Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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The Thai cuisine in restaurants Autogrill

Autogrill opens a window on ethnic food and houses for two weeks, December 4 to 15 , the Thai cuisine in restaurants Hello to some of the major airports Italian, from Fiumicino airport to Malpensa, Linate of Capodichino and the Termini station in Rome. The "Taste the flavors of Thailand " was presented today by the Director-General for Communication and Institutional Affairs of Thailand and Ambassador Joseph Cerroni Somsakdi Suriyawongse in Rome at Villa Thai, the Thai Embassy and the Embassy Minister Counsellor Commercial prsso Chucherd Suchan. Hello Autogrill will be nine restaurants where you can taste some typical dishes like rice noodles with shrimp and rice noodles with chicken, dishes that have ensured the representatives of Thailand, will marry the best Italian wines.

"The consumption of ethnic food in Italy has increased in both the catering in the home - Cerroni said during the press conference - 28% in 2008 and 37% in 2009, also 15 out of 100 families at home eat ethnic dishes. A trend that is explained by more frequent trips to exotic destinations. Although Italians are in some ways conservative in terms of food, and love their local products, thus shows a willingness to explore the foods that do not belong to our tradition. "

" Autogrill began a collaboration with the Thai government because passionate about food quality, and since that caters to traveling consumatorui - Cerroni said - believes that this will be a great test to see which is the perception of the average, partly because it ended the season for restaurants Chinese ". The Thai ambassador Suriyawongse showed that the" Thai food is recognized as the third most popular in the world, and its appeal of Thai cuisine lies not only in taste but also the presentation of his dishes nell'attrattiva " . The export of food, accounting for 18% of total exports from Thailand in 2010 and expects to expand up to 20% on a turnover of 16 billion euro. The initiative has been dubbed "a bridge sublime "Ambassador.

Depending on the locations," Enjoy the flavors of Thailand "follows calendars. In particular, will take place December 1 to 15 airports of Linate and Lombard Malpensa airport and the mall carousel Carugate (Milan), December 4 to 7 at the Termini station in Rome, 5-7 at Fiumicino airport in Rome and Bologna Marconi, from 9 to 11 December at the airport Capodichino and finally 10 to 12 at the airports of Bari Palese and Catania Fontanarossa. "Autogrill represents a privileged observatory on new trends in food, for three years has successfully launched several restaurants in the corner Hello Asia, dedicated to oriental food," said Cerroni. In 2009 the customers of the corner in Asia Autogrill restaurants were more than 31,000, with a margin of 10% of the total score. Asia already has a corner at Malpensa and is expected by December the opening of a new corner in Asia Fiumicino. In addition, you can eat sushi in the Fiera Milano Hello.

Source: http://www.affaritaliani.it/green/autogrill29112011.html

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lord Of The Rings Hentei

Boia deh!!! è iniziata...

Dear friends, dear friends!
Today we are so happy ...
was a bit 'of time than surf the web in the world of B & B & B and went to see how it was going to the "Week of the Barter ...
How exciting! Please, go have a look on facebook
the first page and do not stop, nor the second, third, fourth ...
It 's amazing, there are hundreds of ads, more than 20,000 members, a sea of \u200b\u200bpeople who are experiencing a new kind of tourism. Villavillacolle had a great idea, true, and Gianbattista Scivoletto organized the big two "weeks", also true, but this revolution is about YOU! Why
visiting our facebook page seems to us to see just a revolution in progress. Thousands of people free themselves from the economy of money, the market economy to move closer to a gift economy! Why barter
di oggi è diverso dal baratto di qualche millennio fa. Non nasce come transazione commerciale ma nasce come offerta e richiesta di incontro, di condivisione, di arricchimento umano reciproco. Nasce e si svilupperà sempre di più, nel turismo dei B&B&B ma anche in tanti altre occasioni del quotidiano, come un esempio di Economia del Dono.
Una nuova economia, a misura d'essere umano, che metta ogni donna ed ogni uomo al centro, che lasci spazio all'amore, alla condivisione, alla collaborazione... Si amiche e amici, oggi siamo convinti che quest'altra economia è iniziata e siccome siamo e resteremo livornesi nell'animo, permetteteci un bel Boia deh! che bellezza!

P.S. Le mail che riceviamo superano our ability to respond ... Maybe meet you all and all! We are increasingly less and less Villavillacolle travel and enjoy ... But now, Italy is full of many Villavillacolle and many more will come ...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Benefits Of Floor Wipers Exercise

The water festival is reprocessing in Cambodian massacre

a joyful religious holiday has turned into tragedy in Cambodia at least 345 people - but the number is set to rise -, many of them women, were killed tonight and at least 440 were injured in the stampede of a narrow bridge in the capital Phnom Penh, where millions of Cambodians flocked to the three days of traditional Christmas Water, transformed at the very end of the festivities into tragedy. A trigger the panic, as evoked by a reporter from the newspaper in the English language Phnom Penh Post, the hoses may have been the police, who tried to hasten the removal of the bridge connecting the city to the islet Diamond Island at the end of the festivities, causing the stampede among the thousands who thronged the.
The cause of the fire hydrants police? - Several witnesses also speak of an electric shock that would have struck several people, and that, according to the journalist, could have been caused by water hitting the fire hydrants festoons lights that cover the span of the bridge. With the wave of panic, those who fell into the river, drowning, was crushed, stritolato, soffocato dalla folla in preda al panico improvviso. Un medico, citato dalla Cnn, dice che molti corpi hanno segni di scariche elettriche e che fra i morti vi sono anche dei poliziotti. Il portavoce del governo ha detto che "le vittime sono morte per lo più per soffocamento o per lesioni interne".
"E' la più grande tragedia dai tempi di Pol Pot" - Così ha dichiarato in tv il primo ministro cambogiano, Hun sen, riferendosi al dittatore sanguinario a capo del regime dei Khmer Rossi accusato di aver sterminato 1,7 milioni di cambogiani. Ad aggiornare i bilanci in tempo reale in diretta televisiva a notte fonda è stato lo stesso primo ministro cambogiano, alternandosi con un portavoce. Le cifre overlapped in frantic growth: 17, then 84, only 105 of Calmette Hospital, and then again 180, 278 (of which 240 are women), 313, 339, then 345. Figures always preceded dall'avverbio "at least" the budget - has made it clear the prime minister when the numbers of the dead were already three-digit "is set to worsen again." Hun Sen has apologized to his people for the massacre, he made his condolences to the families of the victims and held a day of national mourning for Thursday.
Images - The TV has aired on desperate people crying heaps of corpses, while dozens of ambulances crowded, late at night, the scene of the tragedy. "We were crossing the bridge to Diamond Island, when some people began to push the opposite side. There were terrible cries of panic. People started running, falling over each other. I too fell. I'm still alive because someone else put me in the foot, "said Kruon Hay, 23 years. The bridge where is the massacre took place is what connects the city to Diamond Island (Koh Pitch), the heart of the festivities, which rises Tonle Sap River, which in turn connects the great Mekong River to Lake Bled. on the island had just played a concert after the traditional races.
The largest rump of Cambodia - Every year millions come to Phnom Penh Cambodians to attend the Water Festival (Bom Om in Khmer language), one of Cambodia's most important holiday, which lasts three days and takes place in late autumn. For the occasion, people watering each other with water as the sign of good wishes for the new year. During the Water Festival are also held races between boats. The annual festival falls in October or November at the full moon, when the current of the Tonle Sap river, which normally flows into the Mekong River, reverses its flow for the full season and fills the Mekong upstream, the great lake, Tonle Sap , flooding the surrounding plains, ensuring good harvests and fish in abundance. For this it is a sort of thanksgiving to the river Mekong

November 22, 2010 Source: http://notizie.tiscali.it/articoli/esteri/10/11/22/calca_cambogia.html

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Return to paradise ... Photographic story of a trip with friends to the Similan Islands (Southern Thailand)

Photo 13 of 61 Back to Album · My Photos

A fantastic voyage the Similan Islands, a group of 10amici for two days and one night in Heaven ... Regularly add photos and descriptions on my facebook profile of this experience, those without access to the photos must register for the social network that my address:

Phuket Facebook friends updated with pictures & video

collegati a facebook amicidiphuket

Friday, November 12, 2010

Foot Condition_symptoms

The time of the release of Aung San Suu Kyi is approaching. Historical

"Aung San Suu Kyi is now free." These are the words of the spokesman for the Noble prize for peace, the lawyer Nyan Win.

Time the release of Aung San Suu Kyi approaches. The frenzy of the police outside his home in Yangon is growing, while its supporters are gathering outside the headquarters of his party, the NLD , the National League for Democracy .

His lawyer, Nyan Win, speaking to reporters, had indicated that there was no reason to prolong the detention of Suu Kyi, who has already planned a meeting with the NLD central committee and journalists. However, Democratic leaders had warned that if the condition was imposed as the waiver political activity, had refused to release.

The release would be a few days after the election farce decided by the ruling military junta, boycotted dall'Nld. And 'this is the cause for which the junta has ordered the dissolution of the party, who had triumphed in the last democratic elections in the country after which Suu Ki was placed under house arrest. The results of the last election are not yet fully known.

13:01 - Some of the NLD leader, urged supporters of the Nobel Prize for Peace in leave home and come back tomorrow motion because, now seems unlikely that the Burmese opposition leader be released today, as was believed in an atmosphere full of anticipation and speculation. He reports the site Irrawaddy, Burmese news organization in the Diaspora.

18:15 - MIIT Burmese junta has granted the the entry visa for his younger son Kim Aris . The visa was issued Burmese embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, where he would go specifically for the upcoming release of the mother. The two do not have any type of communication for over ten years. Suu Kyi has another son, Alexander, more of Kim.

The release of the Nobel Prize for Peace is a matter of hours. Over two thousand supporters gathered outside the headquarters of his party, but one of the leaders invited them to go home and come back tomorrow, because now is not the issue most likely to happen today.

Link: http://it.peacereporter.net

Sunday, November 7, 2010

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second place for the Italian tour in Phuket World

Source: http://www.beachvolleymagazine.it


You can be disappointed for a second place finish against a couple who fielded the winner of the last two Olympic Games (Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008)?

Definitely, definitely, definitely not ...

The blue patrol back to Phuket, Thailand, the most recently stored data location step of the Swatch FIVB World Tour, conquistando una medaglia d'argento che ha davvero dell'incredibile: è il miglior risultato italiano di sempre, è un punto di partenza per il progetto di un gruppo in pieno divenire e perfettibile che ora, lo sappiamo bene, può avere un futuro.

Con Marta Menegatti ; che in questa stagione si conferma autenticamente un grande talento. Ottima non solo per il suo livello tecnico, ma per la sua capacità di cambiare partner e di esprimere comunque una continuità di risultati che ha davvero qualcosa di spettacolare ed unico.

Nell'estate 2010 ha disputato la massima competizione juniores continentale (Kos, Grecia, insieme a Laura Giombini) and most important international exhibition (Alanya, Turkey, along with Victoria Orsi Toth) and arrived two silver medals.

She and Greta Cicolari ( absent in the last two events of the circuit champion in Asia due to injury) since 2009 are the first pair blue that made us realize how important something was starting to grow: the fourth place in Sanya 12 months ago we revived the emotions of this year ...

The novelty of this summer was Elisa Cell: not a novice in the beach-volley, and between World Tour and CEV stages Challenger and Satellite has grown exponentially, in silence, as is his style, working hard, learning with humility and adapting to a reality which came fully into her skin

With his partner also debut with the blue jacket, Valeria Red , who was his companion until Elisa is back in the gym with his team indoors. For Vally this 2010 is really the pinnacle of his activity on the beach, started Lucia Bacchi, in 2009 was accompanied by Costagrande Carolina this summer with Elisa was able to continuously improve and refine that talent that undoubtedly pure eclectic has not by chance as it did in A1 its Novara, in the last year racing, where he confirmed the only true universal player Italian.

Up to play some games even with free, given that it is not just for people like you are a natural plant extract ...


A female national team, under the technical guidance of coach Lissandro, then took a first place in the Continental Cup of Pool played in Las Palmas, Spain, in mid-October.

From here you can start again: the hope that the positive end of this year to cultivate a natural follow-up through 2011, a season essential in key Olympic qualification, to acquire and climbing the key positions in the international ranking.

In this reading, let's not forget Daniela Gioria Momoli and Giulia, whose vintage is not justiciable, as Daniel's injury did unfortunately miss too many appointments. There will be time for them to recover ...

Next, and this is purely personal opinion, should be a season where I want to speak only the results: ignoring everything else, the understandable bitterness of being out of the national selection, the "revolution" that counts .... I think the technical choice should always be respected, even if painful against it, and this always happens in all sports.

Although forced to face each new year the problem of raising the necessary financial means for the continuation, for an independent team is essential: God lifted the ball, unfortunately, the situation in Italy does not provide for minority sports as is unfortunately still different solutions to the beach ....

only leave space to play discipline: and at the end of the forthcoming year we will make the necessary accounts, the "meritocracy" as applied to sports always works ...

notation: the reflection comes from person proud member of the group, on the social network facebok gathers supporters of our team, "fuchsia". Let me be clear: the color, blue or different, does not count anything: in 2011 there is a dream to pursue, and that started auspiciously this week ... There is a

Olympic qualification which must be reached: we do not know at present among all the girls who will represent Italy. But it is certain that we only want results: clear, satisfactory, we can fill the net with pride as happened today.

For technical assessments will be playing time will be good if those who have made and will be glimpsed in the direction, the question will arise if they are not supported ... but now rest here, in fact you athletes unwind for a few months and then be all ready to take a path that, in light objective, it becomes common to distinguish even with the highlighted ..


Once this premise, we return one last time to tell the ending of the World Tour: Kerri Walsh won the 39th title of his brilliant career, as the prediction of the vigil was to assign it widely.

With his partner Nicole Branagh, the seeded No 4 have defeated our hard-beachers tricolor, who made a sensational ride from the board losing to the seeded No 16: 2-1 the response of a beautiful final, which has entertained and wowed the audience (even with a better presence of our countrymen ..) and closed in 63 minutes, signed the partial score of 21-23, 21-14 and 15-11.


Carolina and Maria Clara Salgado (8) have rather won the bronze medal, defeating the brave Dutch Sanne Keizer / Marleen Van Iersel (11): 2-0 the final result in 42 total minutes of play (21-17 and 21-14).

Title Kerri today granting the record of victories of all time after that for the previous two years had held firm at 38 laurels (established in 2008 along with its historical partner of the sand, the magical Misty May- Treanor), when he also played his last round nel circuito iridato.


Dopo due vispi bimbi (maggio 2009 e 2010), è tornata: ed ancora sul gradino del podio che compete alle Regine… Un vero fenomeno: a Sanya, settimana scorsa, è arrivata quinta con la Branagh (nel 2008 avevano vinto a Dubai, l’unico precedente assieme..), prendendo le misure, state attente, Juliana Felisberta da Silva e Larissa Franca, la “castigatrice” è tornata e non pare essere cambiata molto..

Ecco le sue parole, dall’alto della sua statura, la donna dalla lunga coda e dagli occhi di ghiaccio si è così espressa: “Mi sembra di essere tornata in un mondo diverso da quello solito che avevo lasciato, troppo tempo era passato in questi 24 mesi…La vittoria ha un sapore speciale, è la mia prima da mamma…Adesso sono stanca, ma mi sento bene: stamattina prima della partita ero molto nervosa, ma ora sono felice ed euforica !”.

Le statunitensi diventano la quarta coppia assoluta femminile a vincere una tappa FIVB dopo essersi aggiudicate cinque gare nel tabellone perdenti (n.d.r. anche Rosso/Menegatti avrebbero potuto fare lo stesso....).

Come si diceva ieri, lo stop patito dalle giocatrici degli States ad opera delle Iberian Elsa Baquerizo / Liliana Fernandez Steiner has been absorbed with skill: and now, after having been taken by surprise in the first part from the enthusiasm and vehement beginning of our athletes, the more experienced players have responded and impact in the September 2


In the tiebreaker, Stars and Stripes, the duo has put his head back at 5-4: and then, thanks in part to a 6-2 in their favor, put the arrow decisive overtaking 6 / 11, finished the race.

Menegatti / Red, games on the sly, had entered yesterday Club in matters of beach volleyball italiano: in precedenza solo cinque coppie avevano raggiunto una semifinale, scandita da un unico bronzo (2001). Dopo questa domenica novembrina, diventano le prime a disputare un match che assegnava il gradino più alto del podio: ed hanno scritto una pagina che nella Storia del movimento sarà ricordata e resterà impressa negli anni….

Tra l’altro, sono andate vicinissime ad essere davvero le prime in un clamoroso record nello Swatch FIVB World Tour: vale a dire a vincere un evento dopo aver perso al primo turno del Main Draw: nessuno lo ha fatto in 19 anni !

Il resto è qualcosa di fantastico e da raccontare ai propri children, patting their heads around a fireplace and sipping a drink, while small listeners widening their eyes in disbelief: a couple who was born by chance was able to win seven consecutive races and touch the gold, not disfiguring, even ...


known as Valeria Rosso to the microphones of reporters after the ceremony: "In truth we were convinced we could win this gold medal: I am saying here and I do not deny, we enter into field with a great desire, we were not totally satisfied with what we had done. More could be gratified, but not us, who we know the know, we have given everything to the last ball has been dropped ...

If I find a key to reading technique to defeat, I must say that today we have not served him well: but ... when we were there with a medal around his neck We look in their eyes, we hugged and we understand better what we had done something great, we both grew a lot. "

Salgado sisters were among the victims of our beautiful girls, the defeat in the semi-final was relegated to the end part, where they collected the third bronze medal in 2010 and ninth in their careers.

Maria Clara, smiling malgrado l’evidente delusione, ha rilevato. “Inutile rimarcarlo: avremmo voluto giocare un’altra finale, quella più importante. ..Va bene lo stesso: abbiamo finito in crescendo (n.d.r. quarte a Sanya, in Cina), anche se eravamo stanche perché in Brasile abbiamo preso parte anche al Tour nazionale. Anzi, adesso torniamo a casa per la prossima tappa…Il lato positivo di questa annata è che l’anno prossimo, grazie a quello che siamo state capaci di fare, non dovremo più disputare i Country Quota !”.

Le quarte classificate, Keizer/Van Iersel, hanno sconfitto in precedenza le coppie teste di serie n. 2 e 3, prima di perdere la semifinale contro le future vincitrici: prima del match per il bronzo, avevano sconfitto tre volte su quattro le sudamericane.

Una curiosità finale: nella gara valida per il terzo gradino del podio erano di fronte le due giocatrici con il servizio più letale del World Tour, vale a dire la Van Iersel e Maria Clara Salgado (rispettivamente prima e seconda nella speciale classifica che ne riporta e registra la velocità assoluta… ).

Phuket, nelle sue cinque edizioni fin qui organizzate, vede dunque quattro successi finali americani: con la Walsh che ha vinto anche nel 2007 (con Misty) e Jennifer Kessy/April Ross nel 2008 e 2009.

E’ proprio tutto per l’ultimo appuntamento che ho condiviso con voi nello Swatch FIVB World Tour 2010: anzi no, non è finita, tra qualche settimana vi relazionerò sugli Awards che verranno assegnati nelle varie categorie di merito.


Beach Volley Magazine vi traghetterà poi di consueto fino alla prossima stagione: con la Continental Cup , con tutte le notizie che, si spera, saranno sempre di vostro interesse.

La copertura è stata davvero completa ed impegnativa: World Tour FIVB , CEV (Satellite and Challenger Finals), AVP (as long as there ..) and Banco do Brasil, World and European Junior Championships, all always full, nothing is missed ...

For next year there are plans for make this magazine even more interesting electronic and in-depth, we hope to achieve them all, your feedback is essential that the spring urges us to be more complete.

My thanks to those who last year also has given me the "management" of the International and European and also the people who created this landmark of the beach volleyball, pronti a credere da subito come fosse importante in Italia una informazione più attenta alla disciplina.

B.V.M. cresce di anno in anno e voi con noi, grazie di cuore per tutti i riscontri che ci vengono dati e che ci fanno piacere quando vengono riferiti ai diretti interessati.

Specialmente perché nessuno di noi è un giornalista professionista e si ritaglia gli spazi per postare unicamente tra il lavoro e gli impegni della propria vita: che continua inesorabile ed implacabile tra un resoconto e l’altro…

Con vittorie e sconfitte, più o meno come per i campioni e le campionesse che amiamo con voi…

The appointment is early, and always follow us ... .. STAY TUNED!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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The moralizing

Si può essere amici di mafiosi, facendoli stallieri or senators.
You can bribe a British lawyer with $ 600,000.
You can be enrolled in the P2 lodge.
can put pressure on the police station.
You can lie shamelessly.
can accommodate groups of girls in his harem-ville.
You can insult women with sexist jokes.
You can swear.
We can say something and deny it after half an hour.
You can not censor the free information.
You can use its media monopoly to destroy opponents.
You can kick anyone who dissents from his own party.
You can tell jokes and homophobic or racist.
You can expose Italy to international ridicule and jokes with horns.
You can insult and humiliate the judiciary.
minors can attend.
You can do this and much, much more. But
be gay ... no, that's not. It 'definitely immoral.

Monday, November 1, 2010

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A Phuket the last round of the Swatch FIVB World Tour 2010


For the sixth time in the beach of Karon Beach, Phuket, hosts a round of the World Tour and, like last year , this is the closing in this very intense season.

The men had already completed their schedule in late August at The Hague, the Netherlands, while the women, after Sanya (and China) still chose the lovely Asia for a "preview" at the end to a location very charming.

Let's see what happened in the five previous editions of the Phuket Thailand Open:

- in 2005 (they played an FIVB Challenger in order to promote tourism to the area after the terrible tsunami that had plagued the region) the success went the Nipponese Eiko Koizumi and Tanaka Shanako

- in 2006, in a final whole of China, Xue Chen / Zhang Xi defeated Jia Tian / Jie Wang: 2-0 (21-18 and 21-15) in 48 minutes. A curiosity: two years later, the Olympic Games in Beijing, Tian / Wang had the best on Xue / Zhang in the semis and then lost in the race that gave the first step of the podium against the "icons" Walsh / May-Treanor.


- nel 2007 Misty e Kerri superarono le connazionali Nicole Branagh ed Elaine Youngs: 2-1 (21-18, 16-21 e 15-13) in 58 minuti. Curioso gioco di incroci: Tian e Wang quell'anno ottennero il bronzo, l'anno prima Walsh/May conclusero terze (perdendo in semifinale con Xue/Zhang).

- nel 2008 l'oro andò a Jennifer Kessy ed April Ross: 2-1 (18-21, 21-14 e 15-12) in 63 minuti contro le connazionali Branagh e Turner.

- nel 2009 Jen & April si ripeterono contro Akers/Turner: 2-0 (21-12 e 21-17) in 37 minuti. Il podio tutto USA fu negato dalle russe Maria Bratkova ed Evgenia Ukolova, che divennero il primo team femminile del loro paese a conquistare una medaglia the Swatch FIVB World Tour in the final for third place were in fact the best 2-1 (15-21, 22-20 and 15-9) in 53 minutes over Lauren Fendrick and Ashley Ivy.


Phuket has about 80,000 inhabitants of the district capital, overlooking the Andaman Sea coast.

E 'divided into two sub-district (or Tambon): Talad Yai Talad Nuea.

several years can be reached from Bangkok by air with several minor lines, although they are still in use links by bus (duration: about 12 hours!).

impossible not to remember the disastrous tsunami in the Indian Ocean, December 26, 2004, made it tragically uno dei centri thailandesi maggiormente colpiti dal terribile evento.


Fonte: http://www.beachvolleymagazine.it

Opinie Cb President Lincoln

Four reasons why the gossip is not bunga bunga

These days the most berluscones faithful are bending over backwards to push through the latest scandal weblog Papi simple gossip, as they did during the case and Noemi D'Addario. In fact, the story is absolutely public interest. Here's why.

1) E 'absolutely disgraceful that a prime minister phones at police headquarters in Milan to pressures aimed avoidance custody of a girl under arrest for theft and for pushing, instead, to entrust all'igenista dental PDL and adviser in Lombardy Nicole Minetti. Yesterday in Capizzone in the province of Bergamo, two Moroccans (then of the same nationality of the girl) were arrested for theft aggravated. What have they stolen? Waste. Too bad that no president-hearted this time has bothered to give them a hand. After all, who think they are? Mica minors are regular at the villa in Arcore. The Importance of Being Ruby.
2) The President of the Council simply can not afford to expose themselves to risks of blackmail, but our Silvio does constantly. Every time he opens the doors of his harem of virgins in flocks without any search or inspection, makes it possible for anyone to record audio or video embarrassing able to subject it to any kind of blackmail. D'Addario docet.
3) The story may have penal consequences: do not forget that Lele Mora, Emilio Fede e Nicole Minetti sono indagati per favoreggiamento della prostituzione. Mica bruscolini.
4) Anche se può sembrare l’aspetto meno grave della vicenda, anche i “bunga bunga” di Silvio non sono da trascurare. Stiamo parlando di un signore che nel 2007, al Family Day, attacando i “cattolici di sinistra”, ha dichiarato: “Sono in una contraddizione insuperabile. Non si può essere allo stesso tempo cattolici, e come tali riguardosi della dottrina della Chiesa e dei suoi insegnamenti su varie questioni, e stare invece con chi è frontalmente dall'altra parte”. Ed è sempre lui che aprirà il Convegno nazionale della famiglia che si svolgerà a Milano dall’8 al 10 Novembre 2010. But what chutzpah?
These four reasons, in addition to the thousands of scandals we have witnessed in recent years, more than enough to demand the resignation of a prime minister who is not remotely worthy of representing a country like Italy.