Alessandro Sallusti, current editor of Il Giornale, has produced in recent years, two rather technical details. The first is quite simple, is the classic "throw her racket in" accompanied by insults knows something Mario Adinolfi, who Sallusti, to Agora, it was felt to give the "idiot" and "big baby" who would "beat" (and we're talking about the same Sallusti that attributed to Travaglio, Di Pietro Santoro and to be the instigators of the instigators of hatred Tartaglia). When the insults are not enough, or prefer to avoid them, the second strategy comes into play, even more insidious: to invent falsehoods to attack the other person on a personal level. Examples abound, we must make do with the two most recent, December 1, the other day on January 3, cool cool of the day.
During a episode of "In wave "on La7, Sallusti said:" When a man (Tartaglia, ed) attempted to smash the head of Berlusconi, he, Travaglio, has claimed the right to hate this guy (Berlusconi, ed), and then, in Following the right to hate, if he wanted to pull his statue on a sit down ... because people have the right to hate. " The director of the Berlusconi family newspaper attributed to Labor the responsibility of his writings have led some people to take violent behavior on December 14 in Rome. Too bad that all that was patently false and that the reasoning of Sallust, as genially said Travaglio, was similar to that syllogism which reads: "The sausage is drink, drink quenches thirst, refreshes the salami." In short, the reporter of the events had actually said that everyone can hate whoever they like, provided it does not carry out violent acts, since no one, not even dictators, he never claimed to be loved, because the feelings you can not have any interference. But in the last two minutes of transmission Sallusti has ever managed to fire another "troubled by the same explanations very effective giving those people, the intellectuals, those of his fellow journalists who had signed the manifesto against Calabresi, then Calabresi was shot dead according to those words. " Hard replication Travaglio: "Just per niente, non ti permettere! Il manifesto contro Calabresi definiva il commissario Calabresi un torturatore, io sono uno dei pochi giornalisti che hanno sostenuto le sentenze che hanno condannato Soffri! Gira al largo da quell’argomento, perché hai preso quello sbagliato…”. Sallusti, bisbigliante, a sigla finale partita, “non sto dicendo che tu hai firmato quel manifesto, sto dicendo che sei come loro”, aveva tentato, insomma, di far passare Travaglio come un nemico di Calabresi con un paragone inqualificabile. Ma veniamo all’ultima trovata di questo genio incompreso, ad Omnibus di questa mattina. Nel mirino di Sallusti c’è Ritanna Armeni: “Rita (sbaglia pure nome, ndr) arriva da una political history that was flanked by Baptists. " Answered by the Armenians: "Are you saying that I should have been supporters of the Baptist? Because I'm not a lawyer, but I could always take it. " Sallusti: "Arrivals from The Manifesto! The Manifesto has never defended Suffer, has never defended the exiles in Paris? Never? ". Understand the reasoning? Before you accuse someone of being supporter of terrorists, then it is said that this view is due to the newspaper where you write or wrote, in an editorial as if everyone thought the same way. But here probably the only "terrorist" is Sallusti. "A terrorist," to use the words with which Cicchitto alla Camera definì Travaglio, “mediatico”.
During a episode of "In wave "on La7, Sallusti said:" When a man (Tartaglia, ed) attempted to smash the head of Berlusconi, he, Travaglio, has claimed the right to hate this guy (Berlusconi, ed), and then, in Following the right to hate, if he wanted to pull his statue on a sit down ... because people have the right to hate. " The director of the Berlusconi family newspaper attributed to Labor the responsibility of his writings have led some people to take violent behavior on December 14 in Rome. Too bad that all that was patently false and that the reasoning of Sallust, as genially said Travaglio, was similar to that syllogism which reads: "The sausage is drink, drink quenches thirst, refreshes the salami." In short, the reporter of the events had actually said that everyone can hate whoever they like, provided it does not carry out violent acts, since no one, not even dictators, he never claimed to be loved, because the feelings you can not have any interference. But in the last two minutes of transmission Sallusti has ever managed to fire another "troubled by the same explanations very effective giving those people, the intellectuals, those of his fellow journalists who had signed the manifesto against Calabresi, then Calabresi was shot dead according to those words. " Hard replication Travaglio: "Just per niente, non ti permettere! Il manifesto contro Calabresi definiva il commissario Calabresi un torturatore, io sono uno dei pochi giornalisti che hanno sostenuto le sentenze che hanno condannato Soffri! Gira al largo da quell’argomento, perché hai preso quello sbagliato…”. Sallusti, bisbigliante, a sigla finale partita, “non sto dicendo che tu hai firmato quel manifesto, sto dicendo che sei come loro”, aveva tentato, insomma, di far passare Travaglio come un nemico di Calabresi con un paragone inqualificabile. Ma veniamo all’ultima trovata di questo genio incompreso, ad Omnibus di questa mattina. Nel mirino di Sallusti c’è Ritanna Armeni: “Rita (sbaglia pure nome, ndr) arriva da una political history that was flanked by Baptists. " Answered by the Armenians: "Are you saying that I should have been supporters of the Baptist? Because I'm not a lawyer, but I could always take it. " Sallusti: "Arrivals from The Manifesto! The Manifesto has never defended Suffer, has never defended the exiles in Paris? Never? ". Understand the reasoning? Before you accuse someone of being supporter of terrorists, then it is said that this view is due to the newspaper where you write or wrote, in an editorial as if everyone thought the same way. But here probably the only "terrorist" is Sallusti. "A terrorist," to use the words with which Cicchitto alla Camera definì Travaglio, “mediatico”.
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