Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sample Welcome Letter Wedding

opens a factory in Thailand! Oddities

Muzzarelli: confirmed the commitment to go ahead with the new plant, has addressed the situation with realism and concreteness

While the Ducati motor is going to pose the foundation stone of a new plant in Thailand (work begins in these days), the regional minister for Industry, Giancarlo Muzzarelli, try to bring peace between the CEO of the motorcycle, Gabriele Del Torchio, and trade unions that (concerned about the consequences of relocation Asia dell’ultima fase della produzione delle moto destinate ai mercati orientali per aggirare i dazi) chiedono garanzie per la fabbrica di Borgo Panigale e le aziende della filiera.

Del Torchio lascia il summit che si è svolto questa mattina in Regione con un «no comment», ma Muzzarelli assicura che l’accordo sottoscritto a suo tempo da istituzioni, azienda e sindacati per il trasloco nel nuovo stabilimento (sempre a Borgo) oggi è stato ribadito. Insomma, Ducati non diluisce la propria presenza a Bologna. «È stato confermato l’impegno ad andare avanti con il nuovo stabilimento - riferisce l’assessore - di fronte ai cambiamenti del mercato, si è affrontato con concretezza e realismo the situation. " For its part, the Region intends to conduct an in-depth Ervet through subcontracting local Ducati. "Companies should be of high quality and" physical "to compete, so we want to work on strengthening the mechanical sector, increasing the attractiveness of investing in regional and internationalization," Muzzarelli said. The secretary of Fiom

of Bologna, Bruno Papignani, however, wants to see clearly and not lean. "It was an interim meeting - say - it did not solve the problem nor has aggravated them. It served rather to reiterate our positions alderman. "

Meanwhile, apparently, the same Del Torchio is leaving tomorrow for Thailand to attend the start of work on the new production unit, where it was secured, the bikes are assembled for the Eastern markets, thus overcoming the obstacle of duty .



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