Sunday, January 2, 2011

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invent nuclear Chicco Testa

“ ‘Io sono contrario a rapinare una banca, perché per progettare un piano ci vuole tanto tempo’. ‘Io sono favorevole, perché a metterlo in pratica si fa in fretta’. ‘Ma se ti beccano, finisci in carcere’. ‘Ma se non ti beccano, ci rimedi un sacco di soldi’. E tu sei a favore o contro il rapinare le banche? O non hai ancora una posizione?” Paradossale questo dialogo, vero? Eppure in televisione ne gira uno molto simile, in uno spot commissionato dal Forum Nucleare Italiano, a project that aims to reopen the debate on this energy source with a discussion between the different potions. Of course, not talking about bank robberies, but the topic is dealt with a dazzling light: one can be against, for or without position as you can cheer for either team football or are not sports fans.
But the most important and serious of the story is different: the forum attended by all the acronyms with the greatest interest in the business of nuclear power (currently about 25, including Eni and Edison), although the project is made to appear as neutral, only to reveal itself, with a sort of "Admission" of the president, as a party. But first things first: who is the president of the Forum? Chicco Testa, known pro-nuclear with a past president of Legambiente and then moved to positions opposite to those who claimed that he had already done most recently recognized for his moderate intentions to "split face" on Mario Tozzi on RAI-3, during We begin an episode of (sic) good. And luckily for the Italian Nuclear Forum "Your opinion is important! A few days ago on Channel Italy, in a imparzialissima transmission with four people on four in favor of nuclear energy, always dressed up with other measures of the same tendency, Head explained that the intent the Forum is to introduce nuclear power, "because the more you know something, the less you fear." Maybe, but many people fear nuclear power because it knows and remembers what caused the accident because of the not very distant as April 26, 1986. So, in a sense head threw the mask, thus indicating that this project is not just fair. That, however, it is easy to understand even peeking at the blog site, (pun that refers to "nuclear" (nuclear), but using the terms "new" (new) and clear (clean), a name In other words, that says it all). Here are some highlights: "The waste? Problem solvable. Why not take example from Sweden? "" The Miracle of the possible merger. Not for at least 20 years "(the title is misleading, the video that is proposed is a huge praise of nuclear power)," But a referendum in 1987 has really cleared the nuclear power? "" To those who still believe that nuclear power is the enemy renewables "... and so on. For goodness sake, everyone is free to say its about nuclear, but if you want to campaign in favor of that energy, saying it is made explicitly, not hiding behind the finger of impartiality, downplaying the disadvantages and problems are still open.


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