Friday, November 12, 2010

Foot Condition_symptoms

The time of the release of Aung San Suu Kyi is approaching. Historical

"Aung San Suu Kyi is now free." These are the words of the spokesman for the Noble prize for peace, the lawyer Nyan Win.

Time the release of Aung San Suu Kyi approaches. The frenzy of the police outside his home in Yangon is growing, while its supporters are gathering outside the headquarters of his party, the NLD , the National League for Democracy .

His lawyer, Nyan Win, speaking to reporters, had indicated that there was no reason to prolong the detention of Suu Kyi, who has already planned a meeting with the NLD central committee and journalists. However, Democratic leaders had warned that if the condition was imposed as the waiver political activity, had refused to release.

The release would be a few days after the election farce decided by the ruling military junta, boycotted dall'Nld. And 'this is the cause for which the junta has ordered the dissolution of the party, who had triumphed in the last democratic elections in the country after which Suu Ki was placed under house arrest. The results of the last election are not yet fully known.

13:01 - Some of the NLD leader, urged supporters of the Nobel Prize for Peace in leave home and come back tomorrow motion because, now seems unlikely that the Burmese opposition leader be released today, as was believed in an atmosphere full of anticipation and speculation. He reports the site Irrawaddy, Burmese news organization in the Diaspora.

18:15 - MIIT Burmese junta has granted the the entry visa for his younger son Kim Aris . The visa was issued Burmese embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, where he would go specifically for the upcoming release of the mother. The two do not have any type of communication for over ten years. Suu Kyi has another son, Alexander, more of Kim.

The release of the Nobel Prize for Peace is a matter of hours. Over two thousand supporters gathered outside the headquarters of his party, but one of the leaders invited them to go home and come back tomorrow, because now is not the issue most likely to happen today.



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