Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Perisan Kitty Amatuer

Bilancione European

1-PDL. Wounded but not Dome? In the concrete sense, does not change practically nothing, in fact, some historical provinces are being torn to PD. In a hypothetical sense, however, is proof that Berlusconi attack and stigmatize all its crap pay. Compared to the impressive, as proposed, 40% after the earthquake is big decline. We hope that the Republic does not soft bone. Moreover, it is not even for electioneering, there are things that should be nauseous to anyone regardless of political color, but some voters have carpet of hair on my stomach.

2-League. Lethal. For years the League has been regarded - rightly - a party humoral practice in a restaurant, but the drunks who could succeed or flop, depending on how the wind was pulling. And it was really so. Too bad that over time have been superficially cleaned and are becoming a force to counter taking root in virtually all of Italy. In a couple of years finally become the party of workers, taking the place (in fact, have already done) of the old communist parties.

3-PD. And oh well. gone bad, could have been worse. Meanwhile, we are already doing good away from suicide Veltroni, and is already one step ahead. Now you have to give a loose and fast. The Serracchiani voted more than Silvio in Friuli. We want further confirmation that the vecchia nomenklatura che la gente non regge, e non il PD?

4-IdV. Vedi 1. L'antiberlusconismo e la capacità di indignarsi pagano. Non diventerà mai un partito che si fondi su gambe diverse da quelle di Di Pietro, ma come pungolo per il PD può andar bene. Anche perchè per quanto Di Pietro possa saltuariamente rompere i coglioni, non arriverà mai all'estremo di far cadere un governo che lo comprenda (al contrario di Mastella o la vecchia Rifondazione). Il suo nemico numero 1 è Berlusconi, come dice ad ogni ora. E il fatto di non avere un'ideologia dietro ma solo posizioni civili lo rende parecchio condivisibile.

5-UdC. Mah. Ancora non ho capito se è un successo o una semplice conferma che Casini succhia il "undecided" voters. We'll see.

6-Left and Freedom and Rifo. Yet another confirmation that the old ideological and political categories do not work anymore. The poster campaign in PD, PDL, etc., they all voted for the work, for a better future, and so on. Rifo poster: "Vote Communist" (in capital letters). As in the posters for the workers of the '70s. Workers today: "What is that stuff is magna?". The number one enemy is left of the PRC and Freedom. The number one enemy of the Left and Freedom is refunded. Everyone in the annihilation takes. In this sense, these elections were a success. Both ....

7-radicals. The only ones on which I would say that do not currently have a future.


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