1-Left and freedom. Vendola is not too bad, but the possibility that this party has to count for something, if only to "send a signal", is nothing. I remember when the Congress? A year ago? Report tragicomic about pride in the Republic of the split between Vendola Ferrero, candidates who go on stage while a chorus of opponents of threatening party softly sings the Red Flag, to seal all murderous (and perfect) Giannelli cartoon the next day with two cats they go from one side and two on the other ...
2-PRC and PDCI. Diliberto's comment on the failure to win in 2008 only "because they had performed the symbol of sickle and hammer" (compliments to the depth of analysis) was the last straw. You will not have my scalp.
3-PDL. I'm thinking seriously. Affixed to bring bad luck more than anything else. I'll have to check my horoscope. Based in eating.
4-Italy of Values. Has the same depth of an ideological bandwagon from the market, but Peter still has that beautiful boy charm, genuine, sweet-smelling hay and cheese, which made me appreciate the days of Tangentopoli. A kind of Montalbano in the flesh. And then, is the only one whose utterances I am almost always agree. We'll see.
5-PD. We want to give him a consolation prize to the poor Franceschini? A little 'we tried, poraccio. And with D'Alema and Rutelli company that wander as condor making plans retiring manner without exposing the real life should not be easy. But you remember Veltroni? Eh, long time ago. What do you get to vote for despair. Quando faceva un discorso cercando di soffocare l'accento romanesco era quasi più fasullo di Crozza quando di Veltroni ne faceva l'imitazione. Letale. Una delle peggiori campagne elettorali di sempre. Un tentativo di scimmiottare Obama copiando financo lo slogan, poster e spot finto-simpatici (avete presente quando uno racconta una barzelletta che non fa ridere? Uguale!). E persino errori marchiani di propaganda. Chi se l'è sognata di mettere il faccione di Veltroni in primo piano sui manifesti elettorali? Con il porro sul mento che sta lì in agguato nell'ombra? Tanto Franceschini sta già per andare via, dopo la vittoria (sigh) del centrodestra, l'ennesima, salterà fuori qualcun altro, forse Bersani. Ahh, se solo fosse leader la Serracchiani...
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