The news:
Bangkok, January 21 (TMNews) - Corals of the Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand are suffering from a serious process of bleaching due to rising water temperatures (which kills the algae that determines the color) caused by the weather phenomenon El Nino and the excessive growth of human activities near the barriers.
Thailand with her 3 thousand miles of coastline and numerous islands is one of the preferred destinations for diving enthusiasts.
According to a study published in October by a group of Australian researchers corals of the south-east Asia and Indian Ocean are dying en masse, the worst victims of mortality phenomenon in the last 10 years caused by heating of the water.
What is said between the industry:
yesterday after learning of the dramatic decision to close the marine parks have called various stakeholders, the response was unanimous Diving for hours as usual!
The environment minister said he wanted to quit, but in dance there are thousands of jobs and millions and millions of baht, บาท, ฿, who compensates the different company? The state Thai can be closed with an emergency decree, but then must come up with a lot of money!
Conclusion? For now it goes on as before, and possibly after meetings this weekend will come to you decision to close only in LOW SEASSON.
For those who do not be afraid to walk around the Similan and Phi Phi and then does not change anything, because the ban is only for those who dive! According to them who does not touch the coral snorkeling but remains flush with water to observe. The fault of the evil that touch all different, supporting the fins on corals, etc. ... In short, they did not understand a c @ ZZO as always! The problem is global sea temperature is above 30 ° corals die and that's that! Thus it was 10years ago, the Maldives, Thailand now, slowly the whole Indian Ocean.
moral of the story to the Maldives after 10years is all dead and then UTOPIA PURE believe that in 5-10 years all return as before, corals that have hundreds of years can not reproduce so quickly! The temperature drops, until the sea "bubbles" there is little to do ... We should all begin to change habits in our small, less air conditioning, less cars, less pollution, less ... UTOPIA! Rassegnamoci to see the skeleton of corals and tell our children how good it was the first sea ...
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