucchero di canna.
In una ciotola mescolare farina, sale, semi
fare la fontanella ed in mezzo mettere acqua e olio
impastare energicamente per ottenere un impasto elastico che risulterà un pò oleoso, ma non appiccicoso...se così non fosse aggiungete un pò di farina.
Non dovete impastare troppo, basta che gli ingredienti siano ben amalgamati.
A questo punto avete varie possibilità:
1)Stendere l'impasto con il mattarello in una placca oven, with a wheel cut into squares.
Bake in oven at 180 degrees until the crackers are not beautiful golden and crisp. Usually after approx. 15min. but it depends on your oven ...
are some good snack to accompany all types of sauces.
2) Roll out the dough into a cake pan to drill holes with a fork and bake as above. You will have the base ready for pies and cakes
3) Prepare a cream cheese and spinach, or vegetables as desired, or lentils
Roll out the dough on a parchment paper plate and lie down in the cream. Helping with the baking paper roll up the dough for strudel apple ... you can do it!
Close the edges and bake ...
Well! What do you think? Worth trying ... not!

Here is a healthy mix, and easy to do good, good!
Doses of basic
3 scoops (I use a glass) of white flour or low
a measuring cup with water calda
1 misurino di olio di oliva o di semi di girasole
1 cucchiaio di semi di sesamo (facoltativo)
1 cucchiaino di sale
Versione dolce:
aggiungete all'impasto un cucchiaio di malto o miele o zucchero di canna.
In una ciotola mescolare farina, sale, semi
fare la fontanella ed in mezzo mettere acqua e olio
impastare energicamente per ottenere un impasto elastico che risulterà un pò oleoso, ma non appiccicoso...se così non fosse aggiungete un pò di farina.
Non dovete impastare troppo, basta che gli ingredienti siano ben amalgamati.
A questo punto avete varie possibilità:
1)Stendere l'impasto con il mattarello in una placca oven, with a wheel cut into squares.
Bake in oven at 180 degrees until the crackers are not beautiful golden and crisp. Usually after approx. 15min. but it depends on your oven ...
are some good snack to accompany all types of sauces.
2) Roll out the dough into a cake pan to drill holes with a fork and bake as above. You will have the base ready for pies and cakes
3) Prepare a cream cheese and spinach, or vegetables as desired, or lentils
Roll out the dough on a parchment paper plate and lie down in the cream. Helping with the baking paper roll up the dough for strudel apple ... you can do it!
Close the edges and bake ...
Well! What do you think? Worth trying ... not!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Co Tojeturl Icb Radio
Bibliovideoterapia: Ewwiva la creatività low cost!
a board, two puppets, a little 'music ... And two brothers
With a minimal setup and great creativity with the Umbilical Brothers (thanks to James for letting us know the facts!) Will test even the most serious faces. So we dedicate them this post, which in addition to being good for our mood, is also a confirmation that there is no need to make budget millionaires thousand little masterpieces ...
a board, two puppets, a little 'music ... And two brothers
With a minimal setup and great creativity with the Umbilical Brothers (thanks to James for letting us know the facts!) Will test even the most serious faces. So we dedicate them this post, which in addition to being good for our mood, is also a confirmation that there is no need to make budget millionaires thousand little masterpieces ...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Lymphedema Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Bibliovideoterapia: la vita è bella!...musica...musica..misica...
not to steal the title to the great Roberto Benigni, or to minimize or ignore the great suffering that afflict humans and the planet, but let's not forget that every morning, every time we face life with a fresh perspective ...
So we felt like to choose songs that inneggino to life and they can make the background to our days, sometimes lighter, sometimes challenging pù ...
Enjoy this sweet melody and key words, you will be taken by the lightness of this song that creates a space, a roll as "noise" of the sea, is the time interval between the breaking of small waves on the sand and surf before the arrival of the new wave ... that is the space of possibilities ...
We have all the time in the world
We have all, the time in the world
Time ENOUGH for life
All the prescious things
Love has in store
We have all the love in the world
If that's all we have
You will find
We need nothing more
Every step of the way
Will find us
With the cares of the world
Far behind us
We have all the time in the world
Just for love
Nothing more
Nothing less
Only love
Every step of the way
Will find
us With the cares of the world Far behind us
We have all the time in the world
Just for love Nothing more Nothing less
Only love Only love
Louis Armstrong
not to steal the title to the great Roberto Benigni, or to minimize or ignore the great suffering that afflict humans and the planet, but let's not forget that every morning, every time we face life with a fresh perspective ...
So we felt like to choose songs that inneggino to life and they can make the background to our days, sometimes lighter, sometimes challenging pù ...
Enjoy this sweet melody and key words, you will be taken by the lightness of this song that creates a space, a roll as "noise" of the sea, is the time interval between the breaking of small waves on the sand and surf before the arrival of the new wave ... that is the space of possibilities ...
We have all the time in the world
We have all, the time in the world
Time ENOUGH for life
All the prescious things
Love has in store
We have all the love in the world
If that's all we have
You will find
We need nothing more
Every step of the way
Will find us
With the cares of the world
Far behind us
We have all the time in the world
Just for love
Nothing more
Nothing less
Only love
Every step of the way
Will find
us With the cares of the world Far behind us
We have all the time in the world
Just for love Nothing more Nothing less
Only love Only love
Louis Armstrong
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
California Abc Licensen Requirements
For a national network of B & B & B
Villavillacolle Friends and Friends, this post is a call!
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Bed and Breakfast and Barter has enjoyed high approval (no later than yesterday evening, the last radio interview with Maurizio Costanzo ...).
We truly believe that it could become a "couch surfing" the Italian, with a kind of hospitality suitable not only for the young. The time for
groped to promote the idea to replicate it and create a national network of BBB is now!
As you know our profession is the sculpture and, from next month, we are committed to long exhibitions, projects ...
any of you who would like to ride the idea of \u200b\u200bthe BBB and groped for her further development? The potential for growth are very large, it takes a little 'time to devote to promotion through trade shows, meetings, contacts and various awareness are doing something socially sgnificativa.
If you like our idea, make it yours!
course is free, and how could it be ... Write
(Alfredo.meschi @ libero.it) if you plan to do for you and if you want to throw in this project, we will face the best at what would be the best strategies ...
We wait!

Villavillacolle Friends and Friends, this post is a call!
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Bed and Breakfast and Barter has enjoyed high approval (no later than yesterday evening, the last radio interview with Maurizio Costanzo ...).
We truly believe that it could become a "couch surfing" the Italian, with a kind of hospitality suitable not only for the young. The time for
groped to promote the idea to replicate it and create a national network of BBB is now!
As you know our profession is the sculpture and, from next month, we are committed to long exhibitions, projects ...
any of you who would like to ride the idea of \u200b\u200bthe BBB and groped for her further development? The potential for growth are very large, it takes a little 'time to devote to promotion through trade shows, meetings, contacts and various awareness are doing something socially sgnificativa.
If you like our idea, make it yours!
course is free, and how could it be ... Write
(Alfredo.meschi @ libero.it) if you plan to do for you and if you want to throw in this project, we will face the best at what would be the best strategies ...
We wait!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mini Sand Car Blue Prints
What to do in Bosa: to honor John ...
... and all the band's award-winning pizzeria cut.
now the confirmation has come from too many places to think it's just our establishment, our own craze, almost an addiction ...
The pizza-cut of "John", a short walk from Villavillacolle, is a wonderful food! Filled with super abundance and with real products: peppers beautiful and good, Sardinian sausage, eggplant and zucchini housewives ... Cotta so unbeatable, with a crunchy crust ... At a popular price ...
And although the line would stretch more and more obviously, do not wait no more than ten minutes.
If we could do without guilt bio-macro-nature, so ceneremmo every night!
However, between AMCI, Villavillacolle guests, family and various excuses ... any occasion is good ...
The greatest admirers have come from the "continent", are certainly their grandparents, who have proposed even tonight ...

... and all the band's award-winning pizzeria cut.
now the confirmation has come from too many places to think it's just our establishment, our own craze, almost an addiction ...
The pizza-cut of "John", a short walk from Villavillacolle, is a wonderful food! Filled with super abundance and with real products: peppers beautiful and good, Sardinian sausage, eggplant and zucchini housewives ... Cotta so unbeatable, with a crunchy crust ... At a popular price ...
And although the line would stretch more and more obviously, do not wait no more than ten minutes.
If we could do without guilt bio-macro-nature, so ceneremmo every night!
However, between AMCI, Villavillacolle guests, family and various excuses ... any occasion is good ...
The greatest admirers have come from the "continent", are certainly their grandparents, who have proposed even tonight ...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Gay Cruising New York Queens
say, do, trade: There we are!
Yes, friends and friends of Villavillacolle, there we are! We can say
that the idea of \u200b\u200ba tourism that is based on more than profit sharing, really beginning to appear on the Italian scene, and is a success and all that concerns all of you. Giambattista
Scivoletto of BedandBreakfast.it (a site which includes 10,000 B & B Italian!) Was one of the first to be struck by the idea of \u200b\u200bVillavillacolle. So much to consider, since last February, an involvement of B & B in the field of real Barter. Well, Gibi has managed to November 16 to 22 next, in fact, will begin the first week of Barter . Many, but really so many, even many B & B acceded to his proposal and that week will be possibile soggiornare presso di loro barattando invece di spender soldi.
Siamo davvero contenti!
D'accordo, si tratta di B&B che fanno accoglienza turistica come lavoro, come businness (seppur con un'anima ben diversa dalle grandi strutture alienanti)ed è ovvio che difficilmente potranno diventare dei veri B&B&B (oppure no, chissà?), ma quest'apertura all'idea della condivisione, dello scambio, del dono è un gran bel segno!
Concludiamo citando queste parole di GiBi, che condividiamo appieno, augurandogli una grande risposta di pubblico!
"La settimana del Baratto sarà l’occasione per mettere in circolo viaggiatori, sensibilità, esperienze creando nuove relations of friendship, respect and trust, as well as a great and unusual way to know Italy and its people. "

Yes, friends and friends of Villavillacolle, there we are! We can say
that the idea of \u200b\u200ba tourism that is based on more than profit sharing, really beginning to appear on the Italian scene, and is a success and all that concerns all of you. Giambattista
Scivoletto of BedandBreakfast.it (a site which includes 10,000 B & B Italian!) Was one of the first to be struck by the idea of \u200b\u200bVillavillacolle. So much to consider, since last February, an involvement of B & B in the field of real Barter. Well, Gibi has managed to November 16 to 22 next, in fact, will begin the first week of Barter . Many, but really so many, even many B & B acceded to his proposal and that week will be possibile soggiornare presso di loro barattando invece di spender soldi.
Siamo davvero contenti!
D'accordo, si tratta di B&B che fanno accoglienza turistica come lavoro, come businness (seppur con un'anima ben diversa dalle grandi strutture alienanti)ed è ovvio che difficilmente potranno diventare dei veri B&B&B (oppure no, chissà?), ma quest'apertura all'idea della condivisione, dello scambio, del dono è un gran bel segno!
Concludiamo citando queste parole di GiBi, che condividiamo appieno, augurandogli una grande risposta di pubblico!
"La settimana del Baratto sarà l’occasione per mettere in circolo viaggiatori, sensibilità, esperienze creando nuove relations of friendship, respect and trust, as well as a great and unusual way to know Italy and its people. "
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