Scilipoti up to the moment of the sudden jump of quail, this gentleman trumpeting an inscription on its website in an Italian macaroni, but the meaning clear: "Electoral Law porcellum, Italians wake up! They said to Toto in Parliament three votes may be decisive Save a government ... ". Wow, what a scandal count on three votes to save a government! Then, if one is Scilipoti (although to be honest is still somewhat uncertain), it is even more scandalous. It also becomes sad if Mr involved attempts to camouflage all clumsily removing the words from the site (now once again amended the graphics, so obscene and not always in a language similar to Italian, which, apparently, is not his forte). But even more hilarious is the case of Antonio Razzi, who, as an Italian abroad, has been elected to the preferences and therefore must respond to his constituents. Rockets in September 2010 made known the attempt to corruzione nei suoi confronti da parte di appartenenti al Pdl, che, a suo dire, gli offrirono 500.000 € per pagargli il mutuo. Razzi, non si sa per quale motivo, rifiutò di fare i nomi dei possibili corruttori e di denunciare la cosa alla magistratura. Chissà perchè. Voleva alzare la posta in palio? Ieri, dopo aver lasciato l'Idv, ha dichiarato che quelle affermazioni "erano una battuta". Una motivazione non solo banale, ma anche grave. Insomma, i metodi di B. sono noti "e a pensar male si fa peccato, ma molto spesso ci si prende" (cit.).
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