Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chap Stick Wedding Favor

Brigades Borghezio

“Roma ladrona non fa un c***o”. “Pensate se ai nostri nonni avessero raccontato che noi ci facciamo togliere i canti natalizi da una banda di cornuti islamici di m***a. Detto con il massimo rispetto per tutte queste palandrane of f *** ing. " "The league had indicated to time, Viale Yemen, a hotbed of Islamic bastards bastards who had to throw out a kick up the c ** o!. "We'll give us the vote to non-EU ... so we give him the vote! (It's the gesture of the umbrella, ed) and we want the 8x1000 generous. We give you the 1000x1000 of illegals kicked out in c ** o!. "The other day we were stopped: we had no clubs, no sticks, only a few fiaccoletta innocent! Of course, if some rows of frock coat caught on fire, there was nothing wrong. " "These imams who confuse our country with a land of conquest, if we put well head or provide the state with the new law or we go to take him by the beard and go kicked out in c ** o, from the Po Valley and Italy! Words cautious and moderate. " "We are all here and everyone in the fighting position against that of supercazzola Prodi, Europe's m *** to!". "(For the French neo-fascists, ed) I am not afraid to put on the cover in our magazine the Celtic cross, because it is the symbol of our tradition. Some say it is a symbol of Nazi, fascist ... I do not care, it is not true. " Those who have just read are just some of the many quotes of that which is very moderate MEP Mario Borghezio. Lo stesso Borghezio che, dopo aver infiammato folle padane con discorsi secessionisti, intrisi di odio e razzismo e aver tenuto lezione fuori porta ai neofascisti su come infiltrarsi nelle istituzioni in Francia, si permette di attaccare  Andrea Camilleri (reo di aver aderito a questo appello), accusandolo di aver fatto un discorso da “simpatizzante delle Brigate Rosse, eversivo, un discorso parabrigatista”. Ma la vergogna?


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