Sunday, November 7, 2010

Projection Sony Tv, Model Kp-7220

second place for the Italian tour in Phuket World



You can be disappointed for a second place finish against a couple who fielded the winner of the last two Olympic Games (Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008)?

Definitely, definitely, definitely not ...

The blue patrol back to Phuket, Thailand, the most recently stored data location step of the Swatch FIVB World Tour, conquistando una medaglia d'argento che ha davvero dell'incredibile: è il miglior risultato italiano di sempre, è un punto di partenza per il progetto di un gruppo in pieno divenire e perfettibile che ora, lo sappiamo bene, può avere un futuro.

Con Marta Menegatti ; che in questa stagione si conferma autenticamente un grande talento. Ottima non solo per il suo livello tecnico, ma per la sua capacità di cambiare partner e di esprimere comunque una continuità di risultati che ha davvero qualcosa di spettacolare ed unico.

Nell'estate 2010 ha disputato la massima competizione juniores continentale (Kos, Grecia, insieme a Laura Giombini) and most important international exhibition (Alanya, Turkey, along with Victoria Orsi Toth) and arrived two silver medals.

She and Greta Cicolari ( absent in the last two events of the circuit champion in Asia due to injury) since 2009 are the first pair blue that made us realize how important something was starting to grow: the fourth place in Sanya 12 months ago we revived the emotions of this year ...

The novelty of this summer was Elisa Cell: not a novice in the beach-volley, and between World Tour and CEV stages Challenger and Satellite has grown exponentially, in silence, as is his style, working hard, learning with humility and adapting to a reality which came fully into her skin

With his partner also debut with the blue jacket, Valeria Red , who was his companion until Elisa is back in the gym with his team indoors. For Vally this 2010 is really the pinnacle of his activity on the beach, started Lucia Bacchi, in 2009 was accompanied by Costagrande Carolina this summer with Elisa was able to continuously improve and refine that talent that undoubtedly pure eclectic has not by chance as it did in A1 its Novara, in the last year racing, where he confirmed the only true universal player Italian.

Up to play some games even with free, given that it is not just for people like you are a natural plant extract ...


A female national team, under the technical guidance of coach Lissandro, then took a first place in the Continental Cup of Pool played in Las Palmas, Spain, in mid-October.

From here you can start again: the hope that the positive end of this year to cultivate a natural follow-up through 2011, a season essential in key Olympic qualification, to acquire and climbing the key positions in the international ranking.

In this reading, let's not forget Daniela Gioria Momoli and Giulia, whose vintage is not justiciable, as Daniel's injury did unfortunately miss too many appointments. There will be time for them to recover ...

Next, and this is purely personal opinion, should be a season where I want to speak only the results: ignoring everything else, the understandable bitterness of being out of the national selection, the "revolution" that counts .... I think the technical choice should always be respected, even if painful against it, and this always happens in all sports.

Although forced to face each new year the problem of raising the necessary financial means for the continuation, for an independent team is essential: God lifted the ball, unfortunately, the situation in Italy does not provide for minority sports as is unfortunately still different solutions to the beach ....

only leave space to play discipline: and at the end of the forthcoming year we will make the necessary accounts, the "meritocracy" as applied to sports always works ...

notation: the reflection comes from person proud member of the group, on the social network facebok gathers supporters of our team, "fuchsia". Let me be clear: the color, blue or different, does not count anything: in 2011 there is a dream to pursue, and that started auspiciously this week ... There is a

Olympic qualification which must be reached: we do not know at present among all the girls who will represent Italy. But it is certain that we only want results: clear, satisfactory, we can fill the net with pride as happened today.

For technical assessments will be playing time will be good if those who have made and will be glimpsed in the direction, the question will arise if they are not supported ... but now rest here, in fact you athletes unwind for a few months and then be all ready to take a path that, in light objective, it becomes common to distinguish even with the highlighted ..


Once this premise, we return one last time to tell the ending of the World Tour: Kerri Walsh won the 39th title of his brilliant career, as the prediction of the vigil was to assign it widely.

With his partner Nicole Branagh, the seeded No 4 have defeated our hard-beachers tricolor, who made a sensational ride from the board losing to the seeded No 16: 2-1 the response of a beautiful final, which has entertained and wowed the audience (even with a better presence of our countrymen ..) and closed in 63 minutes, signed the partial score of 21-23, 21-14 and 15-11.


Carolina and Maria Clara Salgado (8) have rather won the bronze medal, defeating the brave Dutch Sanne Keizer / Marleen Van Iersel (11): 2-0 the final result in 42 total minutes of play (21-17 and 21-14).

Title Kerri today granting the record of victories of all time after that for the previous two years had held firm at 38 laurels (established in 2008 along with its historical partner of the sand, the magical Misty May- Treanor), when he also played his last round nel circuito iridato.


Dopo due vispi bimbi (maggio 2009 e 2010), è tornata: ed ancora sul gradino del podio che compete alle Regine… Un vero fenomeno: a Sanya, settimana scorsa, è arrivata quinta con la Branagh (nel 2008 avevano vinto a Dubai, l’unico precedente assieme..), prendendo le misure, state attente, Juliana Felisberta da Silva e Larissa Franca, la “castigatrice” è tornata e non pare essere cambiata molto..

Ecco le sue parole, dall’alto della sua statura, la donna dalla lunga coda e dagli occhi di ghiaccio si è così espressa: “Mi sembra di essere tornata in un mondo diverso da quello solito che avevo lasciato, troppo tempo era passato in questi 24 mesi…La vittoria ha un sapore speciale, è la mia prima da mamma…Adesso sono stanca, ma mi sento bene: stamattina prima della partita ero molto nervosa, ma ora sono felice ed euforica !”.

Le statunitensi diventano la quarta coppia assoluta femminile a vincere una tappa FIVB dopo essersi aggiudicate cinque gare nel tabellone perdenti (n.d.r. anche Rosso/Menegatti avrebbero potuto fare lo stesso....).

Come si diceva ieri, lo stop patito dalle giocatrici degli States ad opera delle Iberian Elsa Baquerizo / Liliana Fernandez Steiner has been absorbed with skill: and now, after having been taken by surprise in the first part from the enthusiasm and vehement beginning of our athletes, the more experienced players have responded and impact in the September 2


In the tiebreaker, Stars and Stripes, the duo has put his head back at 5-4: and then, thanks in part to a 6-2 in their favor, put the arrow decisive overtaking 6 / 11, finished the race.

Menegatti / Red, games on the sly, had entered yesterday Club in matters of beach volleyball italiano: in precedenza solo cinque coppie avevano raggiunto una semifinale, scandita da un unico bronzo (2001). Dopo questa domenica novembrina, diventano le prime a disputare un match che assegnava il gradino più alto del podio: ed hanno scritto una pagina che nella Storia del movimento sarà ricordata e resterà impressa negli anni….

Tra l’altro, sono andate vicinissime ad essere davvero le prime in un clamoroso record nello Swatch FIVB World Tour: vale a dire a vincere un evento dopo aver perso al primo turno del Main Draw: nessuno lo ha fatto in 19 anni !

Il resto è qualcosa di fantastico e da raccontare ai propri children, patting their heads around a fireplace and sipping a drink, while small listeners widening their eyes in disbelief: a couple who was born by chance was able to win seven consecutive races and touch the gold, not disfiguring, even ...


known as Valeria Rosso to the microphones of reporters after the ceremony: "In truth we were convinced we could win this gold medal: I am saying here and I do not deny, we enter into field with a great desire, we were not totally satisfied with what we had done. More could be gratified, but not us, who we know the know, we have given everything to the last ball has been dropped ...

If I find a key to reading technique to defeat, I must say that today we have not served him well: but ... when we were there with a medal around his neck We look in their eyes, we hugged and we understand better what we had done something great, we both grew a lot. "

Salgado sisters were among the victims of our beautiful girls, the defeat in the semi-final was relegated to the end part, where they collected the third bronze medal in 2010 and ninth in their careers.

Maria Clara, smiling malgrado l’evidente delusione, ha rilevato. “Inutile rimarcarlo: avremmo voluto giocare un’altra finale, quella più importante. ..Va bene lo stesso: abbiamo finito in crescendo (n.d.r. quarte a Sanya, in Cina), anche se eravamo stanche perché in Brasile abbiamo preso parte anche al Tour nazionale. Anzi, adesso torniamo a casa per la prossima tappa…Il lato positivo di questa annata è che l’anno prossimo, grazie a quello che siamo state capaci di fare, non dovremo più disputare i Country Quota !”.

Le quarte classificate, Keizer/Van Iersel, hanno sconfitto in precedenza le coppie teste di serie n. 2 e 3, prima di perdere la semifinale contro le future vincitrici: prima del match per il bronzo, avevano sconfitto tre volte su quattro le sudamericane.

Una curiosità finale: nella gara valida per il terzo gradino del podio erano di fronte le due giocatrici con il servizio più letale del World Tour, vale a dire la Van Iersel e Maria Clara Salgado (rispettivamente prima e seconda nella speciale classifica che ne riporta e registra la velocità assoluta… ).

Phuket, nelle sue cinque edizioni fin qui organizzate, vede dunque quattro successi finali americani: con la Walsh che ha vinto anche nel 2007 (con Misty) e Jennifer Kessy/April Ross nel 2008 e 2009.

E’ proprio tutto per l’ultimo appuntamento che ho condiviso con voi nello Swatch FIVB World Tour 2010: anzi no, non è finita, tra qualche settimana vi relazionerò sugli Awards che verranno assegnati nelle varie categorie di merito.


Beach Volley Magazine vi traghetterà poi di consueto fino alla prossima stagione: con la Continental Cup , con tutte le notizie che, si spera, saranno sempre di vostro interesse.

La copertura è stata davvero completa ed impegnativa: World Tour FIVB , CEV (Satellite and Challenger Finals), AVP (as long as there ..) and Banco do Brasil, World and European Junior Championships, all always full, nothing is missed ...

For next year there are plans for make this magazine even more interesting electronic and in-depth, we hope to achieve them all, your feedback is essential that the spring urges us to be more complete.

My thanks to those who last year also has given me the "management" of the International and European and also the people who created this landmark of the beach volleyball, pronti a credere da subito come fosse importante in Italia una informazione più attenta alla disciplina.

B.V.M. cresce di anno in anno e voi con noi, grazie di cuore per tutti i riscontri che ci vengono dati e che ci fanno piacere quando vengono riferiti ai diretti interessati.

Specialmente perché nessuno di noi è un giornalista professionista e si ritaglia gli spazi per postare unicamente tra il lavoro e gli impegni della propria vita: che continua inesorabile ed implacabile tra un resoconto e l’altro…

Con vittorie e sconfitte, più o meno come per i campioni e le campionesse che amiamo con voi…

The appointment is early, and always follow us ... .. STAY TUNED!



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