Franceschini presented as to his possible vice secretary of the Democratic Party, Jean-Leonard Touadi first parliamentary color of Italian history.
understanding that the curriculum vitae of Touadi is respectable and probably is more qualified for this role 90% of the political class, Franceschini's move - along with the proposal to take a woman as deputy secretary - I did not like. Why all the excellent qualities of Touadi, in this particular context, are completely obscured by the fact that it's black, the only characteristic that is repeated and has an echo in the national press; Franceschini thing I knew, and indirectly admits . In short, I have the uneasy feeling that a move is purely advertising, that if Parliament instead Touadi there was another deputy even less prepared than he was nominated, however, in the name of his being of color, which exhibit short Franceschini superficially his deputy black to show their tolerance and modernity, as well as his proposal for a woman deputy, in a sense, it can be translated as: "No matter who he is, as long as a woman."
As I had occasion to state elsewhere, there are at least two different types of racism. One is racism as usual if one imagines, sbracato, vulgar, intolerant, the skinheads, the League, the green shirts and black, the raids against immigrants, and so on. Most of the official representatives of the League are malvissuti peasants, barely able to maintain a proper conversation in Italian. Usually that is how one imagines them in central and southern Italy: degli ubriachi da osteria che occupano scandalosamente posti di responsabilità e che appena possono, nel proprio feudo, rivelano la loro vera natura .
è senz'altro vero, ma non bisogna lasciarsi ingannare. c'è un altro tipo di razzismo - e non mi riferisco a quello che di solito viene definito razzismo all'incontrario, dei neri nei confronti dei bianchi - un razzismo, cioè, che in qualche modo coinvolge tutti, e si potrebbe anche definire come "tolleranza contenuta".
Provo a spiegarmi. Personalmente sono convinto che, contrariamente a quanto si pensa, a nessuno piaccia veramente essere accusato di razzismo. In realtà le persone come Borghezio, che rivendicano apertamente ed orgogliosamente la loro total intolerance, there are relatively few. We live in a society in which - superficially, at least - to be racist is considered a bad thing. A little 'how to be thieves, a thief matriculated difficult to accept with pride the title of thief, will search for moral justification, even claiming that he stole out of necessity or because there are still other types of theft, even legalized. In addition, the average Italian hardly take place even on an issue such as racism. I believe that in fact the main characteristic of the Italians is a kind of apathetic weakness, which leads them to worry about major problems when it really is too late (as someone said, * in Italy a questione, quale che sia, diventa importante solo quando ci scappa il morto; cosicchè tutti i provvedimenti successivi sono presi sull'onda dell'emotività e non del ragionamento), una specie di pecoraggine che può spingerlo ad un conformismo fascistoide ma che paradossalmente può avere persino lati positivi (la convinzione nell'adesione alle cause è sempre scarsa, anche alle cause negative). Altan , che di questo paese ha capito assolutamente tutto, l'ha ben sintetizzato in una vignetta in cui un signore in poltrona dice: "Il guaio di questo paese è che si mangia troppo bene: non appena uno è lì lì per prendere posizione, già è pronto in tavola".
Insomma, se per racism we mean the inability (or unwillingness) to overcome prejudices - even positive - and get just an ease in dealing with ethnic, sexual orientation or skin color different, the average Italian is quietly racist. But since it is still unpleasant to be aware of, what it does? You create small tolerances, introduces a small amount of black people or gay in his life enough to give oneself a good conscience and be able to continue with business as usual. A little 'have the same attitude that those who claim - and maybe they are genuinely believe - to know all of Latin America after spending a week in Cuba
to charity probably the first step in the approach to other cultures was born. I guess it's inevitable, and perhaps even criticism: wanting to feel more tolerant if not require psychological need not to be racist, which in itself I think, however, a positive spring. The trouble is when you can not go beyond, that is when you treat these "controlled amounts of tolerance 'as a vaccine, that is a controlled amount of virus being introduced into the body with the hope of becoming immune. What is true for a vaccine does not apply to a mindset: the most likely thing is that once soothed the conscience to do not pass you, do not try to overcome this first superficial approccio per conoscere ulteriormente quello che Kapuscinski chiamerebbe "l'altro". Una signora che fa una donazione per i poveri negretti nell'Africa, come talvolta paternalisticamente vengono chiamati, difficilmente farà ulteriori sforzi per comprendere la loro cultura, difficilmente cercherà di capire come pensano questi negretti o perchè sono poveri. Avrà la coscienza tranquilla e tanto basterà.
Un tempo ammiravo Vladimir Luxuria, apprezzavo le sue battaglie e lo sostenevo pure. Ma mi è caduto in disgrazia quando ha partecipato - vincendo - all'Isola dei Famosi. Al di là delle tragicomiche dichiarazioni di Ferrero che è arrivato a paragonare Luxuria ad Obama e ad auspicare che la vittoria nel programma was a springboard to the European (crazy things, we wonder that the Left in Italy is dead), what irritated me most was the attitude of some who saw this victory as a sign of maturity of the Italians occurred in of sexual tolerance.
Absurd. Absurd and suicidal. In fact, not only this victory means nothing, but I also damaged the cause of Luxuria. A boy looking at the island's famous Luxuria is nice, want to feel modern and vote for him (in the program, not the election), from that moment will have the intimate conviction (at least in part) to be tolerant of gay and so it will be even less receptive to criticism. It will not make further efforts to approach the gay world, because we feel strongly that it contributed intimately - this surface and its a bit 'exhibitionistic position - to a cause of tolerance, the conscience will feel "clean." And so it will be even less inclined to be ashamed the next time storcerà the nose with regard to PACS, indeed feels entitled to criticize too openly.
A little 'as in those southern countries where the "femminiello" is not abused, but tolerated and accepted as one of the elements of the country, as the city hall, the Church, the village idiot and the "professor"; provided, of course, does not go beyond the role and importance that are sewn on.
And the speech about homosexuals is true for people of color, the Chinese, Muslims, and ostracized by all those minorities which it is presented a portrait sweetened (in the sense that it tends to present only the positive side, giving an image, glossy but people are made of positive and negative), to silence a bit 'our bad conscience. In fiction A doctor with a family and Lino Banfi presents an Indian family, which summarizes all possible and imaginable stereotypes about Indians (elephants, Vishnu, turbans, and charm of exotic dancers, there is also Sandokan). One of the characters not in love with the scion of Indian immigrants to these Salgari and large television audiences applaud. Sign of tolerance? To me, it's just a way to perpetuate ideas a bit 'immature about immigrants and perhaps delay a real cultural amalgam. As soon as the same person who so appreciated you will find a family doctor, let's say, the neighbors well in India, will also be less prepared - and maybe even disappointed - to learn that they are not clones or Kabir Bedi Aishwarya Rai . And what this closeness implies, as is inevitably the case, also has problems.
I feel that a society in which certain cultural barriers to be overcome is finally represented by Brazil, where the mixing between races are so widely spread no longer pose a somewhat abnormal, in which all words, are mestizos, but at the same time, where the ethnic peculiarities have not been removed or leveled, but exalted, as a mark of distinction but not separation. But after Brazil I met him only from the books of Jorge Amado, and I could be wrong.
* came to my mind: if you do not accidentally Teodoro Ndjock Ngan, poet and cultural mediator in the documentary The color of the words of Marco Puccioni. Another African in Italy.
understanding that the curriculum vitae of Touadi is respectable and probably is more qualified for this role 90% of the political class, Franceschini's move - along with the proposal to take a woman as deputy secretary - I did not like. Why all the excellent qualities of Touadi, in this particular context, are completely obscured by the fact that it's black, the only characteristic that is repeated and has an echo in the national press; Franceschini thing I knew, and indirectly admits . In short, I have the uneasy feeling that a move is purely advertising, that if Parliament instead Touadi there was another deputy even less prepared than he was nominated, however, in the name of his being of color, which exhibit short Franceschini superficially his deputy black to show their tolerance and modernity, as well as his proposal for a woman deputy, in a sense, it can be translated as: "No matter who he is, as long as a woman."
As I had occasion to state elsewhere, there are at least two different types of racism. One is racism as usual if one imagines, sbracato, vulgar, intolerant, the skinheads, the League, the green shirts and black, the raids against immigrants, and so on. Most of the official representatives of the League are malvissuti peasants, barely able to maintain a proper conversation in Italian. Usually that is how one imagines them in central and southern Italy: degli ubriachi da osteria che occupano scandalosamente posti di responsabilità e che appena possono, nel proprio feudo, rivelano la loro vera natura .
è senz'altro vero, ma non bisogna lasciarsi ingannare. c'è un altro tipo di razzismo - e non mi riferisco a quello che di solito viene definito razzismo all'incontrario, dei neri nei confronti dei bianchi - un razzismo, cioè, che in qualche modo coinvolge tutti, e si potrebbe anche definire come "tolleranza contenuta".
Provo a spiegarmi. Personalmente sono convinto che, contrariamente a quanto si pensa, a nessuno piaccia veramente essere accusato di razzismo. In realtà le persone come Borghezio, che rivendicano apertamente ed orgogliosamente la loro total intolerance, there are relatively few. We live in a society in which - superficially, at least - to be racist is considered a bad thing. A little 'how to be thieves, a thief matriculated difficult to accept with pride the title of thief, will search for moral justification, even claiming that he stole out of necessity or because there are still other types of theft, even legalized. In addition, the average Italian hardly take place even on an issue such as racism. I believe that in fact the main characteristic of the Italians is a kind of apathetic weakness, which leads them to worry about major problems when it really is too late (as someone said, * in Italy a questione, quale che sia, diventa importante solo quando ci scappa il morto; cosicchè tutti i provvedimenti successivi sono presi sull'onda dell'emotività e non del ragionamento), una specie di pecoraggine che può spingerlo ad un conformismo fascistoide ma che paradossalmente può avere persino lati positivi (la convinzione nell'adesione alle cause è sempre scarsa, anche alle cause negative). Altan , che di questo paese ha capito assolutamente tutto, l'ha ben sintetizzato in una vignetta in cui un signore in poltrona dice: "Il guaio di questo paese è che si mangia troppo bene: non appena uno è lì lì per prendere posizione, già è pronto in tavola".
Insomma, se per racism we mean the inability (or unwillingness) to overcome prejudices - even positive - and get just an ease in dealing with ethnic, sexual orientation or skin color different, the average Italian is quietly racist. But since it is still unpleasant to be aware of, what it does? You create small tolerances, introduces a small amount of black people or gay in his life enough to give oneself a good conscience and be able to continue with business as usual. A little 'have the same attitude that those who claim - and maybe they are genuinely believe - to know all of Latin America after spending a week in Cuba
to charity probably the first step in the approach to other cultures was born. I guess it's inevitable, and perhaps even criticism: wanting to feel more tolerant if not require psychological need not to be racist, which in itself I think, however, a positive spring. The trouble is when you can not go beyond, that is when you treat these "controlled amounts of tolerance 'as a vaccine, that is a controlled amount of virus being introduced into the body with the hope of becoming immune. What is true for a vaccine does not apply to a mindset: the most likely thing is that once soothed the conscience to do not pass you, do not try to overcome this first superficial approccio per conoscere ulteriormente quello che Kapuscinski chiamerebbe "l'altro". Una signora che fa una donazione per i poveri negretti nell'Africa, come talvolta paternalisticamente vengono chiamati, difficilmente farà ulteriori sforzi per comprendere la loro cultura, difficilmente cercherà di capire come pensano questi negretti o perchè sono poveri. Avrà la coscienza tranquilla e tanto basterà.
Un tempo ammiravo Vladimir Luxuria, apprezzavo le sue battaglie e lo sostenevo pure. Ma mi è caduto in disgrazia quando ha partecipato - vincendo - all'Isola dei Famosi. Al di là delle tragicomiche dichiarazioni di Ferrero che è arrivato a paragonare Luxuria ad Obama e ad auspicare che la vittoria nel programma was a springboard to the European (crazy things, we wonder that the Left in Italy is dead), what irritated me most was the attitude of some who saw this victory as a sign of maturity of the Italians occurred in of sexual tolerance.
Absurd. Absurd and suicidal. In fact, not only this victory means nothing, but I also damaged the cause of Luxuria. A boy looking at the island's famous Luxuria is nice, want to feel modern and vote for him (in the program, not the election), from that moment will have the intimate conviction (at least in part) to be tolerant of gay and so it will be even less receptive to criticism. It will not make further efforts to approach the gay world, because we feel strongly that it contributed intimately - this surface and its a bit 'exhibitionistic position - to a cause of tolerance, the conscience will feel "clean." And so it will be even less inclined to be ashamed the next time storcerà the nose with regard to PACS, indeed feels entitled to criticize too openly.
A little 'as in those southern countries where the "femminiello" is not abused, but tolerated and accepted as one of the elements of the country, as the city hall, the Church, the village idiot and the "professor"; provided, of course, does not go beyond the role and importance that are sewn on.
And the speech about homosexuals is true for people of color, the Chinese, Muslims, and ostracized by all those minorities which it is presented a portrait sweetened (in the sense that it tends to present only the positive side, giving an image, glossy but people are made of positive and negative), to silence a bit 'our bad conscience. In fiction A doctor with a family and Lino Banfi presents an Indian family, which summarizes all possible and imaginable stereotypes about Indians (elephants, Vishnu, turbans, and charm of exotic dancers, there is also Sandokan). One of the characters not in love with the scion of Indian immigrants to these Salgari and large television audiences applaud. Sign of tolerance? To me, it's just a way to perpetuate ideas a bit 'immature about immigrants and perhaps delay a real cultural amalgam. As soon as the same person who so appreciated you will find a family doctor, let's say, the neighbors well in India, will also be less prepared - and maybe even disappointed - to learn that they are not clones or Kabir Bedi Aishwarya Rai . And what this closeness implies, as is inevitably the case, also has problems.
I feel that a society in which certain cultural barriers to be overcome is finally represented by Brazil, where the mixing between races are so widely spread no longer pose a somewhat abnormal, in which all words, are mestizos, but at the same time, where the ethnic peculiarities have not been removed or leveled, but exalted, as a mark of distinction but not separation. But after Brazil I met him only from the books of Jorge Amado, and I could be wrong.
* came to my mind: if you do not accidentally Teodoro Ndjock Ngan, poet and cultural mediator in the documentary The color of the words of Marco Puccioni. Another African in Italy.
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