Qualche giorno fa sul sito ufficiale del Pdl sono comparse delle simpatiche cartoline be sent by email, complete with a crib, trees, snow, simbolone party, and white on a blue background, the inevitable words "Love always wins over hate and envy." Who knows how much love these bold young men were driven to the PDL, last night, probably having nothing to do, had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200borganizing a great night raid the house of Nichi Vendola, in the center of Terlizzi, a The characters within walking distance from Bari in Puglia question harassed by the governor noises, screams and insults, waking with a start the same Vendola, that to see what was happening, it is also fell down the stairs, getting a bruise on the leg.
The militants were later identified as a result of the intervention of the police in Molfetta. A story is not insignificant, considering that the prosecution of Trani has opened an investigation to focus on every aspect of the "college prank", as defined by the authors of the act. Surely the members of the party of love, also known as PDL, and the safety of the party, also known as the Northern League, will launch in sentitissime declarations of solidarity with the Left leaders of ecology and freedom. Or not? We start from the parent company of senators Pdl, Maurizio Gasparri, who, on the student protests (later proved pacifissime) in conjunction with the approval of the Ddl Gelmini in the Senate, spoke of "potential murderers" among the protesters and suggested that "preventive arrests". Today states: "That is just a victim of Vendola theater." And what does the league, which, by the mouth of the Maroni spoke of "Daspi for violent demonstrators," and after the explosion, which dates back to the other evening, two firecrackers that have shattered two windows of the headquarters of the League Gemonio , branded the incident as "cowardly act", followed closely by Bossi, who added that the case was also "the swamp Roman"? At this point, it would probably be better not say anything. Instead, host of Radio Padania (the only radio in the world where you are greeted curiously shouting "Good Padania at all!"), The Council of the Province of Varese, of course, share in the League, Marco Pinti has fired ; a big "I just heard the news that Nichi Vendola was awakened in the middle of the night by some protesters of the PDL and fell down the stairs. Unfortunately had no permanent damage. " Obviously not a word of imaginary attacks from sorcerers forecasters as Belpietro, already too busy with the latest news about his attack, which just does not seem genuine. A few lines will also be given to the fantastic comments on Facebook Readers of The Journal. Here are some random "Of course, it was necessary to cover the real news of the day, that the attacks against Bossi," "Typical reaction ** ch about hysterical," "From the roof you had to fall!", "One Woman falls from fright scale "," Maybe it stumbled in her nightgown with lace, "" Poor fr ** I certainly seeing all the young sti dizzy to me I fr ** ** a "(note the elevated language and grammar perfect, ed), "I imagine that nurses have the rescue when they saw in thong and garter," "What the f ** k or are these news? 4 children bevono per strada e festeggiano il Natale, schiamazzi notturni... e sono stati identificati come del Pdl?” (Forse il simpatico commentatore non sa che è accertato che siano del Pdl, anche per loro stessa ammissione. Avevano passato la serata ad affiggere proprio manifesti pidiellini per la città, ndr). E' meglio fermarsi, ma se non siete ancora sazi, trovate tutto qui . W l’amore!
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