I never believed in the talent and I believe in angles. Someone said that the real genius is how to realize their aspiration to work (inspiration, perspiration, etc.). is true (maybe), but this equation is missing a key factor: spontaneity. The hardest thing is not working on themselves, but able to maintain its authenticity without burying it under a job, apprenticeship, which is often hard and frustrating. Work on themselves without being distorted, is therefore also remain humble. Why this effort can also become a form of self-exaltation: the intellectual when it begins to take itself too seriously, you mount the head, is exalted. And you lose.
An effort to cause psychological suffering, so it will be a cold sweat, it is unnecessary and harmful. Serve a healthy fatigue, which gives the time of the act itself the consciousness of a job well done, good, solid as a chair built by a craftsman. A good effort .
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