Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kates Playground Streams

are back to protest against "their government." Closing

Preah Vihear: "Yellow Shirts" against the Thai government, on the border issue weak

by Weena Kowitwanij

Nationalists and pad to the streets, threatening a permanent garrison. The protesters called for the withdrawal of the Memorandum of Understanding with Cambodia and the release of seven people on trial in Phnom Penh. Cartels raise provocative military exercises and the tension between the two countries.

Bangkok (AsiaNews) - At least 5 thousand supporters of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and the Thai Patriots Network march along with the "yellow shirts" to protest against the government headed by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, congested traffic around the seat of government. At the center the clash, the border issue between Cambodia and Thailand around the temple of Preah Vihear and the trial of seven Thai nationals, accused by Phnom Penh for "illegal entry". A group of leaders of the PAD has placed 60 toilets and 60 mobile toilets in the area, threatening to organize a permanent garrison until the executive will not meet the demands of protesters.
The "yellow shirts" ask the government: withdraw the Memorandum of Understanding signed with Cambodia in 2000, indicating the lack of agreement on the borders; terminate the membership of the Committee for the UNESCO World Heritage Site, expel Cambodian living along the borders, in areas at the center of the dispute. Meanwhile, multiply the criticism of the government, accused of "surrender its sovereignty" because it allows you to Phnom Penh to prosecute thai seven entered the country illegally in Cambodia 29 December 2010. Sondhi Limthongkul, PAD leader, said that "if Thaksin Shinawatra was the most clever among the premier, Abhisit Vejjajiva is the biggest liar."
to inflame the dispute between Cambodia and Thailand has also helped the firm move from Phnom Penh last month in the area of \u200b\u200bPreah Vihear. Taking advantage of the retreat of Thai, Cambodians have planted a poster with the inscription: "In questo punto! Questo è il posto in cui le truppe thai hanno invaso il territorio cambogiano il 15 luglio 2008”. Nei giorni scorsi questo primo cartello è stato sostituito da un secondo, più semplice e immediato: “In questo punto! Qui siamo in Cambogia”. Abhisit spiega che il governo di Phnom Penh avrebbe già rimosso anche questo secondo manifesto, giudicandolo “un buon segnale” verso la collaborazione.
Il gen. Thawatchai Samutrasakorn, responsabile dell’area, afferma che “né Cambogia né Thailandia possono posare pietre o costruire abitazioni fino a che la controversia non sarà risolta”. Il gen. Prawitra Wongsuwan, Ministro Thai defense, called for calm "so you can solve all the problems" and adds: "mutual understanding is the most important." Meanwhile Abhisit has authorized a series of military exercises in the area near the temple of Preah Vihear, an anonymous military source, quoted by Bangkok Post , reports that "were the military leaders to propose exercises.
The border dispute between Bangkok and Phnom Penh has been ongoing since 1962, when the International Court gives control of the ruins to Cambodia in the Hindu temple of Preah Vihear. The area where the temple stands is cambodian territory considered, but is surrounded by steep cliffs covered with jungle that Thailand considers his own. In addition to the morphology of the territory the site is impossible to achieve through Cambodia.
After years of negotiations, the dispute was rekindled in 2008 when UNESCO decided to transform the temple into a world heritage site, requiring that Bangkok can be accessed through its borders. In recent years there have been several clashes between the two armies deployed near the site. The last was in April 2009 and has cost the lives of four Thai soldiers.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ocular Migraine Five Days

marine parks for the "whitening" corals.

The news:

Bangkok, January 21 (TMNews) - Corals of the Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand are suffering from a serious process of bleaching due to rising water temperatures (which kills the algae that determines the color) caused by the weather phenomenon El Nino and the excessive growth of human activities near the barriers.
Thailand with her 3 thousand miles of coastline and numerous islands is one of the preferred destinations for diving enthusiasts.
According to a study published in October by a group of Australian researchers corals of the south-east Asia and Indian Ocean are dying en masse, the worst victims of mortality phenomenon in the last 10 years caused by heating of the water.

What is said between the industry:

yesterday after learning of the dramatic decision to close the marine parks have called various stakeholders, the response was unanimous Diving for hours as usual!
The environment minister said he wanted to quit, but in dance there are thousands of jobs and millions and millions of baht, บาท, ฿, who compensates the different company? The state Thai can be closed with an emergency decree, but then must come up with a lot of money!
Conclusion? For now it goes on as before, and possibly after meetings this weekend will come to you decision to close only in LOW SEASSON.
For those who do not be afraid to walk around the Similan and Phi Phi and then does not change anything, because the ban is only for those who dive! According to them who does not touch the coral snorkeling but remains flush with water to observe. The fault of the evil that touch all different, supporting the fins on corals, etc. ... In short, they did not understand a c @ ZZO as always! The problem is global sea temperature is above 30 ° corals die and that's that! Thus it was 10years ago, the Maldives, Thailand now, slowly the whole Indian Ocean.
moral of the story to the Maldives after 10years is all dead and then UTOPIA PURE believe that in 5-10 years all return as before, corals that have hundreds of years can not reproduce so quickly! The temperature drops, until the sea "bubbles" there is little to do ... We should all begin to change habits in our small, less air conditioning, less cars, less pollution, less ... UTOPIA! Rassegnamoci to see the skeleton of corals and tell our children how good it was the first sea ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lorraine Historical Event

If Floris says enough

There is nothing to do, is stronger than him: Berlusconi sometimes feel the need and compulsion to pick up the phone call Ballarò. And so did last night. Usually the script is divided into these simple steps: 1) Floris announces the call to Berlusconi after the publicity, 2) enter into direct Berlusconi and complains of the transmission 3) Berlusconi asked to respond, 4) Floris I admit, as long as after you agree to answer some questions; 5) Berlusconi accepts and begins to rant on more and less, with no intention of stopping; 6) Floris try in vain to stop, or to invite him to conclude; 7) Berlusconi, angered, insulted and Floris transmission; 8) Berlusconi hangs up the phone; 9) Floris, left-to-mouth dry, run a few little touch on the rudeness of Berlusconi. But yesterday evening not.
Last night things went differently. Likely to demand "Good evening, Silvio Berlusconi and I are in direct action" must be heard to answer, as happens in many call center operators, "Thanks, but we are not interested. Goodbye. " And if that was not, probably we went very close, hearing what he said Flores, who, tired of insults, he finally found the courage to respond in kind, at the end of the program: "Last particular: Silvio Berlusconi phoned But we had invited us. Then, after the last experience, we said that we expect him very happy in the studio next Tuesday. " Apart from that, you probably are just as likely to see as many there to see him in court, one thing is curious: Berlusconi calls whenever there is a guest in the studio Rosy Bindi. Be a coincidence, but between calls, jokes and insults, there arises a question: Is he her mysterious girlfriend? After all, "who rejects buy."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Congrats Message For Having Baby

Modernity and tradition in Thailand that has entered the future, taking with them beliefs Orchid House millenarian

The dark side of the "land of smiles." Modernity and tradition in Thailand and 'entry in the future, taking with him millennial beliefs

Alessio Di Fratticciola (written for The International Micropolis , 13/01/2011)

Bangkok - In late November, the "Land of Smiles" was shocked by a ' horrific discovery: some two thousand human fetuses of different weights and sizes hidden in a morgue in the heart of Bangkok. A strong smell had attracted the police to Wat Phai Ngern - or "Temple of the Bamboo Silver " - scene of the accident was found. The fetuses, locked in identical white plastic bags were hidden in a morgue where the bodies are usually kept waiting for cremation. A warm, Lieutenant Colonel Kanathud Musiganont police said that some fetuses had remained hidden in the house for even a year. Two months after the scandal, three people have been arrested, two undertakers, guilty of hiding the bodies, and an employee of a clinic for abortions, on charges of running a medical clinic without a license and to perform abortions, prohibited by law. The undertakers could be sentenced to a maximum of one year in prison, while an employee of the clinic could face up to five years.

NOT KILL - The case in Thailand was seen as a national disgrace, a public opinion that has defined "Medieval" law banning abortion procedure, forcing every year hundreds of thousands of women and girls to turn to expensive private clinics and not always professional. The Thai government, for its part, responded to the criticisms by promising to improve sex education among young people, but has continued to difendendere anti-abortion legislation. The reasons are understandable government in a kingdom where traditions are jealously guarded by a semi-divine monarch (Rajada) and obediently complied with by the masses, at least formally. In addition, the vast majority of the population follows the Theravada Buddhism - Or "way of the elders" - a current orthodoxy that is characterized by hard-line conservative for Sangha - the community of monks - whose primary focus is the study of sacred texts mnemonic and the passage of this tradition to posterity. The Sangha, which has a tremendous power of moral leadership on this nation of Southeast Asia, is dogmatically opposed to the liberalization of abortion, because the type of Buddhism prohibits killing. But while in the Thai company develops an abortion debate that does not differ too much from that found in many other countries in this story there is still a big question: why fetuses were hidden in the house for months and months without being buried or cremated?

MODERNITY 'AND TRADITION - To approach an explanation must overcome the image that emerges from Thailand glossy tourist guides or by an overnight fast at the most popular holiday destination and enter the heart of this company. Mai in Thailand as the theories of the Enlightenment prove incorrect. About how they had predicted that science and technology would have wiped out the beliefs and religions should try to get around the streets of Bangkok for . Children with laptop in hand will stop at stalls selling amulets, large displacement cars approach the sidewalk to buy handfuls of fried insects, distinguished gentlemen come in horoscope texts where libraries are on the same shelf of Bibles, Korans and manual business management. For years this nation has embraced modernity - nationalism, finance, skyscrapers, skytrain, fashion and mobile phones. But past the appearances and the most banal stereotypes, one realizes that the land of smile is also a land of ghosts and spirits , an enchanted place where paranormal and ancient beliefs are actually obvious and natural. This strong belief in the existence of spirits and cosmic energies influence every aspect of life of this people, from religious architecture, from politics to television, from advertising to the businesses. Nothing strange, then, that in deciding where and how to build a new building, an engineer is "assisted" by an expert of Chinese geomancy . Also natural that the inauguration of the building is accompanied by a religious ceremony and prayers of Monaco officiating. Discount practices in a country where every house or business is an altar for the spirits that provide daily food and gifts to attract good luck and appease the tormented souls who may wander in there. In Thailand even more important family decisions, or business, require access to a guess it is hard for a couple convolerà to the wedding if the stars will not be favorable.

ghosts, spirits, exorcists - Ghosts and spirits, in short, are alive and well in the daily life of Thais. Tales of tormented souls and ghosts are so popular that the cinema of horror films that cast does not seem to understand the crisis. Even in comic books for children ghosts are one of the most common themes. But in this country's spirits are not just stuff to laugh or innocent pastime. The vast majority of Thais believe in the existence of spirits and a good portion of them believed to have seen a few. The phenomenon is not restricted to farmers in rural areas, by contrast, even most of the capital's university students admit to fear the spirits, and almost all the people with whom I have broached the subject had a history experienced in the first person to tell . In the Thai cosmology there are a myriad of spirits, each with its own characteristic. Among the most famous: the Phi Am , spirits who sit on the liver of humans, during sleep, causing aches and pains, the Phi Braed , ghosts, giants, long dreaded because they are capable of killing the parents, the Phi Chamob , that infest the place of the jungle where a woman died, the Duat Leut Phi, like vampires who suck the blood of their victims, the Phi He , the spirits of women dying in childbirth, are regarded as particularly dangerous the You Phi, which infest the places where someone 'who died a violent or unnatural (often enter the body of the living and are driven with whips or exorcism), the Phi Hang Kra, a nocturnal spirit resembling a winged man, and without going too far, the Krasu Phi, one of the most popular and feared ghosts, always hungry human flesh and blood-thirsty, take the form of beautiful women and glides on its victims with its long dress that hides the lower part of the body, without legs dangling, and from which the intestine. To fight this endless array of creatures, there is a sort of Ghost Buster: The Mho Phi. These 'doctors of the spirits' employing techniques and practices differ depending on the spectrum that they face, some of them have become real celebrities and glorifying revered across the nation.

RITUAL PURIFICATION AND LOTTERY TICKETS - It is for these reasons that in Bangkok's Temple of Doom , dove il 16 novembre scorso i feti sono stati ritrovati, decine e decine di persone si sono riunite più volte per pregare per le oltre 2.000 anime dei bambini mai nati e per offrire loro latte e banane, vestitini e giocattoli. Dopo qualche settimana ed un rituale di purificazione, l’obitorio presso l’ormai celebre Wat Phai Ngern è stato demolito, ma il tempio del Bambù d’Argento continua ad attirare visitatori e intorno a questo luogo si è sviluppata un’atmosfera del tutto particolare. Nel giorno della nostra visita, una decina di venditori di biglietti della lotteria aspettavano i clienti proprio all’ingresso del tempio. Uno di loro mi ha spiegato che i numeri 2 – 7 – 27 sono i più richiesti. The second is for the 2002 fetuses, 7 is the number of the morgue where they were found and 27 was the first day of the ceremony in memory of the souls of aborted babies. They say invisible spiritual energy that emanates from the mortuary temple and makes those numbers particularly lucky.

BLACK MAGIC, SEX AND POWER - The answer to our question, however, has little to do with the transformation of the "temple of shame" to "market luck": the reason for which the fetuses were hidden in temple for months without being buried, could simply be hung on the necks of the faithful who attend the tempio. I thailandesi amano agghindarsi con amuleti di ogni tipo, garantiscono una protezione contro gli spiriti maligni e contro la sfortuna in generale. Il loro commercio pertanto è diffusissimo. Grandi generalmente dai due ai dieci centimetri, possono raffigurare il Budda, “santi” buddisti ( Bodhisattva ), monaci famosi, animali o simboli vari. Alcuni amuleti – quelli ritenuti più potenti – possono valere milioni di baht, centinaia di migliaia di euro. Ma esiste anche un lato oscuro di questa credenza, paragonabile alla magia nera occidentale. Uno degli amuleti più potenti è il Look Krog , che rappresenta un bambino non voluto o un feto abortito. Secondo la credenza popolare, questo oggetto avrebbe un fortissimo potere sessuale , essendo capace di attrarre esattamente la donna desiderata. A Bangkok, un simile gingillo, ricavato da un feto umano, viene venduto a prezzi esorbitanti, pari ad anni dello stipendio di un umile lavoratore. Ecco perché – secondo alcuni – i due becchini incaricati di sbarazzarsi dei feti abortiti clandestinamente avrebbero deciso di avviare un redditizio traffico di amuleti, magari con la complicità di qualche monaco.

BAMBINI MORTI CHE URLANO - In una delle cerimonie svoltesi nel Wat Phai Ngern per le anime dei bambini mai nati, una donna di mezza età con in braccio suo figlio mi ha spiegato che questi these offerings and rituals - repeated after 3, 7, 50 and 100 days after discovery of fetuses - are used to thank the thousands of spirits that still roam this place. "I dead children screaming at night, I heard them - I said shaking her baby to his chest, visibly worried - be appeased, can be dangerous."

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Anna Miyashita Hospital Disgraceful

Preview our new proposal for 2011 in Kata Beach!

Finally after so much work we have!
Opening of the new hotel is imminent, the beginning of February by the 10th to be exact ...
We are working hard, not the common effort to be able to propose something cheap, nice, but especially near the sea in QUIET AREA!
Who was I to stay in Kata knows that there is a casino night with BAR, which do not comply with the closure ... Well the new Orchid House this will not affect the area is off limits to night clubs! Garden, swimming pool, and quiet all night, only 300 meters from Kata Beach!
These are the first pictures in preview, only a few shots of the rooms are not yet complete with all furnishings, will soon put the price will be very competitive in line with those of our facilities.
All photos on Facebook Friends in Phuket:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Acrostic Poem Generator


At worst there is never an end yesterday and the Minister Romano Ugo Cassone, share in the PDL, it showed very well. On the occasion of the anniversary of the massacre of Acca Larentia, the PDL and "We Beyond" has organized the presentation of a book relating the events of that time, invited several politicians, including himself Cassone. This said, even to the embarrassment and condemnation of the former fascist Alemanno: "The April 25th is a holiday that truly believe should be abolished from our calendar ... it is a party which however can be of any ... ... is a political party is a party reminiscent of the tragedies that have rocked our country ...".
Then, according to Box 1) is April 25 la festa di una parte politica (castroneria allucinante); 2) ricorda delle tragedie (non si capisce quali tragedie intenda e probabilmente non si rende conto che ad essere festeggiata è proprio la fine delle tragedie). Già queste poche parole denotano una scarsa conoscenza dei fatti, ma nell’intervista Cassone rincara la dose e peggiora, se possibile, ancor di più la situazione: "Credo che (abolire il 25 Aprile) sia una proposta assolutamente utile. Credo che quest'anno, che (sorvoliamo sullo strafalcione, ndr) ricorre il centocinquantenario, appunto, dell'Unità d'Italia, anche riaprire il dibattito sulla data del 25 Aprile, non è una cosa assolutamente folle, ma anzi è un modo per tentare una riappacificazione true in Italy, not to create more factions, but only think of the unity of the country and the good of Italian citizens. " Net of political jargon on people, you do not understand where I'm going with the Box: who should make peace with the rest of Italy? With the fascists? It would not be pretty now, in 2011, aimed at creating awareness of work that is still crazy to support fascism and fascist ideas? Probably the Capitoline adviser does not think so, since, in his speech, he also found time to defend, after criticism from opposition and citizens, posters and greetings filled with Celtic crosses the Romans, who have papered the walls of Rome in the 3 - 4 days prior to January 7. But back to the issue of April 25, replacing what would you propose an alternative date Box: "Well .. For example, should also be on January 7, the anniversary of the Unification of Italy and at the same time, also recalls the date of the massacre of Acca Larentia. Too bad that the unification of Italy is celebrated on March 17.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Morenas E Mulatas Peladas Fotos

On the day of my thirty-eighth birthday.

Quest'oggi mi faccio un regalo
prendo tempo e sto un po' con me
e scendo dal mondo un momento
voglio rendermi conto se
questi anni passati in un'attimo
spesi dietro amori e guai
hanno avuto un senso oppure ce l'hanno
perché oggi è il mio compleanno
A volte non sono sincero
però non tradisco mai
di errori ne ho fatto un miliardo, e so già
che sono tanti quelli che rifarei
e i segni che gli altri non vedono
son sempre quelli che fan male di più
e sono chiusi dentro e non se ne vanno
nemmeno al mio compleanno...

Dubbi sempre, quanti ne vuoi
tornassi indietro so che non cambierei
desideri, chi non ne ha
se mi domandi nella lista
qual'è il primo
rimane il desiderio che il tempo che passa
non passi invano

Quest'oggi mi faccio un regalo
prendo tempo e sto un po' con me
è un giorno speciale e non voglio
pensare a quello che non mi appartiene
esistono i giorni difficili
comunque quelli non li canterei
ma adesso non ci penso e qui non verranno
perché oggi è il mio compleanno...

Dubbi sempre, quanti ne vuoi
tornassi indietro so che non cambierei
desideri, chi non ne ha
if you ask me after the first
which is strong is the desire that the passage of time we are together

And a thousand days and moments that are yet to come

are ready, and I stay here I do not want them waiting
, no ...
even though I know I know

perhaps the only thing I've learned and

that matters is that it takes courage
that fits the strength
especially need lots of patience
I Have ...

doubt always (desideri. ..) but as many as you want but

wishes (always doubt ...) but those who do not

went back but I know that I would not change

lyrics B - Nario

Eczema. More Condition_symptoms

Sallusti The three I's: insult, injure, trap

Alessandro Sallusti, current editor of Il Giornale, has produced in recent years, two rather technical details. The first is quite simple, is the classic "throw her racket in" accompanied by insults knows something Mario Adinolfi, who Sallusti, to Agora, it was felt to give the "idiot" and "big baby" who would "beat" (and we're talking about the same Sallusti that attributed to Travaglio, Di Pietro Santoro and to be the instigators of the instigators of hatred Tartaglia). When the insults are not enough, or prefer to avoid them, the second strategy comes into play, even more insidious: to invent falsehoods to attack the other person on a personal level. Examples abound, we must make do with the two most recent, December 1, the other day on January 3, cool cool of the day.
During a episode of "In wave "on La7, Sallusti said:" When a man (Tartaglia, ed) attempted to smash the head of Berlusconi, he, Travaglio, has claimed the right to hate this guy (Berlusconi, ed), and then, in Following the right to hate, if he wanted to pull his statue on a sit down ... because people have the right to hate. " The director of the Berlusconi family newspaper attributed to Labor the responsibility of his writings have led some people to take violent behavior on December 14 in Rome. Too bad that all that was patently false and that the reasoning of Sallust, as genially said Travaglio, was similar to that syllogism which reads: "The sausage is drink, drink quenches thirst, refreshes the salami." In short, the reporter of the events had actually said that everyone can hate whoever they like, provided it does not carry out violent acts, since no one, not even dictators, he never claimed to be loved, because the feelings you can not have any interference. But in the last two minutes of transmission Sallusti has ever managed to fire another "troubled by the same explanations very effective giving those people, the intellectuals, those of his fellow journalists who had signed the manifesto against Calabresi, then Calabresi was shot dead according to those words. " Hard replication Travaglio: "Just per niente, non ti permettere! Il manifesto contro Calabresi definiva il commissario Calabresi un torturatore, io sono uno dei pochi giornalisti che hanno sostenuto le sentenze che hanno condannato Soffri! Gira al largo da quell’argomento, perché hai preso quello sbagliato…”. Sallusti, bisbigliante, a sigla finale partita, “non sto dicendo che tu hai firmato quel manifesto, sto dicendo che sei come loro”, aveva tentato, insomma, di far passare Travaglio come un nemico di Calabresi con un paragone inqualificabile. Ma veniamo all’ultima trovata di questo genio incompreso, ad Omnibus di questa mattina. Nel mirino di Sallusti c’è Ritanna Armeni: “Rita (sbaglia pure nome, ndr) arriva da una political history that was flanked by Baptists. " Answered by the Armenians: "Are you saying that I should have been supporters of the Baptist? Because I'm not a lawyer, but I could always take it. " Sallusti: "Arrivals from The Manifesto! The Manifesto has never defended Suffer, has never defended the exiles in Paris? Never? ". Understand the reasoning? Before you accuse someone of being supporter of terrorists, then it is said that this view is due to the newspaper where you write or wrote, in an editorial as if everyone thought the same way. But here probably the only "terrorist" is Sallusti. "A terrorist," to use the words with which Cicchitto alla Camera definì Travaglio, “mediatico”.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Adult Cystic Fibrosis More Condition_symptoms

invent nuclear Chicco Testa

“ ‘Io sono contrario a rapinare una banca, perché per progettare un piano ci vuole tanto tempo’. ‘Io sono favorevole, perché a metterlo in pratica si fa in fretta’. ‘Ma se ti beccano, finisci in carcere’. ‘Ma se non ti beccano, ci rimedi un sacco di soldi’. E tu sei a favore o contro il rapinare le banche? O non hai ancora una posizione?” Paradossale questo dialogo, vero? Eppure in televisione ne gira uno molto simile, in uno spot commissionato dal Forum Nucleare Italiano, a project that aims to reopen the debate on this energy source with a discussion between the different potions. Of course, not talking about bank robberies, but the topic is dealt with a dazzling light: one can be against, for or without position as you can cheer for either team football or are not sports fans.
But the most important and serious of the story is different: the forum attended by all the acronyms with the greatest interest in the business of nuclear power (currently about 25, including Eni and Edison), although the project is made to appear as neutral, only to reveal itself, with a sort of "Admission" of the president, as a party. But first things first: who is the president of the Forum? Chicco Testa, known pro-nuclear with a past president of Legambiente and then moved to positions opposite to those who claimed that he had already done most recently recognized for his moderate intentions to "split face" on Mario Tozzi on RAI-3, during We begin an episode of (sic) good. And luckily for the Italian Nuclear Forum "Your opinion is important! A few days ago on Channel Italy, in a imparzialissima transmission with four people on four in favor of nuclear energy, always dressed up with other measures of the same tendency, Head explained that the intent the Forum is to introduce nuclear power, "because the more you know something, the less you fear." Maybe, but many people fear nuclear power because it knows and remembers what caused the accident because of the not very distant as April 26, 1986. So, in a sense head threw the mask, thus indicating that this project is not just fair. That, however, it is easy to understand even peeking at the blog site, (pun that refers to "nuclear" (nuclear), but using the terms "new" (new) and clear (clean), a name In other words, that says it all). Here are some highlights: "The waste? Problem solvable. Why not take example from Sweden? "" The Miracle of the possible merger. Not for at least 20 years "(the title is misleading, the video that is proposed is a huge praise of nuclear power)," But a referendum in 1987 has really cleared the nuclear power? "" To those who still believe that nuclear power is the enemy renewables "... and so on. For goodness sake, everyone is free to say its about nuclear, but if you want to campaign in favor of that energy, saying it is made explicitly, not hiding behind the finger of impartiality, downplaying the disadvantages and problems are still open.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ppaike Zmer Sp Z O.o.

"Someone was a communist because Berlinguer was a good person ..."

Il 1° Gennaio del 2003 se ne andò un Genio, Giorgio Gaber, colui che disse: “Non temo Berlusconi in sé, temo Berlusconi in me”. Qui di seguito, riporto un suo bellissimo testo: “Qualcuno era comunista”.

Qualcuno era comunista perché era nato in Emilia.

Qualcuno era comunista perché il nonno, lo zio, il papà, ... La mamma no.

Qualcuno era comunista perché vedeva la Russia come una promessa, la Cina come una poesia, il comunismo come il paradiso terrestre.

Qualcuno era comunista perché si sentiva solo.

Qualcuno era comunista perché aveva avuto un'educazione troppo cattolica.

Qualcuno era comunista perché il cinema lo esigeva, il teatro lo esigeva, la pittura lo esigeva, la letteratura anche: ohi, lo esigevano tutti.

Qualcuno era comunista perché “la storia è dalla nostra parte!”… (!!)

Qualcuno era comunista perché glielo avevano detto.

Qualcuno era comunista perché non gli avevano detto tutto.

Qualcuno era comunista perché prima (prima, prima...) era fascista.

Qualcuno era comunista perché aveva capito che la Russia andava piano, ma lontano... (!!)

Qualcuno era comunista Berlinguer because it was a good person.

Someone was a communist because Andreotti was not a good person ...

Someone was a communist because he was rich, but he loved the people ...

Someone was a communist because he drank wine and was moved to the celebrations.

Someone was a communist because he was an atheist so he needed another

God someone was a communist because he was so fascinated by the workers who wanted to be one of them.

Someone was a communist because he could not do more than the worker.

anyone was a Communist because he wanted the pay increase.

because someone was a communist revolution? ... Today, no. Tomorrow, maybe. But tomorrow, for sure!

because someone was a communist ... "The bourgeoisie, the proletariat class struggle, shit !"...

was common for someone to anger his father.

Someone was watching only because the Communist RAI3.

Someone was a communist fashion, someone on principle, some in frustration.

Someone was nationalized Communist because he wanted everything!

Someone was a communist because he did not know civil servants, parastatal bodies and the like ...

anyone was a Communist because he had mistaken the dialectical materialism for the Gospel According to Lenin.

because someone was a communist believed to have behind him the working class.

because someone was a communist was more common than others.

Someone was a communist because there was a large Communist Party.

Someone was a communist though there was the Great Communist Party.

Someone was a communist because there was nothing better.

Someone was because we had the worst communist Socialist party in Europe!

Someone was because the communist state, worse than here, only Uganda ...

Someone was a communist because he was over forty years of Democrat governments incapable and mafiosi.

because someone was a communist Piazza Fontana, Brescia, la stazione di Bologna, l'Italicus, Ustica, eccetera, eccetera, eccetera!...

Qualcuno era comunista perché chi era contro, era comunista!

Qualcuno era comunista perché non sopportava più quella cosa sporca che ci ostiniamo a chiamare democrazia!

Qualcuno, qualcuno credeva di essere comunista, e forse era qualcos'altro.

Qualcuno era comunista perché sognava una libertà diversa da quella americana.

Qualcuno era comunista perché credeva di poter essere vivo e felice solo se lo erano anche gli altri.

Qualcuno era comunista perché aveva bisogno di una spinta verso qualcosa di nuovo, perché era disposto I change every day, because he felt the need for a different morality.

Because maybe it was just a force, a flight, a dream.

was just an impulse, a desire to change things, to change lives.

Someone was a communist because everyone was standing next to this momentum as more than himself: it was like two people in one. On the one hand the personal daily toil, and the other a sense of belonging to a race that he wanted to fly, to really change your life.

No, no regrets. Perhaps even then many had spread its wings without being able to fly like gulls hypothetical.

And now?

Even now it feels in two: one hand, the man entered, respectfully through the squalor of their daily survival, and on the other gull, even without the intention of the flight. Because now the dream has shrunk. Two

misery in one body.

(Giorgio Gaber)