Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cb Radio President Lincoln Opinie

Masi is not equal for all five questions

The suspension of two weeks, Michele Santoro's ridiculous, not only for the act itself (which is a shameful attack on freedom of information and expression), but mainly for the reason that the 'they accompanied. First reason: Santoro said a bad word. This is news: Masi informs us that "Vaffanbicchiere" è una parolaccia inaudita! Eggià, che vergogna! Santoro si è permesso di buttare lì, così, in prima serata, un insulto tale che le bestemmie di Berlusconi gli fanno un baffo.
Vaffanbicchiere! Chissà quante giovani menti saranno state diseducate in quella sera, traviate così subdolamente al turpiloquio. Che onta, che scandalo. In una Rai così educativa, che non ha alcun problema ad invitare in continuazione quel gentiluomo di Sgarbi, come si fa a dire che Masi non ha ragione? Ma la seconda è ancora meglio: ha usato la tv per parlare di questioni personali e interne all’azienda. A parte che di personale non c’è proprio nulla, in quanto si tratta di servizio pubblico (che some have confused with a private servizietto), it would be nice to know why nobody has ever given half a minute of hanging Minzolini , who used to defend the Tg1 investigation of Trani, in Vespa, which has served (several times) Porta a Porta to attack and Massimo Santoro and Fazio Gramellini, or Comparison , who with "The Last Word" has created a kind of process Annozero, venting their resentment against everyone from Santoro Sabina Guzzanti, by Travaglio Di Pietro, Saviano to Grillo. Masi, but vaffanbicchiere, go!
Ps: Masi has sued the Manifesto per la vignetta di Vauro riportata qui sopra. Altre querele per i pareri espressi sul dg Rai sono arrivate a Belisario (Idv) e a L'Unità .

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Intitlei-catcher Console Web Monitor


 Caro Pierluigi Bersani,
da semplice cittadino ed elettore di centrosinistra vorrei porre alcune domande al leader del principale partito di opposizione.

1) Come mai non ha partecipato, al contrario di esponenti di altri partiti (da Vendola a Di Pietro, da Ferrero a Diliberto, passando per Bonelli fino ad arrivare ai democratici Rosy Bindi e Ignazio Marino), al No Berlusconi Day 2, il 2 Ottobre scorso a Roma? Non crede che si possa dare un segnale al Country through these times? After all, the three requests of the event was the amendment of electoral law, a new law on conflict of interest and early elections and democratic. He does not believe the proposals are shared?

2) In regard to events, join, or at least on behalf of the Democratic Party as an individual, in the national Fiom issued for Saturday, October 16, 2010? What do you think of the positions of the Fiom-CGIL and CISL and UIL of those on the agreement of Pomigliano? Does agree with the statement "10, 100, 1000 Pomigliano" made by the leader of the CISL Bonanni October 9 last year in Rome?
3) When you speak of alliances with l’Udc, si riferisce ad un governo tecnico per cambiare la legge elettorale o guarda anche ad un possibile governo? Intervistato da Mentana al TgLa7, ha individuato come principali interlocutori per un’alleanza di governo l’Idv di Di Pietro e Sel di Vendola. Non pensa che le posizioni di questi due leader siano compatibili con altri esponenti dell’area centrista?
4) Lei ha già fatto intendere che non ha in mente alcun governo con la Federazione della Sinistra, presumibilmente per il precedente del governo Prodi, durante il quale Rifondazione Comunista e i Comunisti Italiani scesero in piazza contro alcune politiche dello stesso governo di cui facevano parte. Forse una mossa non delle migliori, ma erano così sbagliati i valori (Dignity of labor, pacifism, cutting military spending, etc..) For which event?
5) Speaking of military missions, what is your position on the war in Afghanistan? Do not believe what was playing, at least in name, as a peacekeeping mission has in fact turned into a war mission, as it has come to say nothing of bombs on planes? And just about bombs, Piero Fassino, Lucia Annunziata, a host of "In half an hour," said that we should not be swayed by Vendola or stone and that on that issue must be open to dialogue. It shares this position?

Thanking you in advance for a possible answer, I ask the cordial greetings.
(Sent in by and form on the site of the PD).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Best Metal Core Wheels

Paradoxes by Nobel

little more than a few years ago mind ... er ... eccentric proposed the candidature of Mr Berlusconi Nobel Peace Prize. Apart from the absurdity of the proposal, it also highlighted the choice for peace. But what peace? This person presides over a government that, after the death of four soldiers in Afghanistan, continues to assert that the peace mission must continue. At least have the courage to call the it like it is: This is a mission of war and will not be giving it another name that will stop thousands of people die between military and civilians. But back to the Nobel Prize: the improbable candidacy was promoted in the most weird, even composing a song, "Peace can." Just to mention a couple of stanzas: "Peace can / see you too / Abruzzo wakes up in disbelief."
is, however, suspect that the people of Abruzzo are not unbelievers for what has been done, but because of what was not done. August 20 L'Espresso told it this way: "abandoned city centers, roads flooded from the rubble, still displaced 30 000, 15 000 unemployed. New homes already damaged. This is the Eagle 16 months later. " Continues the song: "The snow and the sun meet / and your hand is here." Knowing our president, we will not have more details on the hand-pairing snow but the sun would be nice to have some clarification, because the only vision possible is that of Silvio Sole-destroying Italy-snow, but other interpretations This cryptic sentence are welcome. Another chorus reads: "Peace can / miracle / the war was just a nightmare / I want a hug that is unique / e where I am six. " Leaving aside the last two verses that seem written by Bondi, the song sheds light on the question of war: "It was just a nightmare." In the sense that if you are the dream? Or is it over? If not, we could imagine, would wonder from what sources the author draws his information. If the war was just a nightmare, people continue to die today? Die for fun now? But the top of the trash comes in the chorus, to whom the duty berluscones have dedicated their mind, but above all their language: There is a President / always / that will be with us / We are here for you / heart and soul / a Nobel Peace / Silvio is great / We here for you / unanimous chorus / single entry / Silva is great. " No point wasting time to comment, partly because the reader at this time will be in the bathroom to give vent to their vomiting. The great thing was that, after putting into service this tune, came up a second, always promoting the Nobel nomination, and named Forever Silvio. I do not think, however, worth talking about something that defines Berlusconi "noble and just." What we learn from the site, the application has been submitted January 16, 2010, but nearly a year away, and were awarded the Nobel Silvio remained empty-handed to receive the prestigious Prize for Peace was Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident to 11 years in prison. Look at 'the twist of fate: who received the Nobel is wrongfully imprisoned, while a person who aspired to it is still at large. Equally wrongly.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Trailer Plates Ontario Transfer

'Orco Silvio!

That Berlusconi did not fall strictly religious in the canons of the Church was known, since that is the multi-divorced (although, for unknown reasons, to allow him to receive Communion) which is well as to escort, but at the same time exalting family values. But many on this (warning, many, not all!) Have always turned a blind eye. Just to name a few: "Berlusconi is the true moral leader of Catholics" (Don Gianni Baget Bozzo, Il Giornale, 10 February 2009). "Berlusconi is a gift from God" (Don Louis Verzi, Corriere della Sera, November 6, 2009). "(Berlusconi) it seems to me a good man, honest and capable. I think it is haunted by a part of Magistrates today is not free from ideological prejudices "(Bishop Odo Fusi Pecci, Bishop Emeritus of Senigallia," An article Francesco Bei published today in the newspaper of the Republic shall announce a lunch meeting between the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, former president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, Camillo Ruini. Ruini and Berlusconi, According to the reporter, they discussed the political alliances of the PDL in the upcoming regional elections. "(January 21, 2010). And even with the Pope himself the relations are excellent. "Between Italy and the Holy See, there is strong commonality of views, priorities are the sacredness of the person and the family" (Silvio Berlusconi, June 6, 2008). "I can confirm that the values \u200b\u200bshown by the Christian pontiff are always present in the action of the Government which I chair, that will take all necessary measures to ensure peace and social harmony" (Silvio Berlusconi, December 23, 2010). "We feel especially glad signals a new climate, more confident and more constructive. It è legato al profilarsi di rapporti più sereni tra le forze politiche e le istituzioni, in virtù di una percezione più viva delle responsabilità comuni per il futuro della Nazione" (Benedetto XVI commenta la vittoria di Berlusconi alle elezioni politiche, 29 Maggio 2008). Sarebbe bello vedere la reazione degli ecclesiastici, ma soprattutto dei semplici fedeli cattolici, al video pubblicato oggi da L’Espresso e che molto difficilmente vedrete in tv: la scena si svolge in Abruzzo, dopo il terremoto e prima del G8. Berlusconi, in visita in un luogo in cui è avvenuto un terremoto che ha ucciso quasi 300 persone, come al solito trova il gusto per raccontare barzellette, prendendosela, come al solito, con Rosy Bindi (manco lui fosse that concentration of beauty). The story tells of a dance in which they invite the ladies to the knights, presenting to them by their names. The women are showing up with the name of a flower and if the man accepts to dance with the same name declined to respond to the male. So, 'says Berlusconi, comes a woman who looks like Margaret, and the man accepts to dance answering' Margherita '. A second lady says, "Rosa" and the second man agrees and says, "Roso". Finally comes Rosy Bindi, a bit 'blanket in the shade. Comes forward and says, 'Orchid'. When you show this man is horrified and dodges replica 'Orco ***'. Yes, you read right, just the famous curse, delivered from what was to be "the moral leader of Catholics," "the gift of God." I do not think we need to say more, partly because agencies were filled with controversy on the subject in just minutes. The best comment I think that the President of the Province of Rome Zingaretti, who writes about Facebook: "'I do not want to be provocative, but if a player swears is rightly sent off. And if you curse the prime minister not ?...... anything happen? ". Espelliamolo us all to Rome tomorrow for Day 2 No Berlusconi. Appointment in Piazza della Repubblica, 14 hours.