The thing that I had already been reported by my (same situation at other times of the day) I was confirmed on Comicus in respect of other parts of Italy.
We were so focused on building the Democratic Party that we have completely forgotten the young. A very serious error which could also be fatal to the political party in a very short time (ten or fifteen years), when the current nomenklatura is now antiquated, and probably also the voters. Today as the Democratic Party today seems totally incapable of a party enchant the very young, I say to seduce them, but even just talk about things they can understand and present. The appeal of people like Bersani, D'Alema, Franceschini in this field is absolutely zero (perhaps Marino, in the name of his interest in civil rights, can glean something). Who can vote
the PD today? According to all indications, I would say the old militants of the PCI, just the same, who have patiently followed all the metamorphoses of the party, in DS, in Olive, in PD, in the meantime leaving the fringes ideologicizzate. I am convinced that if you were to do a comparison today, we would see that the basin - and the percentage of votes - the PD current is substantially the same as the old PCI Berlinguer (in contrast, the "communists" were declared completely disappeared, the SEE embarrassing results as Left parties and Freedom). But no real generational change, nor among the politicians nor among the voters. I have never met in my life an eighteen year old supporter of the PD (or the old olive tree, for that matter). On the other hand I know many supporters Teens di Forza Italia, di AN o (soprattutto) della Lega. Direi che al PdL è riuscito quello che non è riuscito al PD: creare una nuova generazione di elettori, o se non altro rendere il credo berlusconiano (o leghista, o finiano) familiare ai giovanissimi.
Per anni si è pensato (ho pensato) che il PdL (o comunque fosse chiamato lo schieramento di Berlusconi), venuto meno il capo (per motivi naturali o per troppe compromissioni dovute, per esempio, ai processi) si sarebbe sciolto come neve al sole, lasciando i litiganti (Lega, ecc) a disputarsi i resti. Non la penso più così. Probabilmente lo stesso Berlusconi non lo aveva del tutto pianificato, ma oggi che la Lega si sta sedimentando come nuovo partito dei lavoratori throughout Italy (even in Umbria! stuff that if I had been called five years ago would not have believed) that Fini is now putting up more moderate and progressive position of the left itself, now that in fact more or less projecting dopoBerlusconi on, the real possibility that the PDL will survive to the Knight becomes more concrete.
Of course we must see what role this played in Berlusconi the media, the true strength of the party, but in the PDL are beginning to highlight different anime (Joined enviable discipline, certainly in the name of power, while in PD there are as ravening so many hungry dogs) that could, in a not too distant future, offer some choice to the voters of tomorrow ... And leaving the PD in the rear. A future voter progressive and reactionary may choose a future not the first to the second PD and the PDL, but the first the moderate wing of the PDL (the one opened today by Fini) and the second one extreme (from a post-Fascist League, the choice is not missing). Not to mention the Catholics. Leaving the Democratic Party as an entity already old or totally unrelated.
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