are in '79, and when I was little I had a passion for Drive In, in particular the issues that led to a stage show that is Gianfranco D'Angelo. Antonio Ricci at its peak, before imbolsirsi with the fig leaf of Striscia la Notizia: flock when it was still funny! Boldi Teocoli chives and a maximum of glory! I "seems to me me 'na Strunz" Trettrè! And many, many, many curves! I was still a child, but even then Tini Cansino and girls Fast food made me feel, you know? A bit 'weird ... There was a girl I was in Brazil always and exclusively framed ass and legs made of sharp comments on the events of the day, and was always accompanied by elephants, lions and leopard cubs (and yes, why = black Africa ... Ah, happy times and unconscious white racism! When Celentano with impunity in his films could threaten a black-type "Zi badrone" to make him a "black eye "...)
Sociologists of all kinds are scrambling to study the reasons for Berlusconi's triumph, but in reality is a question that should turn to Antonio Ricci (without too much trust the answer ...). There is a fantastic book came out years ago with a video attached, written by the owner of the Drive In, or "Striscia la Telly. "Indispensable, especially for what it says and not what he says or even hidden (but it may well be inferred between the lines ...). Apparently, it is a quasi autobiography in which the mechanisms are narrated comic strip, as are certainly beats, and so on). In fact it is a treatise on contemporary Italian chilling humanity: who we are, where we come from and where we go. Auditel war, jealousy and wars between presenters, programs, motivated by resentment and revenge, cynicism , gossip, tits and ass to go around, and even invented an incredible what will almost certainly meet with Berlusconi where the Knight is a nice and friendly fellow.
Today an Italian average liberal who has grown up with this kind of program is a creature with two souls: one is respectful of women and the environment, has a great sense of civic duty, defend the judges, is against the death penalty and fans of Obama. Other hand, has in itself the seeds of this jolly world Berlusconi, even seductive in its own way (this is sometimes how do certain allegations of "envy" by the cadets forzitalioti on the left side, I know ...). In short, it has a tremendous temptation sbracarsi, and entering into a whirlwind of sequins, buildings, money, and lolitas asunder and stupid, but who am I doing this to throw me to defend this country to shit, let me magna 'well to me. In practice, a Vulcan like Spock instead reprimere le emozioni con la logica reprime il desiderio (giustamente) vergognoso di lasciarsi andare ai suoi peggio istinti con il senso civico. Pensate a quanti da una posizione civile progressista sono passati al lato oscuro della forza, e oggi sono ancora più convinti del loro berlusconismo dei sostenitori della prima ora. Come diceva Fabrizi in "C'eravamo tanto amati", gli onesti cianno quella purezza che se je capita l'occasione, diventano tarmente mascalzoni che t'ammolleno le fregature pejo de li mascalzoni diciamo normali.
Anche nei circoli di Sinistra e Libertà, del PD e dell'Italia dei Valori si raccontano le barzellette sulle mignotte, e si pensa che sì, beh, è uno schifo, ma in fondo Noemi ci ha un bel culo a mandolino. Hai capito papi...
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